From the Chapters of Robotic Assisted Microsurgery – an overview

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With the development of microsurgery and robotic surgery fiction became reality. Microsurgery became a vital part of surgical practices all over the world. The concept of creating an anastomosis on a vessel or a nerve with a maximal diameter of 1- 2 mm brought new dimensions into the operative specialties. Reconstruction of vessel, emergency replantation of digits, tissue transplantation, nerve grafting became available since the 1970’s thanks to widespread use of operating microscope and the development of special techniques. 21,25,26 Microsurgery itself is a technique, not a separate specialty; therefore the basic skills are the same for all type of specialties. 25 Many decades or even centuries ago scientists were dreaming about creating such automatized machines where they wanted to replace the work done by humans with artificial mechanics. Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing of a mechanical knight by from the XV. century exhibits the first humanoid robot concept, hence the most frequently used surgical robot today, which was inspired by this idea was named after the renaissance master. 1 Along the evolution of robotic systems the idea became nonfictional and the systems were utilized in several fields (industrial, agricultural, aerospace programs and science) benefiting the human society. 2,4,5,10,12,14,15,17,20,24,31 The combination of robotic surgery with microsurgical procedure seems a next step in the evolution of robotic surgery.1,2,11,26 The most frequent application of clinical robotic microsurgery is oral surgery7,9,19,23,32,43 and reconstructive surgery. 11,20,43 The conventional robotic techniques are generally applied in abdominal and urological surgeries.5,17 Advance microsurgical and surgical (general and laparoscopic) skills are required to perform robotic microsurgical procedures. Skill training programs focusing 5 on such techniques are available in special training centers17, but the acquisition of microsurgical skills is essential beforehand.26 In order to achieve a good robotic microsurgical skill, the trainee has to go through several phrases of training, starting from the basics (rings and hooks) through cadaver training until real clinical cases.11,17,26,27,33 Gunnar Holmgren was the first, who used a 10 diopter-dissecting microscope to dissect a human tissue (protuberance). 13 This usage of microscope in surgery has inspired many other surgeons to use it. In 1961, the first end-to-end arterial anastomosis was done on a 1.4 mm diameter vessel in a clinical setting by Jules H. Jacobson.21 Soon many pioneers of microsurgery followed his footstep. Inventions and development of new microsurgical techniques were flourishing from the 1970s. 27 Thus, microsurgeries became a vital part of surgery practices all over the world. However, surgeons are still human being who has limitations and capabilities.26,27,33 For example, hand tremors, lack of concentration and preciseness were some of these barriers.11,16,33 Those, limitations had limited the performance of microsurgeries to a few best surgeons all over the world. Robot as a word originates from the Czech term “robota”, which means compulsory labor. The roof of the word comes from “rab”, meaning slave. In 1921, Karek Capek was the first, who used this term in his play “Rossum’s Universal Robot”, where he applied it in a context to describe artificial people. Nowadays, the context of Capek’s use of “robot” is not the same.35 The pioneer and the father of science fiction writing, Isaac Asimov reconceptualized the word and in his infamous books symbolized the meaning of it with artificial humanoid machines. It is hard to define the true intention of robotic surgery. Most of the scholars declare this field of medicine as the future of surgical specialties because during its development the first idea of it usage was to perform operation in an extraterrestrial environment (space ships, NASA) or on the battle field. 1,4,24 Unfortunately the currently available systems are not capable to do such procedures. Their use is limited to the hospital settings. Specialties, where microsurgery integrated and robot is applied are maxillofacial, oral, reconstructive, urologic and neurosurgery.

robotic history in microsurgey