The Impact of the Railway on Everyday Life in the Victorian Era

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The Victorian Era is considered to be one of the most decisive periods not only in British but in European history as well. It was the age of innovations, new technologies that changed the country’s economy, society and everyday life. The greatest of these inventions is the railway, the new means of transporting goods and passengers, the symbol of modern Britain. The railway system spread in the country within a short period connecting the major cities with London, and changing not only the whole landscape but society as well. This phenomenon in Victorian times will be the focus of my writing. Since I will write social history, which is based on facts, my principal objective is to show that transport revolution was an inevitable side effect of the industrial revolution, so if there had not been an industrial revolution, a transport revolution would not have happened, or only later in history. Consequently, I will examine how major transformations happened in society due to the emergence of the railway, how cities and their population changed, and how this innovation affected especially the middle and working classes’ lifestyle and work patterns.

railway, urbanization, Great Britain