Collective Labor Standards Along The European Global Gateway Project with A Brief Comparison With China’s Belt And Road Initiative

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This research aims to discuss how collective labor standards are protected under the EU global investment programs - EU Global Gateway in three chapters. The first chapter focuses on the theoretical framework of collective labor law in the globalization era. The second chapter focuses on the legal framework and legal instruments that could be used to protect collective labor standards under the EU global investment project. The third chapter compares the legal framework and policies of EU Global Gateway with Chinese BRI to figure out whether collective labor law is more comprehensive and best protected for developing countries under the EU project. In this thesis, the research mostly covers 2 main topics of collective labor law that is freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining while covering some aspects relating to cross-border information and consultation and the right to strikes. The outcome of the research would be the comprehensive study of legal framework and instruments to protect collective labor standards in the EU global investment project Global Gateway while considering its prominent strengths and weaknesses by comparing it with other comparable-scaled initiatives of China. On such a basis, the research also results in several notices and recommendations for developing countries to take into consideration when participating in the investment program.

Collective labor law, freedom of association, right to collective bargaining, EU, China, Global Gateway, Belt and Road Initiative