Preparation and testing of non-steroidal rectal suppositories

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My thesis consists of two important parts. 1.Theoritical part 2. Practical part  In the theoretical part,I focused on the definition of suppositories, the advantages and disadvantages of suppositories, and the different components that we use for the preparation of suppositories (active ingredients, bases, and exipients). I mentioned that the categorization of bases depends on their solubility and the categorization of antipyretic drugs.Antipyretic drugs are categorised into three main groups: 1.NSAID 2.PARACETAMOL 3.GLUCOCORTICOIDS I tried to explain the mode of action and the physical and chemical properties of paracetamol.In the practical part, I prepared two different types of paracetamol suppositories, one of which was made with Adeps solidus 50 and the other with Adeps solidus composites.I did some tests( texture analysis, dissolution test, mass deviation, etc.) on these two types to compare them with each other, and at the end of these experiments, I came to the conclusion that suppositories made with adept solidus composites start to solubilize faster because of the type of base. Adeps solidus composites are made with polysorbate, which is a solubilizing agent.

rectal therapy, suppository preparation, antipyretic, paracetamol, aspirin