The Representation of Obsession Through Joe Goldberg’s Character in YOU, Season 1 (2018)

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In the first season of the Netflix series YOU (2018), the theme of obsession takes center stage, offering a deep dive into the complexities of interpersonal relationships and the darker layers of romantic pursuit. My thesis attempts to unfold the multifaceted portrayal of obsession through the character of Joe Goldberg, exploring the psychological factors that drive his obsessive behavior in both romantic and non-romantic contexts. Drawing on Joe’s troubled childhood marked by neglect, abandonment, abuse, rigid discipline, and control, I explore how these formative experiences serve as a backdrop to his obsessive tendencies. The series vividly portrays Joe’s relentless quest for love, driven by distorted perceptions of affection and control, which manifests in possessive behaviors, stalking, manipulation, and the idealization of his romantic interest, Guinevere Beck. In a non-romantic context, the series also highlights Joe’s obsessive instincts toward protecting Paco, his neighbor’s son, as well as his attempt to project the illusion of an upstanding member of society that masks his underlying persona. The male gaze and the protector tropes are also examined, framing Joe’s obsessive behavior as justified while manipulating audience perceptions.

obsession, stalking, manipulation, abuse, trauma