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Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 1-MCP and STS as ethylene inhibitors for prolonging the vase life of carnation and rose cut flowers(2004-11-15) Hassan, F.; Schmidt, G.; Hafez, Y. M.; Pogány, M.; Ankush, J.The effect of STS and 1-MCP on the postharvest quality of carnation and rose cut flowers was studied. Cut flowers of Dianthus c..aryophyllus L. cv. Asso and Rosa hybritia cv. Baroness were treated with silver thiosulfate (STS) at 0.4 mM with sucrose at 50 g 1 - t and 1-methylcyclopropene ( I -MCP) at 0.5 g m -3 for 611. Pretreatment with STS and 1-MCP significantly extended the vase life and minimized the % loss of initial weight of carnation and rose cut flowers comparing to the untreated control. The two chemicals applied inhibited the chlorophyll degradation and carbohydrate loss and hence, significantly improved the postharvest quality of carnation and rose cut flowers comparing to the control. Ethylene production by cut flowers was inhibited as a result of using these chemicals. In general, there were no differences between STS and (-MCP but the later does not have the heavy metal implications of STS treatment, and hence, using 1-MCP pretreatment for extending the vase life of carnation and rose cut flowers was recommended.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 10 year anniversary of the Journal APSTRACT: The history of an open access journal(2017-06-30) Kovács, Krisztián; Csapóné Riskó , Tünde; Csapó, Zsolt; Nábrádi , AndrásThe idea initiating the birth of the journal APSTRACT was initiated by András Nábrádi, during a 2005 AGRIMBA1 executive board meeting held in Aberdeen, UK. AGRIMBA is an open international network of academics and professionals from universities and related institutions dealing with education and research in agribusiness (Csapó et al., 2010). Currently, the Network is especially active in Central and Eastern Europe (Heijman, 2015). The main objective of the Network is to set standards based on best practices for programmes it oversees and to accredit them on the basis of these standards. The International MBA Network was established in 1995, by founding members from Wageningen University, Scottish Agricultural College, the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Warsaw Agricultural University, University College Cork and the University of Wolverhampton. Between 2000 and 2009, the following universities joined the Network: Humboldt University Berlin, the University of Debrecen, Arkansas State University, the Agricultural University of Ukraine, the Timiryazev Academy in Moscow, the University of Belgrade and the University of Zagreb (Heijman, 2015). The Universities of Belgorod (Russia) and Kazan (Russia) has also joined the network last year. JEL code: A10Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 100 esztendő öröksége(2016-10-18) Béres, ZsuzsaThe Heritage of 100 Years. The library of the University of Debrecen celebrated its centenary in 2016. The current selection offers a summary of the most significant ideas in the lectures presented at the memorial session on September 30, 2016. It also offers a survey of the relevant events of the University of Debrecen pertaining to the festive occasion.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 100 ÉVE SZÜLETETT VÁRADI-STERNBERG JÁNOS(2024-06-26) Kész, BarnabásIn February, we commemorated the 100th anniversary of the birth of János Váradi-Sternberg (Nagyvárad, January 10, 1924 – Budapest, February 12, 1992), a Transcarpathian historian, professor and specialist writer. The renowned researcher was the excellence of Hungarian historiography beyond the border, who, as a university teacher, trained generations in conscientious, objective research work. Unfortunately, he did not receive the recognition he deserved during his lifetime, so it is the task of posterity to cherish his memory in a dignified manner.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 100 ÉVES A DEBRECENI EGYETEM BŐRGYÓGYÁSZATI KLINIKÁJA(2024-05-06) Szegedi, AndreaThe Department of Dermatology at the University of Debrecen celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2021. However, the year 2021 did not allow us celebrate this important anniversary properly, due to the COVID pandemic, so the festive meeting in honor of the Centenary and this commemorative article were organized and completed in the spring of 2023. History of the past 100 years of the Department of Dermatology is presented reviewing the main developmental steps in patient care, education, and research, remembering the legacy of our former colleagues and directors, furthermore to provide an opportunity to all employees of the University and independent readers to gain insights into this interesting, more than hundred years’ medical history of dermatology in Debrecen.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 100 ÉVES A DEBRECENI EGYETEM ÁLTALÁNOS ORVOSTUDOMÁNYI KAR ANATÓMIAI, SZÖVET- ÉS FEJLŐDÉSTANI INTÉZETE(2022-06-24) Antal, MiklósThe Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology in collaboration with the Committee for Neuroscience, Cell and Developmental Biology of the Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Debrecen organized a festive symposium celebrating the 100 anniversaries of the Department’s foundation. The symposium was held in the auditorium of the Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Debrecen on the 14 th of October 2021 at 2 PM. Following the opening remarks of László Mátyus, dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen and Dóra Reglődi, president of the Hungarian Anatomical Society, present and former staff members of the Department made presentations about the history of the Department and recollected their joyful memories about the everyday life and the stimulating scientific environment of the Department. The former members talked also about the way how their scientific carrier and personal life have been going after living the Department. In this article we make a short summary of the lectures presented on the symposium in the order of the original program.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 100 ÉVES A DEBRECENI EGYETEM ORVOSI VEGYTANI INTÉZETE(2022-06-24) Virág, LászlóThe year 2021 marked the 100 th anniversary of the inception of the Department of Medical Chemistry at the University of Debrecen. The Department’s history goes back to December 15 th , 1921, when the Dean of the Medical Faculty Frigyes Verzár proposed to the Faculty Council the establishment of a „Chemistry Department”. Although the Council only approved this proposal in 1922, the Department was established retroactively with a foundation date of 1921. The Department was led by a few short-term and four long-term professors (János Bodnár, János Straub, György Bot and Pál Gergely) and each of them left their marks on the department. They should be credited for the constant development of a department that - besides teaching basic chemistry, introductory biochemistry and molecular biology to generations of medical students – has also pioneered biochemistry-oriented research deeply rooted in medicine.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 100 éves a debreceni orvosképzés-I. Az általános orvostudományi kar. Az intézetek és a tanszékek története-II. Az általános orvostudományi kar professzorainak életrajza(2020-06-30) Barta, JánosThe summing -up book of the medical education history of Debrecen was published for the forth time.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A 100 éves Debreceni Egyetem egyik fiatal centruma: a 12 éves ötkarú Orvos- és Egészségtudományi Centrum(2014-09-07) Lampé, LászlóA 100 éves Debreceni Egyetem egyik fiatal centruma: a 12 éves ötkarú Orvos- és Egészségtudományi Centrum - recenzióTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 100 ÉVES MAGYARORSZÁGi ELSŐ UROLÓGIAI KLINIKA(2020-12-28) Romics, ImreThe first clinic of urology was established in Budapest in 1920, with Géza Illyés serving as its first professor and chair. Urology has been an independent subject of study at the medical faculty of Péter Pázmány University and later at Semmelweis University since 1921. Illyés’ s activity was highly respected internationally, and by 1939 more than a 100 visitors came to the clinic from the USA and another 100 visitors came from other countries. After the World War II, owing to the outstanding professors and staff, the department still plays an important role in the development of urology in Europe. The clinic with its educational, scientific and clinical work still has an important role in the European urological map.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 130 éve született Hulják János (1884–1942)(2024-04-10) Takács, AttilaJános Hulják prominent Hungarian botanist was born 130 years ago. He worked as teacher and director in elementary school at Pereces (today it belong to Miskolc). He played key role in the floristic exploration of Northern Hungarian Mountain Range. His huge herbarium collection was destroyed during World War II., only the exchange material was preserved (about few hundred sheets), mainly in BP and DE. Some vascular plant species [Centaurea huljakii J. Wágner, Sorbus huljakii Kárpáti, Galium × huljakii Jávorka and Pilosella auriculoides subsp. huljakii (Zahn) Soják] were named after him.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 14 to 18-year-old Hungarian high-school students' view of mathematicians appearing in the media - a case study(2018-12-01) Lócska, Orsolya Dóra; Kovács, ZoltánOne way to develop positive attitude toward STEM subjects that popular media, including movies and films can be engaged to promote more positive and inclusive STEM images. The movie Hidden numbers offers an opportunity to explore the representations of scholars, especially mathematicians within a biographical drama. Focusing on 5 characters, this article first discusses whether these characters fit into stereotypical scientist image or not. Secondly, we examine how high school students evaluate these characters. We argue that this movie is suitable to promote positive attitude toward STEM subjects.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 1580 Political Ordinance of the States of Holland and West Friesland(2021-05-28) Haitas, DanielThe present study deals with certain influences the 1580 Political Ordinance of the States of Holland and West Friesland had in the English-speaking world, specifically in relation to the Plymouth Colony in the present-day Commonwealth of Massachusetts and South Africa. Regarding the former, there is a survey of the introduction of the institution of civil marriage by the Pilgrims at the Plymouth Colony and the Dutch background to this particular development. In relation to South Africa, there is an analysis of the lack of intestacy inheritance between spouses in that country in the past due to the system of inheritance rooted in the 1580 Political Ordinance, and the changes that took place in connection to this with the passing of time.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 15N-Tracertechnik in der Pflanzenbauforschung(2001-12-04) Peschke, HeinzIssues of nitrogen are still of particular importance in crop sciences. 15N-tracer are used to identify the N dynamics in soils and the N transfer between soil and plant. This tool is also helpful in clarifying fertilization problems. This article points out the special requirements for the application of stable 15N-isotops in agri-chemical research. Designs and results of selected laboratory experiments, examples of one-year field experiments, and a 15N long-term trial are represented in detail. The given literature refers to detailed results of diverse 15N publications in the system soil – fertilizer – (animal) – crop.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 1635-ÖS NAGYSZOMBATI EGYETEMALAPÍTÁS PÁPAI ELISMERTSÉGÉNEK KÉRDÉSÉHEZ(2022-12-26) Tusor, PéterIt is a cornerstone of Hungarian historiography that the foundation of the University of Nagyszombat in 1635 was merely approved by the Emperor. Pope Urban VIII refused to confirm it because of the lack of a medical and legal faculty. The present study establishes that, from the side of the Apostolic See and thus also from the side of canon law, recognition was granted by prior authorization to the foundation of the University of Nagyszombat (Trnava) by Archbishop Peter Pázmány in 1635. It turns out that the failure to obtain immediate papal confirmation of the foundation of the university on 12 May 1635 was due to the objections of the leadership of the Jesuit order. It proves that the Roman Curia's failure to solemnly confirm the founding of the Pázmány was not in fact due to the two-faculty nature of the institution, but rather to its Jesuit character. The reasons for this can be found in the more effective lobbying of the medieval universities and the mendicant orders, and the gradual decline of the Society of Jesus. Despite the subsequent confirmation by the Holy See, and the failure to grant university privileges in the form of a bull, the foundation of the university in 1635 may have been carried out with papal approval because Pázmány received a - preliminary - authorisation to found a university from Orban VIII in May 1632, during his imperial embassy to Rome.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 18. SZÁZADI PESTI JOGI SZAKISKOLA ÉS TANÁRA, PAULUS LUCAS PERGHOLD(2020-12-28) P.Szabó, Béla; Újvári, EmeseIn the second half of the 18 th century, a special educational institution functioned in the city of Pest: the city managed a law vocational school for 15 years, where the professor who was applied by the city mainly taught Roman law and canon law. The study describes the history of the school with special attention to the life, teaching and scientific activity of the only professor of the school, Paulus Lucas Perghold of Carinthian origin.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 180 éve született dr. Waisbecker Antal(2015-07-01) Balogh, Lajos; Keszei, BalázsDr. Antal Waisbecker (1835–1916) was a Hungarian physician and the most prominent botanist of Vas county (West Hungary) at the turn of the 19–20 th century. He contributed with important floristic data for the botanical monography of Vas county, authored by Vince Borbás. He processed the pteridophytes of Vas county and cormophytes in the surroundings of Kőszeg. Antal Waisbecker was an expert in the knowledge of sedges too. He discovered and described the Carex fritschii . Remarkable amount of herbarium specimens collected by Waisbecker are deposited at the Savaria Museum (Szombathely, SAMU) and Hungarian Natural History Museum (Budapest, BP).Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 1814–1914. A nagy háborúk kritikája a háborús eufória árnyékában(2015-07-01) Kovács, KálmánJohann Wolfgang von Goethe’s festival piece Des Epimenides Erwachen [The awakening of Epimenides], 1815, and Gerhart Hauptmann’s work entitled Festspiel in deutschen Reimen [Commemoration Masque], can be connected to the First World War only indirectly. While the former was created for the ceremony celebrating the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the latter was made for its centenary. Yet, both are in connection with the First World War, since in Europe before 1914, it was the Napoleonic Wars which meant the experience of a great war. Hauptmann’s play consciously relates to Goethe’s text and it was constitutive of the social discourse prior to the outbreak of the First World War.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 1868. évi népiskolai törvény végrehajtása: a népiskolai épületek és a hajdúszoboszlói polgári fiúiskola(2023-05-23) Megyeri-Pállfi, ZoltánOn the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the public education act of 1868, this study deals with the architectural aspect of the enforcement of the act, and more closely with the school buildings. However, when discussing the topic, it is important to mention Pál Gönczy (1817–1892), who was one of the authors of the public education act. It is also important that he was born in Hajdúszoboszló, and he was that person, who made the first design book in 1870, which contained the architecturalprofessional regulations for the public school buildings. In this study, besides this sample design book, its impact and the subsequent sample designs will be discussed, up to the 1920s Klebelsberg program. The regional aspect of the theme is the history of the higher elementary school for boys that was established in 1898 in Hajdúszoboszló, and its building was built in 1899.