Illicit Drug Use and Oral Health

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Addiction may manifest in general and oral health problems. Consumers are more susceptible to caries particularly smooth and cervical surface caries. Patients often exhibit a number of symptoms such as burning mouth, impaired taste sensations, xerostomia, tooth and/or bone loss, bruxism, halitosis and stomatitis among others. Cocaine addicts particularly may present with nasal and/or palate perforations, saddle nose deformity, chronic sinusitis and impaired olfaction. Cannabis, hashish and marijuana users have a higher risk of developing oral cancer, Xerostomia and Periodontitis. Dental treatment of oral complications include extractions, restorations, administration of artificial saliva and other symptomatic treatments. Destructive Craniofacial damages necessitate hospital referrals for surgeries such as Septoplasty and cancer excision surgery. Dental care thus enables addicts to salvage their oral health and helps them to re-establish a “non addict” identity.

Illicit Drug Use, Oral Health