Culture Teaching

dc.contributor.advisorDávid, Gyula
dc.contributor.authorTóth, Rita
dc.contributor.departmentDE--TEK--Bölcsészettudományi Karhu_HU
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this dissertation is to examine the cultural elements of the English language in Project English Series 1-4, written by Tom Huchingson, which is a preintermediate course book to primary school students. These books are colorful, wellstructured and combine the best contemporary and traditional approaches of language teaching. The dissertation is divided into three parts: The first part of the thesis tries to give an overview in literature on foreign language education, provides a brief introduction about culture from different point of views, brings together the main ideas and explains the importance and benefits of teaching the culture of the target language. The second part is the Research, carried out in Hungarian primary schools, which is about teacher’s and student’s opinions about teaching and learning of British culture. It also tries to examine the situations of culture teaching in Hungarian primary schools, where the foreign language classes are held on the basis of Project English course book series. This part also examines the appropriateness of Project English course books concerning cultural elements. The third part, at the end of the thesis, is the conclusion that summarizes the experiences and gives further recommendations.hu_HU
dc.description.courseangol nyelv és irodalom szakos tanár (kiegészítő levelező képzés)hu_HU
dc.description.degreerégi képzéshu_HU
dc.subjectteaching culturehu_HU
dc.subjectlanguage learninghu_HU
dc.subject.dspaceDEENK Témalista::Nyelvtudomány::Alkalmazott nyelvészethu_HU
dc.titleCulture Teachinghu_HU