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Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető The Role of E-commerce and Digital Financial Services in Expanding Economic Opportunities for Rural Households in Central and Eastern Visayas, PhilippinesOrtea, Hanz Stephen; Szenderák, János; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarThis study examines the transformative impact of e-commerce and digital financial services on rural households in Central and Eastern Visayas, Philippines, where limited access to financial and commercial platforms constrains economic engagement. By analyzing income generation, financial inclusion, and resilience, the research assesses how digital access can reduce the economic gap between rural and urban regions. Using mixed methods, it identifies barriers like low digital literacy and infrastructure limitations. Findings suggest that enhancing access to digital platforms significantly improves market reach, reduces transaction costs, and strengthens community resilience, providing actionable insights for sustainable rural development.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Analysis of influencing factors of residents' subjective well-beingSu, Wenting; Czeglédi, Pál; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarWith the continuous development of modern economy, people's pursuit of happiness is increasing. Therefore, in order to study what factors affect residents' subjective well-being, this thesis explores the relationship between economic and demographic variables and subjective well-being, and utilizes methods such as chi-square test and Pearson correlation analysis to study the impact of each factor on well-being. In addition, regression equations for happiness are established to explore the interaction between the factors and their impact on subjective happiness. The innovation of this thesis is that it combines the effects of economic and non-economic factors on happiness, which can explore the influencing factors of happiness more comprehensively. However, most of the data in this thesis come from the Chinese database and the World Values Survey, which may lead to the limitations of the final conclusion, which is also a shortcoming of this thesis.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Consumer Law and Market EconomyErdenechuluun, Erdenebileg; Fézer , Tamás; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarThe enforcement and implementation of EU consumer law in Hungary's single-market economy is influenced by a complex set of legal and economic factors. These factors have both enabled and challenged the protection of consumers. To identify the key themes and patterns related to the impact of EU consumer law on Hungary's economy, this research conducted a comprehensive analysis of relevant literature, legislation, and case law.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető The Impact of Packaging Design on Freshness Perception in Dairy Products: an Eye-tracking Consumer StudyIzimova, Dana; Kiss, Marietta; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarThe thesis aimed to identify the impact of colour and imagery on freshness perception in the packaging of dairy products. An eye-tracking study with 21 participants was conducted together with a questionnaire. After analysing the results, assessing the questionnaire responses, heatmaps, and eye-tracking metrics, valuable insights were gained. Firstly, cool colours, and natural imagery of cows and fields increase the perception of the freshness and healthiness of dairy products. Secondly, no significant gender-specific difference was found in terms of visual attributes and its impact on decision-making. This research contributes to literature in the growing field of neuromarketing as well as practical usage for marketers seeking to study the subconscious of consumers to make marketing decisions.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Navigating Class Divisions: The Impact Of Social Inequaltiy on Career Mobility In the Business WorldJuma, Parkin Hiley; Nádasi , Levente Sándor; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarHow social inequality occurs influences upward mobility in careers. How social injustice influences inequality. How class based differentiation impacts promotion chances in organizations. How education, funding and cultural and social capital influence professional development. How status and prestige influence inequality.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Linking Entrepreneurship to Economic Performance in MongoliaBayarbaatar, Mungunshuuder; Madai, Hajnalka; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarThis thesis examines the role of entrepreneurship in driving economic development within the unique context of Mongolia. Through an exploration of both theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence, it analyzes how entrepreneurship contributes to economic diversification and resilience, particularly in a developing nation heavily reliant on the mining sector. Key challenges facing Mongolian entrepreneurs, such as limited access to finance, regulatory barriers, and corruption, are explored alongside the potential benefits of a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem. A central aspect of this study is the impact of government policies and post-pandemic recovery measures on entrepreneurship in Mongolia. Comparative insights are drawn from other resource-rich developing countries to illustrate best practices and potential pathways for growth. This research further investigates how entrepreneurship can serve as a sustainable means of economic transformation by fostering innovation, promoting economic independence, and facilitating a transition from a mining-dependent economy to a diversified and resilient market-based system.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Research on the legal implications of electronic payments on EU'sLi, Haowen; Fézer, Tamás; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarProvides an in-depth examination of the evolving landscape of electronic payment systems within the European Union and their broader legal implications. The study meticulously analyzes current EU legal frameworks governing electronic payments, assessing their impact on consumer rights, data protection, and the environment.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető The Impact of Livestream on Purchase Intention in Vietnam: Case of TikTokVu, Hoang Phuong Nhi; Tumiwa, Johan; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarThis research explores the impact of live streaming on online shopping, building on prior studies that examined factors such as trust, behavioral intention, influencer marketing, and perceived risk. Expanding this scope, the study investigates new factors like live streamer, price perception, and scarcity persuasion to determine their effects on consumers' perceived value and purchase intention on TikTok. Using quantitative methods and an online questionnaire, data from TikTok users were analyzed through SPSS, including reliability testing, exploratory factor analysis, correlation, regression and Sobel test. Results reveal that live streamer, price perception, and scarcity tactics significantly influence perceived value and purchase intention, offering valuable insights for businesses seeking to optimize live streaming strategies. However, limitations include a small sample size and a lack of focus on demographic factors like age and income. Future research should expand the sample and examine cultural and social factors for a comprehensive view of live stream-driven consumer behavior.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Consumption Frequency of Hell Energy Drinks and Related Consumer HabitsPhilippe, Tamerlie Jane; Fenyves, Noémi Dóra; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarThe thesis focuses and analyses the success of the Hungarian company, Hell Energy Drink. It contains a brief history of energy drinks and details the general components of the beverage type. Further down, the paper explores the role and impact of the 4Ps of marketing on consumer habits and identifies the respective marketing strategies employed by the company. The paper emphasizes the importance of consumer behavior for marketers and companies . One goal of the thesis was to determine the drivers towards Hell Energy products consumption as well as the barriers towards consumption. The primary research of the thesis was conducted in two separate focus groups, in which semi-structured topic questions were covered. As the focus groups' aimed to gather insights, the categories included, brand perception, advertising, health and sustainability.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Remedies for Breach of Contract Provided by the CISG in Chinese LawChunhui, Yang; Fézer, Tamás; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarAs a longstanding contracting member of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), PRC has resolved quite a lot of cases related to international sales of goods under the CISG. In this thesis,the author will look into these Chinese cases, focusing on remedies for breach of contract, mainly discuss the avoidance of contract, damages and identification of fundamental breach, to examine under the general “CISG-friendly” atmosphere, whether the application of the CISG has resulted in consistent decisions, or demonstrated a homeward trend due to the interpretation of CISG relied upon Chinese legal rationale by the Chinese tribunals and courts.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Economic Growth of Sub-Saharan African CountriesCorreia Mendes, Adelisa Tatiana; Czeglédi, Pál; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarSub-Saharan African countries are developing countries that have been trying to achieve sustainable growth after years of colonialism. Despite a rich reserve in natural resources, nowadays they face higher levels of poverty and inequality, political instability, and inadequate institutional frameworks. This thesis attempts to investigate the impact of institutional indicators such as the rule of law in mediating the relationship between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and economic growth in Sub-Saharan African Countries. The research will be conducted by comparing Sub-Saharan African Countries with 59 randomly selected countries with different geographic locations, resource availability, population growth, inflation level and economic growth. Aiming to determine whether institutional factors (rule of law) contribute to higher levels of FDI impact and economic growth. The data I will analyze cover the period 2002-2022. The model used for the study is regression analysis, specifically Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). The research proofs that the institutional quality in fact could mediate the relationship between FDI and economic growth of Sub-Saharan Africa countries. However, there are some other factors that were not included in this research but it also influences the economic growth of the hosting countries such as human capital, accessibility to technology, availability of infrastructure, and trade openness.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Why has China's inflation been significantly lower and more stable than that of the United States and Eurozone in the past five years?Li, Shuhui; Czeglédi , Pál; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarThis thesis try to figure out what is the reason that China's inflation is lower and more stable than the United States and Eurozone. The thesis tries to answer this question mainly through analyzing Chinese monetary policy's content and monetary policy tools, using empirical analysis in China for better understanding, and comparing central banks in these three large economies. After the above analysis, we can conclude that the reason why China has a lower and more stable inflation is probably attributed to its unique Chinese monetary policy and national political system. And we can know that how a country's monetary policy will affect the inflation of it.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Assess financial health of a company using financial ratios and textual analysis in annual reports: an applied case studyDo, Quang Hieu; Lakatos , Vilmos; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarThe study has investigated the financial health of the company Gedeon Richter as a case study using two different method financial ratios analysis which focus on the Altman Z-score and textual analysis with focus on CEO’s letters in the period of 5 year from 2019 to 2023. With the primary aim of assessing if the two methods give a more comprehensive view of the company’s financial health by using both quantitative and qualitative data. The finding revealed that while financial ratios reflect the past financial operation of the company, textual analysis gives attention to important topics, management’s tone which affected by market condition and internal situation including non-financial aspects. In some case even though company gain more risk it could be positive due to the alignment with the strategy and some case, the negative tone is not affecting the financial operation as it is market situation which not directly affect financial operations, but it is still a risk to be considered. In conclusion, while the two methods are fundamentally different, they could work well with each other in giving holistic understanding of the financial health situation of the company through analyzing both quantitative, historical data and subjective outlook and sentiment. There are some limitations to be considered on the subjectivity, complexity and unstructured nature of textual data and the bias could be from the only point of view of CEO and the generalization of the method due to the different in the textual data is not always available and the finance and industry specific vocabulary could cause a lot of difficulty of analyzing. In conclusion, the use of combined methods is suggested and there is a need for further research to develop better tools for textual analysis and explore the potential of making textual data as a required component of financial reporting.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Sports Entertainment & MarketingGardezi, Syed Ali Ghazi; Gal, Timea; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarThe thesis examines the complex world of sports entertainment & marketing. It explores how businesses align with sporting organizations to reach specific demographics, enhance brand visibility, and foster community trust. Through case studies, the research highlights various activation strategies, including sponsorship proposals, social media engagement, and event-based fan interactions. Key insights emphasize the need for authentic brand integration and long-term community involvement to maximize sports marketing impact. The study concludes that successful sports sponsorship extends beyond visibility, aiming for meaningful brand-customer connections and sustained audience engagement.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Structural changes in economics of Bangladesh during the period 1971-2021Myth, Naomi Samin; Vida, Viktoria; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarIn my thesis, I attempted to highlight the economic growth that has taken place in Bangladesh during the time period 1971-2021.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Cross-Border Banking In The European Union: Regulations, Challanges and Future ProspectsMulama, Gabir Chirande; Fézer, Tamás; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarThis thesis examines the cross-border banking operations within the European Union. Examining the possible forces behind significant cross-border financial integration in the region, the article explains in detail how each of these elements influence the degree of integration depending on the banking ties with other neighboring nations. Employing both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection, this thesis analyzed the factors contributing to decline in the cross-border banking activities and suggesting future implementations that can be used to boost the activities for the benefit of banks operating in the Euro area. Overall, it is evident that the EU cross-border banking integration was driven to a greater extent by source country factors. The study provides the different trends in the integration of banks while discussing the ways of curbing factors that may lead to global financial crisis in European banks.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Acknowledgement of Fair Trade Movement in diverse producer communities in Asian regionMustakhisheva , Dinayasmin; Tóth, Eszter; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarThis research aimed to examine the producer acknowledgement and participation in the operations under Fair Trade in the Asian region. Literature review gave a clear picture of the concept of Fair Trade, its history, participants, principles, impact and critique. Secondary research method has been chosen as a tool for conducting this research in order to gain different perspectives on the impact Fair Trade has brought to the producer communities in the Asian region. 4 case studies from 4 different producer countries have been picked to assess the awareness and participation of producers. Countries included India, Thailand, Kyrgyzstan and Nepal. Both qualitative and quantitative findings have been integrated in the research.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Consumer Acceptance of Functional Foods in ChinaJiang, zhen; Kontor, Enikő; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarThis research study assesses the acceptance of functional foods by consumers in China and how demographic factors impact it. It also examines how perceived elements like taste, health benefits, and value for money influence acceptance. The study evaluates the impact of social influence, specifically positive word of mouth, on acceptance. Data was collected through a quantitative survey method. Findings show that age and income level have a significant positive impact on acceptance, while gender does not. Perceived elements and positive word of mouth also have a positive impact on acceptance among Chinese consumers.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Insights into Consumer Preferences and Demand for Rural Agricultural Products in Vientiane capital, Lao People’s Democratic RepublicSysomphone, Phengsavanh; Kovács, Krisztián; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarThis thesis provides a comprehensive understanding of consumer preferences and demand for rural agricultural products in Vientiane Capital. The insights gained from this research can help rural producers, marketers, and policymakers develop effective strategies to enhance the marketability and sustainability of rural products in Lao PDR’s growing urban economy.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető From Bankruptcy To Recovery: Case Study of Strategic Decision-Making of an SME from the Automotive Industry in TürkiyeSezen, Can Taha; Madai, Hajnalka; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarThis study analyzes the strategic decision-making processes of "Model Company," a small to medium-sized enterprise in Türkiye's automotive spare parts industry, from 2001 to 2008. Several analytical frameworks were utilized to comprehend the components contributing to the company's challenges amid the 2008 global financial crisis and its recovery. The PEST Analysis evaluated macroeconomic and regulatory influences on the company, encompassing political reforms, economic expansion, social dynamics, and technical progress. Porter's Five Forces analysis assessed industry competitiveness and pressures, indicating intense competitive rivalry, minimal supplier bargaining power, significant buyer bargaining power, a low threat of new entrants, and a moderate threat of substitutes. The Key Internal Factors Analysis revealed internal strengths and weaknesses in management practices, marketing strategies, finance systems, production and operations, research and development, and management information systems. The Grand Strategy Matrix identified strategic activities due to the company's weak competitive stance in a slow-growth industry, directing post-bankruptcy strategies.