Environmental management of soybean production in Cerrado (Brazil), focusing on conservation agriculture and biodiversity conservation

dc.contributor.advisorKövér, László
dc.contributor.advisorBenmazouz, Isma
dc.contributor.authorCampos de Paulo, Fernanda
dc.contributor.departmentDE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
dc.description.abstractThe study evaluates soybean production in Mato Grosso, Brazil, using guidelines from the Round Table on Responsible Soy Association. The indicators include deforestation and conversion of natural land, the content of soil organic matter, conservation techniques for maintaining soil quality, and soybean yield using Earth observation data and geoprocessing tools to identify areas suitable for environmental-oriented techniques to manage soybean production while preserving biodiversity. The results show vegetation cover loss throughout the biome (total area of 15.249 km2), including protected areas and biodiversity corridors. The central region, where conservation units and key areas for biodiversity are located, is particularly affected, highlighting the need to expand protected areas. We also identified that soybean is responsible for a high amount of Soil Organic Carbon stock in the target area. The state of Mato Grosso has a large area of integrated systems and direct seeding practices, indicating the need to continuously implement and promote these practices. Our study also suggests promoting integrated crop-livestock-forest (ICLF) systems to maintain high carbon stock content in the soil. The major soybean producers in or intersecting the Cerrado were identified, totaling 23 cities with a yield higher than 365.518 tons. Lastly, we identified areas for attention that can be used as a parameter to establish natural vegetation areas as conservation units limits as well as starting points on where to invest in conservation agriculture practices and environmental monitoring for natural vegetation cover loss.
dc.description.courseAgricultural Environmental Management Engineering
dc.rights.accessHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.
dc.subjectconservation agriculture
dc.subject.dspaceDEENK Témalista::Mezőgazdaságtudomány::Földműveléstan
dc.subject.dspaceDEENK Témalista::Mezőgazdaságtudomány
dc.titleEnvironmental management of soybean production in Cerrado (Brazil), focusing on conservation agriculture and biodiversity conservation