The New Lost Generation as Presented in the Works of Bret Easton Ellis, Douglas Coupland and Chuck Palahniuk

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The aim of the thesis is to create an organic image of the works of Ellis, Coupland, and Palahniuk through merging the ideas found in the sociographical studies with the foundings of literary theory. [...] The organic image to be created is, however, not to be constructed as a mere list of their foundings, but of a synthesizing nature; using sociology both as the background and as a common element in these novels and literary theory as a base, a starting point to show and elaborate on the fact that these novels are, indeed, pieces of a larger puzzle. They present us three stages of the same process, namely, the disappearance of uniqueness between different personalities due to the integrating nature of consumer society. I believe that there is a clear line marking the path from the naïve and passive protagonist of Less Than Zero through Andy, Dag, and Claire, the slackers of Generation X to Tyler, the anarchist sociopath in Fight Club. They all experience basically the same social environment; it is their reaction that is different.

American fiction, minimalist