About the Question Particle -e in Hungarian

Folyóirat címe
Folyóirat ISSN
Kötet címe (évfolyam száma)

Hungarian, similar for example to Finnish and Turkish, uses a question particle to mark polar questions. In educated language use, the question particle -e is placed at the end of the finite verb. The purpose of the research presented in the thesis is to empirically test some of the hypotheses formulated in the literature regarding particle usage, which differs from the linguistic norm. The aim was to investigate the grammatical variables that influence whether native speakers place the question particle -e in the main clause on the main verb (V-e volna) or on the auxiliary verb 'volna' (V volna-e). The two surveys aimed to collect empirical data regarding further nonstandard structures in which -e is attached to a negative particle 'nem' (not), a prefix 'el' (away), an adverb 'ott' (there), or two words simultaneously 'nem lehetne' (not possible). Additionally, examining the relationship between the age and the acceptability of structures different from the standard use of the particle was also a major research aim.

polar question, question particle, conditional, V-e volna