The informatics - especially applied informatics – undergone a significant development at the end of XX. century. This is allowed analyzing of soil pollution by computer systems. The importance of this explains the soil is polluted especially by pesticides, wastes, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, which through plants get into our food direct and indirect way. In this way polluted foods can cause ill our vitally important organs. On account of opening of the mentioned pollution we can process the experimental data fast and exactly so we can get such a large number of new information. Being aware of this valuable information we can make indispensable arrangements and we can hinder that the impairing micro-elements – other elements as well – segregate in food chain. I studied the environmental pollutant affect of the molybdenum by elements load experiment in Nagyhörcsök Experimental Station. I analyzed the contact between the uptake of molybdenum and other micro-elements and its effect on plant organs (loaf, seed) using by different statistic methods. The study emphasizes the importance of applied informatics because without this method the results wouldn’t have been able to analyze exact and effective way.