The Soul of Modern Pandora

dc.contributor.advisorKalmár, György
dc.contributor.authorLázár, Eszter
dc.contributor.departmentDE--Bölcsészettudományi Karhu_HU
dc.description.abstractUnderstanding the concept of Artificial Intelligence has been a decisive issue both for scientific and cinematic research. After providing a theoretical introduction about AI, this paper focused on the visual representation of artificially intelligent robots in Morgan, Ex Machina and The Machine. First, it illustrated through the Turing Test how experience-based remembering and rational thinking are intertwined in advanced machines. Secondly, the use of emotions and manipulation by AIs were brought into focus in order to show whether AIs possess feelings, or have the capability to simulate them. Thirdly, the consciousness of robots was proved by revealing the cause and effect relation of their deeds. Fourthly, ethical aspects were highlighted in theory and films: after the question of AI identity, the idea of moral machines as friends of the human race, and the idea of conscious machines as enemies of the human race was presented with the tragic prophecy of the creator. Fifthly, Biblical and mythological references were provided: the relevance of Adam and Eve, and the modern Pandora in the Artificial Garden of Eden was demonstrated through examples. Sixth, concerns of the present about the potential dangers of AI were introduced through cinematic and scientific interpretation. Seventh, feasible futuristic approaches were discussed about the ways AI challenges the reproduction, resurrection, survival, or death of man. Finally, human-like robots in real life were emphasized. In essence, the research and development of Artificial Intelligence facilitated the visual imagery of contemporary cinema analyzing both the positive and negative futuristic predictions concerning human culture in, or without cooperation with the un/friendly and un/threatening but more conscious artificially intelligent machines.hu_HU
dc.subjectcontemporary cinemahu_HU
dc.subjectArtificial Intelligencehu_HU
dc.subject.dspaceDEENK Témalista::Kultúratudományhu_HU
dc.subject.dspaceDEENK Témalista::Társadalomtudományokhu_HU
dc.titleThe Soul of Modern Pandorahu_HU
dc.title.translatedA modern Pandora lelkehu_HU