Exploring the Role of Photography in Life is Strange (2015)

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In the video game Life is Strange (2015), photography acts as a narrative device, a means of characterization, and a game mechanic, which allows the player to manipulate time and explore the human psyche. In my thesis, I explore photography’s diverse symbolic meanings, how it shapes the narrative, contributes to character development and as part of the gameplay. Photography acts as a narrative device as Max, the protagonist uses it to alter the past, altering the outcome of events. It is also used in a symbolic way, extending on the meaning of the phrase “capturing the moment,” and reflecting the subconscious minds of the characters, most importantly, Max’s and Jefferson’s. As a narrative device, photography foreshadows events that occur in the game through Max’s visiting of past events. However, the camera is also a means of abuse in the game. The corrupt place of the dark room represents the perverted psyche of the photography teacher Jefferson, who manipulates and exploits his victims.

photography, narrative device, symbolism, nostalgia, butterfly effect, foreshadowing, abuse