The Impact of an Active Learning – Based Intervention for Indonesian Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Pedagogical and Mathematical Skills

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Despite improving education quality over the last decade, Indonesia continues to face educational challenges, such as the need to boost learning. This research contributes to addressing the challenges and supports the implementation of the current curriculum that holds student-centered relevant learning principles. This research focuses on prospective teachers who will be essential in the classroom. Several Indonesian prospective mathematics teachers from private and public universities participated in the intervention. A mathematically rich learning environment was designed to offer them a practical experience they can later implement in their classrooms. They engaged in various activities, including posing and solving mathematical tasks, discussing the tasks with group members for improvement, teaching their self-proposed tasks to school students, and discussing the teaching implementation with group members for teaching improvement. The findings demonstrated the advantages of implementing the intervention to broaden their mathematical and pedagogical perspectives. These are broken down into several facets, including their problem-posing and problem-solving performances, critical manifestations, teaching perspective, and teaching implementation. Given the small number of participants in the current research, the results cannot be generalized. Therefore, ideas for further studies and possible generalizations will be addressed.

Matematika- és számítástudományok, Természettudományok
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