Singularity measurement in the Cyber-physical and intelligent robot systems laboratory
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In the building mechatronics research centre of University of Debrecen, Faculty of Engineering, a new laboratory has been designed, named “Cyber-physical and intelligent robot systems laboratory”. The possibility to design and test unique and platform-independent systems was among the main goals, hoping that the system itself and its advancements may later be used in manufacturing industries as well.
Fulfilling the needs of “Industry 4.0” is a challenging task, as it requires every single device (e.g. industrial robots) to be connected to the same network, where they may be monitored and controlled. However, there are some factors that limit this, such as the periodical “instability” that some machines have, caused by singularity points.
The following material studies these so-called singularities of a KUKA KR5 industrial welder robot placed in a robot cell, from an engineering viewpoint.