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This study focuses on to cover the theoretical frameworks and dimensions of this issue based on economic logic and social due to become witnessed in the current period of focus heavily on the responsibility of foreign direct investment and social in the host economy and respect for the values that society whatever and contribute to the development of society and its development. This study aims to define multi nationality companies: its advantage, its types, its emergence and development, and show the role it has in the direct foreign investments. Secondly, this study high lights the effects of multi nationality companies on employment in Jordan.The study is divided into chapters. The first chapter focuses on its methodology, objectives, and difficulties. The second chapter consists of the theoretical framework such as the emergence of multinational corporations, the history of multinational companies and their characteristics. The study found direct and indirect results. The direct: the challenge of state policy, reflection on balance of payments, imbalance in the citizen and the state income and the use of technology and the loss of jobs. The indirect: the political and economic pressure on countries, influencing the monetary system, and breaching the laws in force.