Green Walnut Extract (Juglans regia L.) in Feed: A Study of Processing Methods and Nutritional Impact

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A comprehensive exploration of green walnuts in bee feed, focusing on processing methods and nutritional impacts, has yielded significant insights that address the objectives of this study. First, the endeavor to develop a special food technology that enables bees to consume within their hives has yielded promising results. Investigation of various medicinal plants and fruits as additives in bee feed has demonstrated the efficacy of green walnut extract in enhancing the nutritional profile of honey. The rich micronutrient content and favorable physicochemical properties of the resulting honey underscore the potential of such natural supplements in beekeeping practices. Third, the pursuit of designing a system that benefits both bees and beekeepers while promoting sustainability has been realized through the incorporation of green walnuts into bee feed. In summary, the study of green walnut in bee feed represents a significant step towards the integration of natural solutions in beekeeping practices. This study paves the way for a more sustainable and resilient beekeeping industry, ultimately benefiting both bees and human society.

Green Walnut, Honey, Physicochemical properties, Micro & macro elements, Bees