Az információ energiaigényének jelentősége az információtechnológia kezdetétől napjainkig

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Today, many of the new invention information technology is displayed, helping the progress of mankind. Over the past few years, however, the increasing computing power and smaller size, more and more IT companies set the target of energy conservation developments. Consciously paying attention to our environment nowadays is matter of life and death. Today's "green computing" a lot of things for us during the fashionable expression. Examples include the environmental equipment of the manufacture, use, and their destruction as well. In my thesis I consider these issues of consumption energy into more detail and describe its indirect effects. I examine how technology evolves, more and more reduced-specific, and therefore the total energy use of information technology, or if the opposite happens. Energy savings, as a general demand for, and it is true that the information technology is not consumed by the most power, but as a leader technology in this way is able to produce. During my review the spreading of computer information processing in the present energy intensity. Attempt to determine the value of information-energy equivalence relation between different periods, to quantify the energy consumption per unit of data processing. I deal with a specific focused computing, solutions for the mainframe, the personal computers and the internet use during a course tool of application habits, and their energy regards. The utilities are increasingly becoming network services providers focused on the location, I will give an overview of server, storage solutions, as well as possible during the operation of "green" technologies.

számítógép, energiaigény, információtechnológia