Enhancing Viability and Growth of Japanese Quail Eggs through Honey Injection: A Novel Approach to Boosting Immunity.

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The present study was designed to explore and investigate the effects of in-ovo supplementation of honey on hatchability, weight of chicks during the first three weeks of growth, late embryo mortality, and the post-hatch mortality of chicks. In this context, 244 fertile quail eggs were divided into 3 groups. According to these findings, hatchability could be enhanced through in-ovo administration of diluted honey, owing to the supplementary energy source it provides to the chicks. The rise in late embryo mortality in the treated groups underscores the need for greater precision in processing, as well as careful consideration of the duration of egg placement. It remains impressive that mortality during the initial growth phase is low in the treated groups, indicating an enhancement in the chick's immune system. Lastly, regarding weight, it's crucial to further explore possibilities for improvement, as the treatment in this case did not yield enhancements.

Honey, in-ovo injection, immunity, japanese quail eggs