Comparative Examination of the Roundworm (Ascaris suum, Goeze, 1782) and Giant Thorny-Headed Worm (Macracanthorynchus hirudinaceus Pallas, 1781) Infestations of Free-Ranging (Living in Game-Preserve) and Free Living Wild Boar-Stocks in Midwest Hungary

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We determined the level of roundworm (Ascaris suum, Goeze, 1782), and giant thorny head worm (Macracanthorynchus hirudinaceus Pallas, 1781) infestations of free ranging (living in game preserve) and free-living wild boars. Location of our investigations was an 11,893-hectare plot in Midwest Hungary, of which 248 hectares were treated closed as Wildlife Park (preserve). A total of 76 wild boars were shot during six hunting season from June 2015 to April 2020 and examined post mortem. Among of 33 free living and 43 free ranging wild boars the parasitological infestation rate was: 45.45% and 69.77%). As a result of identification, the incidence of 2 gastrointestinal species was established: Ascaris suum were found occur in 58.82% and Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus in 41.18% of wild boars. The 120 Ascaris suum (Goeze, 1782) were found occur in 30.0% (36) of free living, while 70.0% (84) in free ranging wild boar stocks. The 84 Macracanthorynchus hirudinaceus (Pallas, 1781) were found to occur in 3.57% (3) of free living, while 96.43% (81) in free ranging wild boar stocks.

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