Magyar Gerontológia (DE-journals)
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Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető „Lehet egy dal, vagy ritmus, vagy zaj, egy árva hang, egy jel. a zene az kell, hogy ne vesszünk el, hogy mégse adjuk fel!” A zenei élmény örömei időskorban(2023-12-01) Mayer, KrisztinaEz a tanulmány azon ötven év feletti személyek hangversenyélményébe és annak pszichológiai hátterébe enged betekintést, akik rendszeresen, legalább 10 éve és évente legalább 5 alkalommal vesznek részt komolyzenei koncerteken.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Starting from scratch: realities of older Maltese ex-sisters(2023-12-01) Marisa, Cannataci; Maria Aurora, FenechStatistics have revealed how not only globally but also in Malta the number of women religious has decreased. This study delved into the experiences of older ex-sisters from apostolic congregations who held simple vows, lived in the convent, subsequently leaving the congregation.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Társas támasz a nyugdíj előtt álló rendőrök körében(2023-12-01) Ambrusz, Aliz; Batizi, Orsolya; Borbély, Zsuzsanna; Malét-Szabó, ErikaAz utóbbi évtizedekben a rendvédelemben dolgozók átlagéletkora folyamatosan nő. Az idősödő rendőrök hosszabb munkaképességének megőrzése, a jó egészségi állapotuk egyéni, rendvédelmi és társadalmi érdek.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Boldogság és értelmes élet időskorban(2023-12-29) Ferwagner, AnnaBackground and aims: The aim of our research was a qualitative and quantitative examination of happiness and the meaning of life in old age. Methods: Questionnaires measuring attitudes to ageing, happiness and the meaning of life, and semi-structured interviews were recorded. In the course of the research, aging-related attitudes, happiness and the meaning of life, as well as semi-structured interviews, were recorded. The interviews were evaluated with content analysis, while the questionnaires were evaluated with statistical analysis. Results and discussions: The qualitative and quantitative studies complemented each other well and enriched the results of the study. In old age, the same factors that give the most meaning in life are the ones that give the most joy: the existence of family and the relationship with them, activity, leisure activities, and positive human relationships. Based on the questionnaire survey, it appears that those who are characterized by a higher level of the search for meaning prefer to experience their aging as development. Those who are characterized by a higher level of meaning experience tend to experience their aging more as a growth and, at the same time, less as a loss. In old age, activities that are full of meaning and cause a sense of flow are more pleasurable than pleasures and experiences.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Az olaszországi Nemzeti Demencia Tervtől a Demencia Barát Közösségekig(2023-12-29) Fontanini, MónikaThis article explores various aspects related to dementia care and support in Italy. It begins by discussing the National Dementia Plan of Italy, highlighting its goals and initiatives. It then focuses on the Veneto Region and their innovative approach to supporting people with dementia through the implementation of the Dementia Map, an online support system. The article also highlights the importance of dissemination publications in raising awareness and sharing knowledge about dementia care practices. Furthermore, it delves into the pilot project of Abbiategrasso, the first Dementia Friendly City in Italy, showcasing the efforts made to create a community that is inclusive and supportive of individuals with dementia. The experiences and lessons learned from this project serve as valuable insights for other communities aiming to become dementia friendly. In conclusion, the article emphasizes the significance of collaborative efforts, innovative approaches, and community engagement in improving the lives of individuals with dementia and their caregivers. It underlines the importance of continuous advancements in dementia care and the need for ongoing support systems to meet the evolving needs of those affected. The bibliography provides a list of relevant sources and references that further explore the topics covered in the article.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A geriátriai readaptáció szerepe a nem rehabilitálható idősek állapotjavításában(2022-12-31) Majercsik, EszterRehabilitation is significantly more difficult for people over the age of 65 and suffering from multiple chronic diseases than for younger people. In case of acute events or the worsening of existing diseases, it is an important professional question to determine how suitable the patient is for rehabilitation. Based on the complex examination of diagnosis, prognosis and rehabilitation, the primary consideration for individuals who cannot be rehabilitated is to maintain their independence as long as possible, which goes hand in hand with a better quality of life. This is helped by geriatric readaptation, the widest possible introduction and application of which is crucial for the elderly.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető The Fourth Industrial Revolution – challenges of the future(2022-12-31) Tóth, DalmaKlaus Schwab (2016): The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Portfolio Pinguin.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Multimorbiditás, polipragmázia vizsgálata geriátriai betegek körében(2023-12-01) Markovics, Dorina; Gadó, KláraMagyarországot elöregedő társadalom jellemzi. Az egészségügyi ellátás kapacitását túlnyomó részben az időskorúak veszik igénybe. A kórházi kezelés sok esetben iatrogén ártalom, például gyógyszer mellékhatás, vagy a gyógyszerek közti káros kölcsönhatás következményeképpen válik szükségessé. A polifarmácia (ötnél több gyógyszer egyidejű szedése) fokozza a gyógyszer interakciók valószínűségét, növeli a kórházi kezelések számát, csakúgy, mint a mortalitást. A nem kívánt gyógyszer kölcsönhatás az idős emberek 15%-át veszélyezteti.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Befriending Services for the Elderly(2023-12-01) Anikó Panna, TóthI would like to briefly introduce befriending services based on a literature review, focusing primarily on services provided to the elderly.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Digitalizáció hatása napjainkban az időskorúakra(2023-12-01) Szabóné Berta, Olga; Barabásné Kárpáti, DóraSzociológiai kutatásokban a társadalmi létezők vagy jelenségek kifejezésére szolgál a társadalmi csoport fogalma, ami kellőképpen összetett fogalom mind a társadalomtudományokban, mind a szociológiában. Ahogy Farkas (2021) megfogalmazta, a társadalmi csoport kifejezés alatt jelölt fogalom vagy fogalmak felfogásai abból is erednek, hogy a különböző szemléletmódokat képviselő különféle elméletekbe eltérő fogalmak illeszthetők többé vagy kevésbé következetesen.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Social Impact Development Company Trends: from CSR to ESG(2023-12-01) Martin, Zsarnoczky; Szergej, VinogradovThe latest social processes impacting companies' cultural behaviour have been studied in order to help us clarify and value the social ecosystem that benefits people. Studies have analyzed the full suite of Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and Environment, Social, and Governance processes provided by the best companies' practices available. Corporate Social Responsibility is a common strategy of management where companies voluntarily take into consideration the environmental and social aspects as consequences of their activity. The idea of Corporate Social Responsibility started among big and international firms at the beginning and became a very popular management theory. Nowadays, small and medium-sized companies are in favour of using it as their daily routine. The management strategies, e.g. CSR, sustainability, ESG enables the companies to work more efficiently and stable.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A Review of the AGE Barometer 2023: EU Good Practices and Barriers in the Empowerment of Elderly in the Labour Market - The Case of Hungary(2023-12-29) Balangue, Climson L.; Bene, ÁgnesThe 2023 edition of the AGE Barometer was released by the Age Platform Europe, aimed at consolidating data from European statistics and national-level sources and enriched by feedback from 19 European countries, including Hungary. The publication aimed at empowering older people in the labour market and promoting sustainable and high-quality working lives for them. The Barometer revealed that the European Union (EU) is far from reaching its 78% employment target for adults aged 20 to 64 with its current state of just 62.3%. This could be due to various barriers to the integration of older people in the labour market, which include inadequate supportive policies, ageism, and unfavourable workplace conditions. Conversely, these are broadly stated in the context of the EU; hence, a deeper analysis of these results, with a special focus on the case of a single country, such as Hungary, is relevant to establish a clearer understanding of the national and local framework of these findings and in determining facilitating policies and programmes as well as gaps in promoting elderly inclusion in the labour sector. Using various methods such as critical analysis, desk and literature review, and thematic analysis, this article examined the Barometer report and other relevant publications. The Barometer 2023 effectively provided general issues and actionable areas in supporting older people in the labour market, combating ageism, and ensuring an age-friendly work environment in the EU landscape. Moreover, it revealed that Hungary performed better in employing older persons compared to the EU average, likely associated with a favourable environment for older workers through its legal protection systems, financial incentives, equal treatment policy, and initiatives such as pensioner cooperatives and information technology education. However, this still falls below the target, and based on the analysis and review of existing relevant publications, this could be associated with some unfavourable policies, gender disparities, a continuous rise in the ageing population, an increased number of migrant workers, technology challenges, ageism, political mayhems, cultural and traditional constraints, and other challenges that continue to threaten the marketability of older people, thereby resulting in consequences for their financial, physical, social, psychological, and environmental wellbeing. Moreover, the report also stated few good practices in promoting elderly employment in the county, contrary to numerous efforts implemented by both the Hungarian government, non-government organisations, and other institutions, which remained unrecognised, perhaps due to limited data availability and gaps in the reporting schemes. Finally, the Barometer 2023 report was realized to be included and used as a part of the technical working papers of the European Economic and Social Committee, being the EU advisory body that deals on the issues and opinions regarding this matter. The latest edition of the Barometer has the potential to spark positive changes among policymakers and decision-makers in acknowledging the economic potential of the elderly and in eliminating barriers that hinder elderly integration in the labour market. In the case of Hungary, substantial policies, programmes, and welfare services exist that facilitate elderly employment; however, challenges were also identified, hence the precise recommendations provided in the Barometer report must transform into reality, taking into consideration the unique national, local, and cultural peculiarities of Hungary and its local communities. It is also suggested that systematic data collection and good practice documentation must be facilitated in Hungary, and feedback from the other 18 countries in the Barometer report must be thoroughly reviewed or benchmarked for possible inspiration and replication. Lastly, the potentials of the Barometer 2023 to be used at all levels of decision-making must be maximized.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Alzheimer's disease in the context of social work from the perspective of family caregivers(2023-12-01) Martina, Lacková; Lucia, DimunováIn the context of rising quality of life and improving living conditions, as well as improving health care, people are now living to a higher age than in the past. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia in European countries. As a result of the development of the disease, individuals are often dependent on the help and care of other people, in most cases family members. This care interferes with the functioning of the family, so monitoring the needs and assistance for family members is essential.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Kibővített beszámoló a Rómában megtartott 5. UNECE Idősügyi Konferenciáról (2022. június 15-17.)(2022-12-31) Ferenczi, Andrea; Hajós, KatalinA Magyar Női Karrierfejlesztési Szövetség (MNKSZ) számára megtiszteltetés, hogy nemzetközi szakértőként való elismerésünknek köszönhetően Ferenczi Andrea és Hajós Katalin meghívást kaptak a UNECE (ENSZ Európai Gazdasági Bizottsága) Rómában 2022. június 15-17. között megtartott Idősügyi Miniszteri Konferenciájára az esemény szervezője, az Olasz Kormány részéről. Az esemény címe / mottója: Fenntartható világ minden korosztály számára Összefogás az egész életen át tartó szolidaritás és esélyegyenlőség jegyében.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Adult education on digital, health and data literacy for citizen empowerment: the TRIO project(2023-12-01) Natália, Machado; Carina, Dantas; Joana, VieiraOlder adults often live with chronic conditions for extended periods, leading them to make daily decisions about managing their illnesses, including lifestyle choices, diet, and medications (Alqahtani &, 2022). Even before the rapid growth of digital health, this was already a challenge they faced. However, the swift expansion of digital health has introduced certain advancements that have somewhat eased health management for caregivers and older adults. On the other hand, while digital health literacy empowers individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles, people in vulnerable conditions, which often includes older adults (Jung , et al., 2022), namely those with limited socioeconomic resources, encounter difficulties in keeping up with technological progress.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Idős betegek alvadásgátló kezelése(2023-12-01) Besenyei, Attila; Gadó, KláraAz antikoaguláns terápia kulcsszerepet játszik számos, idős korban gyakran előforduló krónikus betegség, egészségügyi állapot kezelésében, mint például a pitvarfibrilláció, a vénás thromboembolia vagy a szívbillentyűk protézise. Idős populációban történő alkalmazása azonban egyedülálló kihívásokat jelent az életkorral összefüggő fiziológiai változások, a társbetegségek és a káros következmények fokozott kockázata miatt. Az időskorúak véralvadásgátló kezelésének összetettségét, bonyolultságát a trombotikus események megelőzése és a vérzéses szövődmények kockázata közötti kényes egyensúly megtalálása jelenti.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A pozitív életesemények felidézése (narrative care), mint terápiás eszköz az idősellátásban(2023-12-01) Tóth, DalmaElöregedő társadalmunk egyre égetőbb problémákkal állít minket szembe, amelyek miatt nélkülözhetetlen az idősekkel kapcsolatos kutatások folytatása. Az idő előrehaladtával az egészségromlás általános tendenciája megfigyelhető, mellyel kapcsolatban korábbi kutatások számos olyan tényezőt azonosítottak, amelyek befolyásolják az idősek életminőségét és jól-létét, beleértve a társadalmi környezetet, az életminőséget és a jól-létet (Dobossy, Molnár, & Virágh, 2003; Dimunová et al., 2013; Ferwagner, 2021; Bene & Móré, 2022).Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Az időskorúakkal szembeni abúzusok jelensége, a prevenció és segítségnyújtás lehetőségeinek bemutatása(2023-12-29) Szűcs, Dóra; Mohácsi, BernadettIn today’s world abuse committed against the elderly receives much less attention than against women and children. There are several aspects because it is very important for elder abuse to receive at least the same amount of publicity: respect of the elderly, teaching our children the correct standards, serving as prevention, that the phenomenon exists, and thus teaching the younger generation that one type of abuse is not accepted either. Our aim with this paper was to draw attention to the importance gerontological research on elder abuse. Therefore, after describing the types of abuse, we present international and national prevalence data. We look at how to get help in Hungary and the possible reasons why older adults do not seek help. Finally, by presenting the World Health Organization's criteria, our aim is to point the way to solving the problems raised in the study. We would like to present the topic from several aspects so it helps the people to recognize the typical signs of potential abuse. Abuses against the elderly can also happen at the institutional and family level. Nevertheless, it can also occur in public, because the elderly can be categorized as endangered as children and women, because they have similar characteristics like defencelessness, naivety and weaker physicality. Also, it should be mentioned, because as we will see later, based on the opinion of the World Health Organization (WHO), it also includes the lack of help and action and how much people act altruistic. The fact that the WHO (2022) urges the fight against abuse of the elderly in the next few years indicates the actuality of the theme. The purpose of the study is to highlight the importance of elder abuse in the professional public consciousness.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A szeniorok digitális készségeinek változásai a covid alatt és után(2022-12-31) Bajusz, KláraSince 2014, the Senior Academy of Pécs helps people over 60 with tools for active and successful aging. The activity of the academy was cut short by the COVID-19 epidemic, our work was relegated to the online learning space. Our research examined how the digital skills of our seniors changed during and after the quarantine, in 2021 and 2022. The study was carried out by online questionnaire (n=118, n=123). The survey revealed that the digital skills of 45% of the respondents improved, mostly in online shopping and administration. Most of the seniors learn ICT knowledge from their family members or friends. During the quarantine our students spent their time mainly reading and learning online, watching TV takes only 4%. 10% of them clearly experienced the epidemic situation as a loss: "the daily rhythm is missing". 6% of the respondents considered the current situation to be an advantage: their attitude towards learning improved, they were more forced to self-directed learning. The advantages of online education: flexibility in space and time, participation is safe, lectures can be watched any time. The most typical negatives are: the lack of community and discussion, and the fact that online education does not reduce loneliness.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Nordic Arctic cooperation in ageing: Policy analysis of age-inclusive outdoor spaces(2023-12-01) Emelyanova, Anastasia; Blix, Bodil H; Agneta, Larsson; Olafsdottir, Steinunn A; Arja, RautioIn the last decade, several various policy strategies have been adopted in response to population ageing in the Arctic. Governmental actions have yet to be evaluated in terms of their efficacy. By making an overview of specified policy actions, we define successes and failures on the way to building thriving age-inclusive communities in the Nordic region of the Arctic.