Representation of Culture in English Textbooks Used in Kazakhstani Schools

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The purpose of this paper is to critically assess cultural representations in three English Language Teaching textbooks used in Kazakhstan's secondary school curriculum. Using Yuen's model of cultural representation as a theoretical framework, the study will undertake a complete content analysis to evaluate the presence and type of cultural portrayals in these textbooks. This thesis delves into the comparative content analysis of three ELT utilized in the Kazakhstani secondary school curriculum. The study aims to explore the prevalence of representations of cultures within these textbooks and to ascertain which cultural dimensions are more frequently portrayed in each. Specifically, the research seeks to address the following questions: What is the frequency of cultural representations in the three English language coursebooks? According to Yuen’s model, which category of cultural dimension predominates in each textbook? Do the selected textbooks provide a balanced representation of cultures, considering whose cultures are depicted?

English textbooks