Today’s judgment of sub-statistical regions, the sources of development in the most disadvantaged areas, and the experiences of their utilization in the Sarkad area

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The system of our nation’s sub-statistical regions is before a change; its role in the Hungarian public administration has to be settled, which will be one of the most significant tasks of the forthcoming years. A prevalent question among the learned professionals is whether the sub-statistical regions will become local governments or they will keep their regulating and taskperforming functions? Public administration system of sub-statistical regions can be framed around three functions, which also determine the complements of the establishment: local government function, area development function, polity function. A strategic question is the equalization and development of the most disadvantaged. Here is where the LHH project, aiming at the development of the most disadvantaged sub-statistical regions, provides support. The main message of the program initiated by the government is “we will not abandon anyone”. In my article, the current state of the program in Sarkad’s sub-statistical region, the area of my study, will be discussed.

public administration reform, most disadvantageous, LHH project, Sarkad
Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, No. 42 (2010) , 105-110