An Overview of Language Teaching Methods with an Emphasis on the Development of Speaking and Listening Skills

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In my essay I would like to write about the different kinds of language teaching methods following each other starting with the Grammar Translation Method and ending with the Communicative Language Teaching and I would like to focus especially on the development of speaking and listening skills. I have chosen to examine these two skills because, in my opinion, these are the ones which require more time and greater efforts than the others to be successfully acquired by learners. In addition to this, nowadays oral and aural proficiency even are getting bigger and bigger emphasis because communication as such is an indispensable element to become prosperous and recognized. As we will see each method contains some useful elements but at the same time they have some deficiencies and questionable parts as well. By progressing in the analysis of the methods we will realize that they become more and more complex and developed in many ways and thus more suitable for the learners.

language teaching methods, speaking, listening