A Tale as Old as Time: Reimagining Cinderella Through Cinder, Marissa Meyer’s Empowering Cyberpunk Novel


The present paper sets out to analyze Marissa Meyer's novel Cinder. Through various themes Cinder matches the storyline of the classical Cinderella narrative. Meyer even uses a shortened version of her name as the title to indicate that it is an adaptation. Elements of Meyer's protagonist embodies the main characteristics of the original Cinderella personality-wise, while switching up her appearance to portray her as cyborg meanwhile setting the scene of the novel in a futuristic world surrounded by technology, but keeping elements of the past's culture. Positioning her in an environment of poverty in contrast to the high technology she works with. Her profession as being the best mechanic makes her even more outstanding as she subverts gender roles and social norms. Her disabled appearance emphasizes the importance of singularity and the value of personality over beauty as a tool of empowerment.

Cinderella, retelling, Cinder, cyberpunk, empowerment