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Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 2011-es választási reform kihatása az országgyűlési választásokra II.(2022-06-30) Nagy, LeventeA radical electoral reform took place in Hungray in 2011, as a consequence of the sweeping victory of the Fidesz-KDNP coalition in 2010. The government initiated and implimented a reform which was not based on a consensus of all political parties. Taking advantage of its political position (qualified majority government), Fidesz introduced among other changes the winer compensation, and gave voting right to non-resident Hungarians. The present paper tries to present some of the value-based and interest-oreinted arguments related to the reform of 2011, showing that the real (power) interests were hushed up, while the government tried to legitimize the electoral reform based on several value-oriented arguments.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 2011-es választási reform kihatásai a magyar választási eredményekre I.(2022-10-19) Nagy, LeventeThe second wave of democracy after World Wa II, followed by the third wave in the 1970’s and the 80’s – including the historic democratic transitions in Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Soviet Empire – led to the expansion of democratic electoral systems around the world. The design of electoral systems and of the undergoing electoral reforms has become a vital component of the democratization process. The study of the theory and politics of electoral reform led to the adoption of new theoretical and methodological approaches in order to cope with the challenging phenomena. The main goal of this paper is to interpret the concept of reform, and to unfold some of theoretical aspects of it in order to identify some of the main components of the concept. With the theoretical approach we can get a better understandic of the reform itself, and we can demonstrate that electoral reform is a complex process which should not be reduced to a simplistic model in which a few actors driven by a few motives can fully explain the whole phenomenon. The theoretical study of the reform can show that some politial events, the established party system (first and foremost the distribution of power between the various parties), the type of the actual electoral system (its advantages and disadvantages) as well as some contingents factors must be taken into consideration in order to have a better understanding of the nature of the political arena in which reform proposals are promoted and the reform itself takes place.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A 90 évnél idősebb debreceni lakosok kognitív státusának és egészségi állapotának szociológiai vizsgálata(2023-03-27) Czibere, Ibolya; Szilvási, Henrietta; Szikszai, Zita; Fábián, Gergely; Imre, SándorTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A 9M modell motivációs vizsgálata egy vidéki egyetem gazdasági szakos hallgatóinak körébe(2018-12-31) Balogh, Péter; Nagy, Richárd-Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Adalékok a kárpátaljai magyarok társadalmi problémáinak megértéséhez(2022-11-06) Hires-László, Kornélia-Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Adalékok a népszavazás intézményének 2013 utáni hazai szabályozásához(2017-03-31) Szabó, SzilárdThe purpose of this paper is to define and show the nature and functions of the referendum in general, and to examine the legislative regulation of its institution in Hungary after 2013. The brief introduction will be followed by an analysis of some of the institutional and instrumental features of the referendum in the context of the constitutional law. Special attention will be paid to the question raised by, and to the pros and cons of the referendum held in 2016. The legal aspects and social consequences of this invalid referendum will be emphasized.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Adalékok egy debreceni család történetének kutatásához(2023-03-27) Ölveti, GáborTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető adósság-paradoxon és az ekvivalens helyettesítésre épülő fogyasztói preferencia-sorrend és hierarchia(2014-03-31) Bánfalvi, Győző-Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Az agrárpiac rehabilitálása Magyarországon 1956 után(2012-09-30) Varga, ZsuzsannaA tervgazdasággal foglalkozó magyarországi szakirodalom fókuszában mind a rendszerváltás előtt, mind az azóta eltelt időszakban elsősorban az ipari vállalatok vizsgálata állt. Az agrárium szereplőivel alig foglalkoztak annak ellenére, hogy éppen ezen a területen került sor először a piaci mechanizmusok részleges korrekciójára. A jelen tanulmány egyrészt arra keresi a választ, hogy miért éppen az agrárgazdaságban indult meg a piac rehabilitálása, s meddig jutott el ez a folyamat. Másrészt pedig azt vizsgálja, hogy a piac működéséről felhalmozódott agrárgazdasági tapasztalatok milyen hatást gyakoroltak az 1960-as évek gazdasági reformmunkálataira/ új gazdasági mechanizmus előkészítő munkálatai során. Kísérlet a piac kiiktatására a Rákosi-korszakban Az 1945-49 közötti időszakkal foglalkozó kutatók között a mai napig intenzív vita folyik arról, hogy mikortól is lehet egyértelműen szovjet típusú berendezkedésről beszélni Magyarországon. Annak megítélésében már konszenzus alakult ki, hogy a fordulat nem egyidőben következett be a politikai és a gazdasági életben. Ez utóbbi területen az 1948. március 25-én kiadott, a 100-nál több munkást foglalkoztató üzemek államosításáról szóló minisztertanácsi rendelet hozott döntő fordulatot. (Pető 1998: 95-110.) Az államosítások révén lehetőség nyílt arra, hogy a piaci viszonyok kiiktatásával központilag irányított termelési és elosztási rendszerre térjenek át, ahol az állam tulajdonába került vállalatoknak kötelező tervutasításokkal előírták, hogy miből mennyit termeljenek. A szocializmus nagy előnyét abban jelölte meg a hivatalos ideológia, hogy a termelőeszközök magántulajdonának és a piacnak a felszámolásával lehetővé válik a népgazdasági méretekben való szervezettség, s ezáltal kiiktatódnak olyan problémák, mint a túltermelési válság, a munkanélküliség, stb. (Kornai 1993: 140-159.) A szovjet típusú tervgazdaság Magyarországon az ipar és a nagykereskedelem területén már az első ötéves terv 1950. évi elindulása előtt életbe lépett. Más volt a helyzet a mezőgazdaságban, ahol az 1940-es évek végén a magántulajdonra épülő parasztgazdaságok voltak túlnyomó többségben. (Szakács 1998: 311-329.) Közgazdasági környezetük azonban a korlátozott piacgazdaság jegyeit mutatta. A háború utáni rendkívüli helyzetben ugyanis a koalíciós pártok – átmeneti időre tervezve – fenntartottak egy sor hadigazdasági intézkedést, közülük legfontosabbnak a mezőgazdasági termények és állatok kötelező beszolgáltatása bizonyult. A háború alatt bevezetett ún. Jurcsek-féle beszolgáltatási rendszer fenntartását 1945-46 folyamán azzal indokolták a kormányzati erők, hogy az agrárszférát ért háborús károk és a lecsökkent termelés közepette a közélelmezés, valamint a fegyverszüneti egyezményben vállalt jóvátételi és seregellátási kötelezettségek teljesítése csak így biztosítható. (Erdmann 1993: 7-20.)Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Az agrárszegénységben élő nők Magyarországon a XIX. század második felében(2023-03-27) Czibere, IbolyaTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Akadályok a nők karrierjének útjában – a szervezetek útvesztői(2020-03-31) Izolda, TakácsToday the level of knowledge, qualifications of female are immensely increasing, but despite their skills there are still encounter obstacles in their careers, and women still appear to be underrepresented in top-level leadership positions. Many analysis findings indicated that there is a strong negativ relationship bertween the impact of the old traditions and women career developement. This paper attempts to identify all the obstacles and gender-related segregation of the labour market such as vertical and horizontal segregations and also raises awareness of that complex problem. Because there is a triple burden on graduate and leading women, work at home, their job and the struggle with the sexist working environment.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető alacsony státuszú, szegénységben élő falusi fiatalok immobilitásának okai(2023-03-27) Czibere, IbolyaThis study explores the lack of mobility and the lack of motivation for mobility among poverty- stricken youths with low levels of education who live in small villages. I strive to find out why underprivileged young individuals stay in their local village instead of moving to areas with more abundant opportunities and employment. My manuscript also examines their family life and their relationship with their parents, and how those factors could impact their attachment to their village. The main question to analyze is whether young people stay in impoverished rural villages voluntarily or as a result of a lack of choice and a rational decision, or whether they are drifting. My analysis of the data indicates that the lack of mobility among destitute rural youths is not driven by free decisions. My results suggest that these young people belong to a drifting social group, not in charge of their own fate, unaware of the world beyond their immediate surroundings, uninformed, dependent, vulnerable, living in an environment based on mere reciprocity, and thus, in a sense, they are a marginalized social group.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Alacsonyan iskolázott fiatalok a munkaerőpiacon a derecskei kistérségben(2013-03-31) Fényes, HajnalkaThe aim of my analysis is to explore the social background, capital endowment and labour market situation of low-educated young people and to compare it with the situation of the more highly educated. The research was carried out in the framework of the project "Rural Youthjobs" Facilitating the Integration of Rural Youth ont he Labour Market of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar Euro-Region HURO/1001/081/2.3.2 in the Derecske sub-region in 2012. A stratified sample of 10% was used for the questionnaire survey. Young people aged 14-37 years participated in the survey and were interviewed in five municipalities, 228 in Derečke, 80 in Sáránd, 38 in Tépé, 91 in Hosszúpályi and 64 in Konyár, for a total of N=501. From these, in the present analysis, I have selected the employed (142 persons), the registered unemployed (81 persons) and the non-registered unemployed (24 persons), and excluded the rest of the inactive population, as the main aim of my work was to study the currently active population, thus the number of elements was N=247 persons.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Alapjövedelem(2022-11-17) Oláh, EszterCurrent and future evolutions in labour markets may be blurring lines between traditional employment and new types of atypical employment, making it harder to reliably assess whether someone is receiving any benefits at all. The basic income should be seen as a serious option in the future, given the changing labor market and the findings from existing cash transfer schemes.BI is not means-tested, so the amount received does not depend on individual or family income or assets and does not require any work performance, or the willingness to accept a job if offered. In this study I examine the created image by the media through the method of content analysis, in relation to basic income. Furthermore, it is analyzed to what extent this effect creates a negative image of basic income among the students of the University of Debrecen, strengthening the fear towards this social policy tool. Particular attention is paid to the value choices of young people focusing on their individualization, motivation of working and willingness to take risks.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető általánosított bizalom kérdőíves mérésének egyes megbízhatósági és érvényességi kérdései a magyarországi adatfelvételek tükrében(2022-06-30) Bodor, Ákos; Hegedüs, MárkTrust is a field of research in social sciences that has complex, well-developed theoretical approaches, but its empirical tools are less precisely grounded. The most common survey tool for measuring generalized trust is a formula often referred to in the literature as “standard” trust question, which reads as follows: “Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you need to be very careful in dealing with people?” The aim of the paper is to examine this standard survey item along the dimensions of reliability and validity. In our analysis, we use Hungarian data obtained from various international surveys. Our results indicate serious validity problems, as the standard question shows only weak linkage with additional variables, which, based on the conceptual background, should be in a close relationship with trust. KEYWORDS: trust, generalized trust, survey methods, reliability, validityTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Alternatives of how to prepare for the future labor market(2022-11-17) Szőcs, Andor; Hamvas, LászlóWhat happens if among the members of a society and among the smaller and larger units and groups making up the society trust and confidence seems to be disappearing at once? What happens if confidence reposed into each other fall victim to social differences as well as to the economic / cost-of-living boxing of modern information society? How to stop the crisis symptom that seems to be developing this way and which is shown in the fragmentation of communities?1 With other words, is it possible to “stick again together” a community or even a whole society started to disintegrate? The questions, even if not so characteristically phrased, provide sociologists actually with the scope of understanding our modern, individualistic world (Habermas 1994). Gusfield (1975) depicts dichotomy of community and society in a way that we should interpret community as a pervading, significant contrast. By now literature seems as if it was only be able to picture the changes taking place in the images both of the society and community describing them by even more pronounced, contradictory processes. The changes that send messages on the disintegration of categories and frames becoming insecure instead of the security and integration quasi missed by Habermas. It also seems as if—quasi as an answer given to this process—occlusion/seclusion both on the part of community members and the various communities from the seemingly unknown and insecure changes were more intensive (Légmán 2012). We intend to construe these phenomena on the next pages, but due to extension limits without the need for completeness of social interpretations. We want to do it with the help of mainly one dimension: value preference through the example of a given society, namely the Hungarian one. Thus we get to the stability and the solidarity of the members of the smallest unit of society, one which accepts and expresses various value preferences, the family. From time immemorial, one of the crucial questions of mankind has been what the future has in store for us. The future, however, has remained unfathomable up to this day, and even future studies promises only as much as prognosticating what is likely to continue and what will plausibly change in the world. Thus, no wonder, that already the first “real” economists of the 18th century (Adam Smith et al.) considered the creation of the future model of labor economy as a challenge. At the present era of modern labor market, this task is closely connected with the future status of labor market since in a consumer society income acquired by work forms the basis of satisfying needs (Ehrenberg – Smith 2003, Galasi 1994). We are not saying anything new by stating the fact that the demand for labor force is determined by new places of work and that an ideal supply of labor force must be adaptable to the requirements of demand. To meet requirements and to be adaptable is possible only if we are armed with the necessary competencies and capital (Hodges – Burchell 2003, Bourdieu 1998). The question, to what extent students in higher education are prepared for changes in the demand for labor force, arises at this point. What can young people expect on the labor market in this ever changing world? What kind of job opportunities and work conditions are there for them, and how much are they prepared to face these changes?Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Alzheimer Cafék online tevékenysége a koronavírus járvány kitörése előtti és utáni fél évben I.(2022-10-10) Kucsera, Csaba; Holpert, AnnaAlzheimer Cafés may play an important psychosocial supporting role in the life of people living with dementia and of their family caregivers by providing a community of understanding, inclusion, solidarity and mutual support. They can promote policy-, professional- and social discourses, the recognition of dementia as a social reality, and overall awareness of this complex challenge. They can also foster transdisciplinary collaboration among professionals as well as between professionals and lay people affected by dementia based on mutual understanding, catalysing the formation and operation of acting communities and networks of interest. The active and purposeful presence and activities of Alzheimer Cafés on Internet platforms, in the increasingly prominent channels and fields of social discourse and community life in the 21st century, can be an important tool in the realization of these benefits. This two-part paper analyses the publicly accessible online footprint and behaviour of Alzheimer Cafés from this perspective as measured by a list of 10 possible functions. It scrutinizes the realisation of possible benefits and advantages offered by Internet platforms between September 2019 and August 2020, with a special focus on technology-based adaptive responses to the coronavirus-outbreak midway through that period. This first part of the paper, which briefly overviews the Alzheimer Café concept and its history in Hungary, and then presents the methodology of the study and the first half of the research results. The second part of the paper will continue to present the results, and will make recommendations for making more effective use of the potential of online platforms to realise the goals.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Alzheimer Cafék online tevékenysége a koronavírus járvány kitörése előtti és utáni fél évben II.(2022-10-10) Kucsera, Csaba; Holpert, AnnaAlzheimer Cafés may play an important psychosocial supporting role in the life of people living with dementia and of their family caregivers by providing a community of understanding, inclusion, solidarity and mutual support. They can promote policy-, professional- and social discourses, the recognition of dementia as a social reality, and overall awareness of this complex challenge. They can also foster transdisciplinary collaboration among professionals as well as between professionals and lay people affected by dementia based on mutual understanding, catalysing the formation and operation of acting communities and networks of interest. The active and purposeful presence and activities of Alzheimer Cafés on Internet platforms, in the increasingly prominent channels and fields of social discourse and community life in the 21st century, can be an important tool in the realization of these benefits. This two-part paper analyses the publicly accessible online footprint and behaviour of Alzheimer Cafés from this perspective as measured by a list of 10 possible functions. It scrutinizes the realisation of possible benefits and advantages offered by Internet platforms between September 2019 and August 2020, with a special focus on technology-based adaptive responses to the coronavirus-outbreak midway through that period. The first part of the paper (Kucsera – Holpert 2021) briefly overviewed the Alzheimer Café concept and its history in Hungary, presented the methodology of the study and the first half of the research results. This second part of the paper presents the rest of the results, and makes recommendations for making more effective use of the potential of online platforms to realise the goals.