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Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Új típusú Plantago lanceolata (PL) tartalmú folyadékkristályos rendszerek (LC) formulálása és jellemzése HaCaT sejtvonalon(2022-07-15) Kósa, Dóra; Pető, Ágota; Fenyvesi, Ferenc; Váradi, Judit; Vecsernyés, Miklós; Gonda, Sándor; Vasas, Gábor; Fehér, Pálma; Bácskay, Ildikó; Ujhelyi, ZoltánExposure to reactive oxygen species can easily result in serious diseases, such as hyperproliferative skin disorders or skin cancer. Herbal extracts are widely used as antioxidant sources in different compositions. The importance of antioxidant therapy in inflammatory conditions has increased. Innovative formulations can be used to improve the effects of these phytopharmacons. The bioactive compounds of Plantago lanceolata (PL) possess different effects, such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and bactericidal pharmacological effects. The objective of this study was to formulate novel liquid crystal (LC) compositions to protect Plantago lanceolata extract from hydrolysis and to improve its effect. Since safety is an important aspect of pharmaceutical formulations, the biological properties of applied excipients and blends were evaluated using assorted in vitro methods on HaCaT cells. According to the antecedent toxicity screening evaluation, three surfactants were selected (Gelucire 44/14, Labrasol, and Lauroglycol 90) for the formulation. The dissolution rate of PL from the PL-LC systems was evaluated using a Franz diffusion chamber apparatus. The antioxidant properties of the PL-LC systems were evaluated with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and malondialdehyde (MDA) assessments. Our results suggest that these compositions use a nontraditional, rapid-permeation pathway for the delivery of drugs, as the applied penetration enhancers reversibly alter the barrier properties of the outer stratum corneum. These excipients can be safe and highly tolerable thus, they could improve the patient’s experience and promote adherence.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Egy újonnan szintetizált adenozin analóg, a hipoxantin-triciklánó hatása izolált patkány bal és jobb pitvaron(2022-07-18) Óvári, Ignác; Szilágyi, Viktória; Viczján, Gábor; Lampé, Nóra; Bege, Miklós; Borbás, Anikó; Herczeg, Pál; Juhász, Béla; Gesztelyi, Rudolf; Erdei, TamásA hipoxantin-triciklánó egy a DE GYTK Gyógyszerészi Kémia Tanszéken szintetizált adenozin analóg, melyben az adenint hipoxantin, a ribózt pedig egy kondenzált triciklikus molekularész helyettesíti. Munkánk során a hipoxantin-triciklánó hatását vizsgáltuk a pitvari myocardium A 1 adenozinerg rendszerére, melynek (pozitív agonista általi) aktivációja számos protektív folyamatért, köztük negatív trop hatásokért felelős. A vizsgálatokat hím Wistar patkányokból izolált bal pitvari fülcsén és teljes jobb pitvaron végeztük. A preparátumokat 95% O 2 és 5% CO 2 gázeleggyel szellőztetett, 36°C-os Krebs oldatot tartalmazó szervkádakban függesztettük fel 10 mN alapfeszülés mellett. A bal pitvarokat állandó frekvencián ingereltük (3 Hz; 1 ms; 1-1,5 V), míg a jobb pitvarok spontán húzódtak össze. A preparátumokon az adenozin és a hipoxantin-triciklánó inotrop és chronotrop hatását vizsgáltuk külön-külön és együtt, továbbá CPX (8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine; reverzibilis A 1 adenozin receptor antagonista) hiányában és jelenlétében. Eredményeink alapján az adenozin mind a bal, mind a jobb pitvarokon hasonló mértékű, erőteljes negatív inotrop hatást fejtett ki. A hipoxantin-triciklánó ezzel szemben mérsékelt pozitív inotrop hatást váltott ki, ami hasonló mértékű volt a jobb és a bal pitvarokon. Az inotropia alakulásával összhangban, az adenozin markánsan negatív, míg a hipoxantin-triciklánó kismértékben pozitív chronotrop hatásúnak bizonyult a jobb pitvarokon. A CPX erősen (és szignifikánsan) gátolta az adenozin hatásait, de csak kisebb mértékű (és nem szignifikáns) gátlást hozott létre a hipoxantin-triciklánó hatásaival szemben. A hipoxantin-triciklánó hatásai teljes mértékben áttörhetőek voltak adenozinnal. Mindezek hátterében felvethető, hogy az adenozin könnyen le tudja szorítani a hipoxantin-triciklánót az A 1 adenozin receptorról, de (ehelyett vagy emellett) elképzelhető, hogy a hipoxantin-triciklánó az A 1 adenozin receptortól független útvonalon is hat. A hipoxantin-triciklánó tehát feltehetően a myocardialis A 1 adenozin receptor reverzibilis, ortosztérikus, inverz agonistája, melynek ugyanakkor más támadáspontja is lehet a myocardiumban.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Prebiotikum tartalmú kapszulák formulálása és vizsgálata(2022-07-18) Bácskay, Ildikó; Újhelyi, Zoltán; Pető, Ágota; Kósa, Dóra; Józsa, Liza; Vasas, Gábor; Zsuga, Judit; Siposné Fehér, PálmaPrebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that reach the colon unchanged, serving as nutrients for bacterial strains that are beneficial to the body and helping them to multiply. The aim of the present experimental work was to formulate a capsule with a prebiotic composition. The capsule composition was formulated from different prebiotics: inulin, galacto-oligosaccharide, pectin. In addition to prebiotics, the product contains zinc citrate. The pharmacopoeia and other dosage form test of the powder mixture and capsules were examined. The average weight of the capsules, the uncompressed and compressed density of the capsule filling, the particle size distribution by sieve analysis and the fluidity of the powder mixture were determined. In addition, the homogeneous distribution of zinc citrate in the powder mixture was investigated using an analytical method. The results of the tests confirmed that the composition is technologically appropriate. The chosen manufacturing technology and sequence of operations ensure a homogeneous distribution of components and the reproducibility.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Ciklodextrinek szerepe a COVID-19 elleni küzdelemben(2022-07-18) Réti-Nagy, Katalin; Bácskay, Ildikó; Vecsernyés, Miklós; Fenyvesi, FerencSince the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in late 2019, several therapeutic possibilities have appeared to treat patients who are often in severe condition due to the pathogen. As more information becomes available about the virus, the therapeutic strategies can be more specific. Cyclodextrins are well known molecules in the pharmaceutical industry. Due to their special structure they can be widely used in drug development. One of our main research topic is the application of cyclodextrins, so considering the current pandemic situation, it was relevant for us to summarize the role of cyclodextrin molecules in the therapy of COVID-19 disease. In the course of our literary research, we have found many interesting theories and promising developments.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A támogatott metformin hatóanyag tartalmú készítmények használatának alakulása Magyarországon 2015 és 2019 között(2022-07-20) Szávó, Enikő; Nagy, Attila; Dombrádi, Viktor; Bányai, Gábor; Sztanek, Ferenc; Boruzs, Klára; Biró, KláraVilágszerte mintegy 415 millió ember él cukorbetegséggel, és becslések szerint 193 millió ember él a földön úgy, hogy nem diagnosztizálták nála a meglévő cukorbetegségét. Globálisan a cukorbetegség prevalenciája a felnőttek körében 4,7%-ról 8,5%-ra nőtt 1980 és 2014 közötti időszakban, ezen felnőttek 90-95%-a 2-es típusú diabetes mellitus betegségben szenved. A 2-es típusú cukorbetegség mikrovaszkuláris és makrovaszkuláris szövődményekhez vezet, amelyek óriási terhet jelentenek az egészségügyi ellátó rendszerekre. Annak ellenére, hogy növekszik a 2-es típusú cukorbetegség kockázati tényezőivel kapcsolatos ismeret, ami a sikeres megelőzési programok bizonyítéka, mégis a betegség gyakorisága és előfordulása világszerte továbbra is emelkedik. A szűrőprogramok révén történő korai felismerés, valamint a biztonságos és hatékony terápiák rendelkezésre állása csökkenti a morbiditást és a halálozást azáltal, hogy megelőzi vagy késlelteti a szövődményeket. A metformin az egyik legnépszerűbb orális glükózszint-csökkentő gyógyszer, amelyet széles körben az optimális kezdeti kezelésnek tekintenek világszerte a 2-es típusú diabetes mellitusban szenvedő betegek esetén. A gyógyszer különféle iránymutatásokban, első választandó kezelésként ajánlott, ideértve az European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) és az American Diabetes Association (ADA) irányelveit is. Kedvező státusza a hatékonyságában, az alacsony költségekben, a súly semlegességében és a jó biztonsági profilban rejlik. Egyéb előnyöket is leírtak, ideértve bizonyos lipidek, gyulladásos markerek javulását és a kardiovaszkuláris események csökkentését. Ezért tűztük ki célul azt, hogy megvizsgáljuk pontosan hogyan alakult az elmúlt öt évben a támogatott metformin készítmények trendje hazánkban. Ezen kívül összefüggéseket vizsgáltunk meg a kiváltott dobozszám és a fogyasztói ár, a TB támogatás, valamint a népességszám között. Vizsgáltuk a kiváltásra vonatkozó gyakoriságot 2015-2019 közötti időszakban. A vizsgálathoz a nyilvánosan hozzáférhető Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK) adatbázist használtuk fel, valamint a Központi Statisztikai Hivatal adatait hazánk lakosságszámára vonatkozóan. Az elmúlt öt évben 10.000 főre vetítve Somogy megyében volt a metformin kiváltás aránya a legnagyobb mértékű, míg Zala megyében a legalacsonyabb. Ha viszont az összes kiváltást vesszük figyelembe – a lakosságszámtól eltekintve –, akkor néhány kivételtől eltekintve egyfajta csökkenés figyelhető meg az egyes megyékben. Ugyanakkor a gyakoriság számítás eredménye azt mutatja, hogy évről évre nőtt a metformin kiváltási aránya, ami magyarázza az egyre növekvő megbetegedések számát. Szintén alátámasztja ezt az a tény, hogy habár a népességszám 2015 és 2019 között folyamatosan csökkent, a metformin kiváltás aránya azonban növekvő tendenciát mutat, amelyből azt a következtetést lehet levonni, hogy folyamatosan nő a diabeteses betegek száma.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A bábterápia és a sématerápia szinergizmusainak ötvözése a pszichoterápiás munkában(2022-07-20) Zsuga, JuditPuppet therapy builds on the educational and developmental effects of puppetry and the healing power of playing. It achieves these beneficial effects thru its special tools, the puppets. Schema therapy, effective in a wide spectrum of psychiatric and psychological disorders has a characteristic tool rooted in dramaturgic plays, so called chair work, that utilizes role playing and change of perspective to gain insight regarding one’s mental processes. This is the context in which potential synergism between schema therapy and puppet therapy could be exploited. The current paper introduces a fairy tale that was written under the premises of schema therapy. It provides a tool for schema mode work and offers a possibility to utilize the therapeutic effect and toolbox of puppet therapy.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A túlsúly és elhízás előfordulási gyakorisága, illetve kockázati szerepe a nemfertőző betegségek kialakulásában(2023-02-15) Pataki, Jenifer; Hankovszki , András Dávid; Szőllősi , Gergő JózsefNon-communicable diseases (NCDs) caused by overweight, and obesity are a major public health problem worldwide. The main aim of our study was to estimate the prevalence of obesity in Hungary, and to identify the factors contributing to the onset of overweight and obesity, as well as to assess their risk factors for various diseases. In our analysis, we used the matched questions of the 2009, 2014 and 2019 databases of the European Health Interview Survey, which could be considered as representative for the Hungarian adult population. Categorical data were analysed using chi-square tests and associations between obesity and disease were assessed using multiple logistic regression models. After data cleaning, the database included 4886 participants in 2009, 5598 in 2014 and 5360 in 2019, resulting in a final sample size of 15844. The prevalence of obesity was 56% [95% CI: 54%-57%] in 2009 and 55% [95% CI: 54%-56%] in 2014; by 2019, it had increased to 62% [95% CI: 60%-63%]. In terms of gender, 64% of men and 52% of women were overweight or obese. By age group, the highest prevalence of overweight or obese was among those aged 65 and beyond (69%). In the case of education level, those with primary education (60%) were most frequently overweight or obese. Adjusted for the year of the study, gender, age, education, marital status, self-perceived health status, how much someone can do for their health, region, and fruit and vegetable consumption habits, the presence of overweight or obesity increased the odds of developing respiratory diseases by 18% (OR=1.18; p=0.011) and musculoskeletal diseases by 41% (OR=1.41; p<0.001). Cardiovascular diseases were 2.33 times (OR=2.33; p<0.001), while metabolic diseases were 2.19 times (OR=2.19; p<0.001) more likely to develop among overweight or obese people. The results demonstrate that the prevalence of obesity in Hungary is extremely high, and that it is also a risk factor for the development of several diseases of public health significance. For this reason, the development of public health initiatives aimed at reducing overweight and obesity should be a priority.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A koronavírus és a renin-angiotenzin rendszer kapcsolata a COVID-19 elleni gyógyszerek fejlesztésének tükrében(2023-02-15) Gesztelyi, RudolfSARS-Co-V of the Coronaviridae family emerged in 2019 in China and soon generated a pandemic. Albeit COVID-19 did not have as high death toll as some earlier pandemics, the severity and course of disease proved to be unpredictable if factors related to general health and case history of patients were considered. Thus COVID-19 due to its potentially fatal outcome and unpredictability demanded protective measures to be taken that were not sustainable in the long run (e.g. quarantining masses of people) during the early course of the pandemic (prior to the availability of vaccination and medications). Nonetheless, the vaccine for COVID-19, albeit showed efficacy, failed to reach the level of protection the former vaccines for other communicable diseases did. Additionally, available pharmaceutical treatmentregimens were not efficacious enough in preventing fatal outcome or long-term complications. These facts underscore the necessity of initiatives that seek future avenues for drug development, with special emphasis being placed on repositioning of medications with well-established use. Upon reviewing available scientific evidence four potential approaches may be identified that if repositioned could be evaluated as anti-COVID-19 agents: 1.) manipulating the a renin-angiotensin system by the use of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs); 2.) inhibiting the binding between human ACE2 enzyme and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein by N-acetylcysteine, or possibly quercetin; 3.) increasing the activity of ACE2 using ibuprofen; 4.) administration of prebiotics, probiotics or tryptophan to normalize SARS-CoV-2 induced dysbiotic changes of the microbiome.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető magyarországi palliatív és hospice ellátás új eleme, a debreceni Hospice-Palliatív Terápiás Osztály(2023-02-15) Porkoláb, Gyöngyi; Dózsa, Csaba LászlóThe hospice-palliative care developing as a bottom-up initiative in Hungary, has gradually integrated into the Hungarian healthcare system, continuously evolving to meet the demographic trends and public health challenges. Ensuring the dignity of patients while providing end-of-life care has become a universally accepted horizontal principle of healthcare. This trend has brought to life the establishment of dedicated palliative-hospice departments throughout the country: overall 96 hospice healthcare providers are operational, utilizing funds from the National Health Insurance Fund, foundations and other sources. The Hospice-Palliative Therapy Unit was opened in 2017 in Debrecen, with 20 chronic beds and 120 hour/day/month ambulatory home-care capacity. Currently the Unit is hosted in the University of Debrecen. The operation of the Hospice-Palliative Therapy Unit is supported by the Debrecen Hospice House Foundation ever since its establishment in 2015. The Fields of Dignity is an initiative widely open for the public that must be highlighted. This initiative brought substantial social innovation with its innovative program elements leading to the understanding and acceptance of hospice-palliative care. In summary it must be articulated that albeit the focus of hospice care is the provision of end-of-life care, it fills a void by raising awareness of the value of life, honesty, mutual respect and caring. Hence the sustainable and continued operation of the hospice-palliative care the regional and national capacity and infrastructure is mandatory alongside the establishment of financing home-based care in agreement with the recommendations of the National Palliative Strategy.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A gyógyszerészi gondozás lehetőségei az ortopédiai gyakorlatba(2023-02-15) Karácsonyi, Zoltán; Erdei, TamásClinical pharmacy developed at the end of the 20th century in the United States of America, the undisclosed purpose of which is to expand the role of the pharmacist profession and to optimize patient-specific drug therapy. This change in attitude gave rise to the definition of pharmaceutical care, which gained ground both in the clinic and in public drug supply. While the effects of pharmaceutical care on the health care system can be better examined in the case of public drug supply chains with a larger number of patients, the role of care provided by clinical pharmacists in institutions providing orthopedic care has been little investigated, even though the available studies have yielded positive results regarding the quality and cost-effectiveness of health care.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Az állami és a magán egészségügy fogyasztói szemmel Magyarországon(2023-02-15) Szigeti, SzilárdThe scope of the study is the opinions of the Hungarian population on publicly and privately owned and financed health services. There is a relationship between the age group of consumers and the type of health service they find acceptable. Primary quantitative research (N=1196) shows that paying out of pocket for a service offered in a state-owned institution is unacceptable. The generation older than 54 years has the least experience with private healthcare, while those aged 36-41 years have the most. Hungarian adults consider private health services to be characterized by short waiting times, fast appointment booking, more human treatment, patient-centredness, and a pleasant environment compared to publicly funded care.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Integratív Diszlexia-terápia(2023-02-15) Schéder, VeronikaThe study presents a reading skills development programme supported by complex movement exercises, which we recommend for re-education of children with dyslexia and/or dysgraphia. The programme is targeted at two age groups: on the one hand, at 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders and on the other hand, the at age group between 10 and 18 years. As yet, our innovative method is unknown in research and its effectiveness is supported by positive practical experience as well as the results of a pilot study.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A támogatott tolperison, baclofen és tizanidin izomlazító gyógyszerek kiváltása Magyarországon 2015 és 2019 közötti időszakban(2023-02-15) Góczi, Tímea; Dombrádi, Viktor; Bányai, Gábor; Boruzs, Klára; Bíró, KláraWith the ageing of populations, the incidence and prevalence of disability increases. Disability is not just a health problem, it is a global social and economic problem. Within the disabled community, the physically disabled are the highest proportion. Treatment of muscle tone is fundamental importance. We examined the redemption, the funded of support and pay fee of the drugs baclofen, tolperisone and tizanidine between 2015 and 2019 in Hungary. The funded of support by the National Health Insurance Fund increased continuously during the examined period. This overall increase was mainly due to an increased the funded of support tizanidine. There was no noteworthy change in either the funded of support or pay fee for baclofen and tolperisone.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető The role of the World Health Organisation and related funds on maternal and child health in Nigeria(2023-07-15) Francis Adah, Oluma; Theophilus Sunday, Gabriel; Mohammed, Kasim; Deák , Máté Sándor; Boruzs, Klára; Bíró, Klára; Bányai, GáborMaternal and child health is extremely important because it serves as the fundamental metric of a successful society or nation. This is because every successful conception of a child ensures that there is hope for a better world because each child has the potential to make a positive difference. The demands of mothers' health must be appropriately met since they have a significant impact on how birth will turn out and, thus, on the continuation of life. The purpose of this study is to provide light on the roles played over time by the World Health Organization, International Children's Fund, and United Nations Population Fund in influencing maternal and child health in Nigeria. Using a well-established guide on performing systematic reviews and meta-analyses for medical research as well as PRISMA reporting criteria, systematic review was used to effectively search for data related to the steps taken by these multilateral organizations. After carefully evaluating all the publications acquired and ensuring that they met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, respectively, an electronic search was conducted on Google Scholar and PubMed, yielding 49 studies for systematic review. According to the research's design, the multilateral organizations engaged in the program, the measures taken by those organizations, the country, the target group whether it is for maternal or child health and the state or area in Nigeria where the study was conducted, the data were retrieved. The general quality of the included studies was not astounding this due to the fair rating most of the study received, the availability of the roles in form of intervention or programmes executed by the multilateral organizations involved in this study were very limited upon searching electronically implying that much qualitative and dedicated research on this theme needs to be adequately carried out. This study demonstrates that the three organizations have had a significant impact on Nigeria over the years. However, the World Health Organization has contributed the most to maternal and child health, as evidenced by the targeted programs it has carried out in Nigeria over the years. One significant result of this program was the complete eradication of poliomyelitis in Nigeria.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Debreceni iskola-egészségügyi modellprogram(2023-07-15) Papp, CsabaWith the support of the Debrecen County Municipality at Pósa Street No. 1., a nationwide unique school health program has been launched at the Health Development Institute, which establishment was inaugurated on the 11th of October 2019 as part of the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen. As it is well known, within the framework of the school health care program, operating on the basis of NM decrees 26/1997. (IX. 3.), 51/1997. (XII. 18.) and 33/1998. (VI. 24.), primary and secondary school students participate in mandatory screening tests every two years - during the so-called "indicator" years (the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th). The goal of DAEFI is to centralise school health objectives and additional examinations as part of a particular model program. After the coronavirus epidemic, the 2021/2022 academic year was the first full term when the screenings defined by the legislation could take place with the coordination of DAEFI, which preventive measures, with parental consent, were supplemented with an EKG examination as well as Prevention Lectures. We are now presenting the experiences of this first year.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Fogyatékossággal élő személyek jogairól szóló egyezmény vonatkozásai a pszichiátriai betegek ellátásával összefüggésben(2023-07-15) Bányai, GáborDignity is considered the basis of human existence, and legislation seeks to ensure this for all people. This principle of equality requires that neither the state, nor society should discriminate between fellow human beings. The prohibition of discrimination therefore reassures the principle of equality legal equality and lists disability among the characteristics to be protected. Consequently, special attention must be paid to the protection of the dignity and rights of persons with disabilities in all areas of life. Following the promulgation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the related Optional Protocol the harmonization of Hungarian regulations began based on the new definition of disability. The new definition includes persons living with mental impairment. We will discuss the purpose and effect of the legal instruments created and still being developed as a result of the Convention, as well as the additional necessary measures to create equal opportunities for persons with mental disabilities within health care, focusing specially on psychiatric care.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A kannabidiol és az adenozinerg rendszer kapcsolata(2023-07-15) Viczján, Gábor; Óvári, Ignác; Erdei, Tamás DánielCannabidiol (CBD), the most extensively studied non-intoxicating phytocannabinoid, has been attracting a lot of interest worldwide owing to its numerous beneficial effects. The aim of this review is to describe the various effects of CBD, since it seems to have several molecular targets, acting at which CBD can modify several pathological conditions. CBD has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, neuroprotective, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, antipsychotic, antidepressant, antidiabetic and anti-obesity effects, furthermore it can affect the functions of the adenosinergic system as well. Regarding myocardial adenosinergic system, CBD is thought to influence two important targets: the A 1 adenosine receptor and the equilibrative and nitrobenzylthioinosine-sensitive nucleoside transporter (ENT1 or SLC29A1). ENT1 is a main equilibrative adenosine transporter capable of regulating the interstitial level of adenosine, while the A 1 adenosine receptor is a chief protective receptor of the myocardium.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Szájban diszpergálódó gyógyszerformák: alkalmazási és előállítási lehetőségek(2023-07-15) Dávid, Sinka; Doma, Enikő; Varga, Mercédesz; Bácskay, IldikóTaking several aspects into account, it can be stated that oral dosage forms are the preferred in pharmacotherapy. Depending on the needs and limitations of different patient groups, pharmaceutical technology offers several options for oral administration. Different types of preparations have different advantages and, of course, disadvantages, and in many cases different production needs. Orally dispersible solid pharmaceutical preparations can themselves be divided into several groups, and in the case of specific groups of active ingredients, a significant increase in bioavailability and patient compliance can be achieved with their use. However, they must meet several specific conditions during their formulation.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Hidroxi-propil-béta-ciklodextrin celluláris internalizációjának és lizoszómákra gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálata(2023-07-15) Rusznyák, Ágnes; Réti-Nagy, Katalin; Váradi, Judit; Bácskay, Ildikó; Vecsernyés, Miklós; Fenyvesi, FerencCyclodextrins are widely used excipients to increase water solubility and bioavailability of lipophilic drugs. Our research group previously showed that cyclodextrins are able to enter Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells by endocytosis, however, the cellular internalization and intracellular effects in the case of different cells have not been investigated yet. In addition, 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HPBCD) is a potential molecule for the treatment of Niemann Pick syndrome type C due to its cholesterol complexing properties. The aim of our work is to investigate and compare the cellular internalization of HPBCD and its effect on lysosomes on Caco-2 intestinal epithelial, HeLa cervical epithelial and hCMEC/D3 brain endothelial cells.