Study of honey from different regions in Hungary and their effects on quality

Folyóirat címe
Folyóirat ISSN
Kötet címe (évfolyam száma)

The qualities of 25 honey samples from different regions in Hungary were evaluated. Three common physicochemical parameters were analyzed namely pH, electrical conductivity and element content. Fifteen elements (Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S, Sr and Zn) were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). The macro elements consisting (Na, P, S, K, Mg and Ca) range between 3.584 – 1538.551 mg/kg with potassium quantitatively the most relevant mineral (mean= 446mg/kg). The micro elements consisting (Al, B, Fe, Mn and Zn) range from 0.004 – 21.869 mg/kg, while the trace elements consisting (Ba, Cu, Li and Sr) ranged between 0.001 – 1.036 mg/kg which were the lowest in all honey samples. The pH values were in the range of 3.45 – 4.82 confirming the good quality of the honeys analyzed. While the electrical conductivity ranged between 0.107 – 0.873 ms/cm. In general the analytical results obtained for the different honey types indicate the products high quality. The determination of quality parameters and mineral content in combination with modern statistical techniques can be a useful tool for honey classification.

honey, Hungary, quality