Society and Nature in The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013)

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The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013) video game depicts a world that has undergone an inescapable fatal disease, named the Cordyceps brain infection, that has caused an immense global change, resulting in an apocalyptic dystopia. My thesis explores the various functions nature takes on in the game. Some of these are narrative functions: it propels the emergence of the new post-apocalyptic societies, it has symbolic associations, and it helps develop the character of the protagonists. Nature is also an integral element of the level design and the gameplay: the urban areas infected by Cordyceps are hazardous for the player, while open natural landscapes represent safety. The phenomenon of nature taking back urban spaces and buildings suggests the detrimental effects of environmental degradation and exploitation; however, it also presents an opportunity for Joel and Ellie (the player characters), as well as humanity, to abandon their exploitative lifestyles and remain in balance with nature.

dystopia, society, environmental sustainability