The United States of America

dc.contributor.advisorKőrösi, Márta
dc.contributor.authorLénárd, Judit
dc.contributor.departmentDE--TEK--Bölcsészettudományi Karhu_HU
dc.description.abstractIn my thesis paper I am examining the birth and art of jazz, which creates a vital part of American culture and its musical heritage. As the roots of jazz can be traced back to the time of slavery, it is interesting to see that the real creators of this musical style are the ancestors of those African-Americans, who have always been the center of racial prejudice in the American society. By examining the steps of the birth and the development of jazz, we get a chance to learn about the social and psychological impacts and struggles that black people had to suffer because of human wickedness and cruelty. With the introduction of the life and careers of some outstanding Afro-American musicians we can inspect the difficulties and humiliations these artists had to face because of the twofold behavior of society towards them. I would like to give examples to some of those artists who enjoyed the rewards of success as celebrated musical talents of their age, but who also had to face the everyday racial insults because of the color of their skin. This kind of social dualism has resulted in an everlasting tension in the American society, which is not solved even in our days. In my thesis I would like to analyze the unusual social phenomenon, that Afro- American people who have always belonged to the despised stratum of society, could create something that constructs a vital part of America’s cultural treasure.hu_HU
dc.description.courseangol nyelv és irodalom szakos tanár (távoktatás)hu_HU
dc.description.degreerégi képzéshu_HU
dc.subject.dspaceDEENK Témalista::Művészetek::Zenetudományhu_HU
dc.titleThe United States of Americahu_HU
dc.title.subtitleThe Cradle of Jazzhu_HU