Advanced Motion Control In Robotic Patient Positioning System For Brain Cancer Radiosurgery

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Radiosurgery is essential in treating brain cancer, demanding high precision to target tumors effectively while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissues. This research enhances the precision and safety of radiosurgery using an advanced Robotic Patient Positioning System (PPS). The study addresses several key challenges, including precise radiation targeting, patient fixation, and the integration of a patient positioning bed with six degrees of freedom. Our primary research questions focus on achieving 0.1 mm accuracy in patient positioning, developing solutions to overcome mechanical backlash, implementing multi-layered safety protocols in both hardware and software, and reducing radiation exposure to healthy tissues. Through detailed kinematics studies, advanced motion control strategies, and robust safety protocols, our innovative system aims to significantly improve the accuracy and reliability of radiosurgery. The research employs a comprehensive approach, starting with kinematic model development and validation to ensure precise calculations of bed movements. Advanced algorithms address potential mechanical issues such as backlash. The dual-loop control systems enhance motor movement precision, ensuring sub-millimeter accuracy required for effective radiosurgery.\ Safety is paramount in this research. Multi-layered safety protocols monitor and control the system in real-time, integrating hardware and software safety measures. The system incorporates real-time monitoring using high-resolution tracking to continuously verify patient position and orientation. The findings demonstrate that integrating the patient positioning bed as a subsystem achieves the desired precision and stability for effective treatment. Additionally, multi-layered safety protocols ensure accuracy enhancements do not compromise timing and efficiency. The advanced safety measures significantly reduce the risk of radiation exposure to healthy tissues, minimizing side effects. In conclusion, this state-of-the-art robotic positioning system represents a significant advancement in radiosurgery, offering improved outcomes and reduced side effects for patients undergoing brain cancer treatment. This research provides a novel approach to enhancing the precision and safety of radiosurgery, setting a new standard for future developments in this field.

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