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Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Olaszperje-gabona keverékszilázs takarmányo- zási értékének vizsgálata hazai és nemzetközi energiaértékelési adatok alapjánAlemayehu Worku Babu; Tóthi, Róbert; Orosz, Szilvia; Fébel, Hedvig; Húth, Balázs; Tóth, Tamás; egyetemi oktató, kutatóA Közép-Európai régióban az április-májusi időszakban előállított olaszperje-gabona keverékszilázsok jól beilleszthetők a szarvasmarhák és egyéb kiskérődző állatfajok (juh, kecske) takarmányadagjába. A nyári, hőstresszes időszakban e keverékek a silókukorica-szilázs részleges (pl. nagy tejtermelésű teheneknél) vagy akár teljes (pl. közepes- és kistejű teheneknél, tenyészüszőknél) helyettesítésére is alkalmasak lehetnek, főleg ha annak minősége valamilyen okból (pl. alacsony keményítőtartalom, mi- kotoxin szennyezettség) nem megfelelő. A keverékekben lévő gabonaféléknek (pl. búza, tritikálé) ked- vező a terméshozama és jó a szárazságtűrése, míg a fűfélék (pl. olaszperje) fehérjetartalmát és kiváló rostemészthetőségét kell kiemelni. Az ilyen típusú keverékek előnye főleg abban rejlik, hogy tavaszi betakarításukra hosszabb idő áll rendelkezésre, illetve a csapadékosabb időjárási körülményeket is job- ban elviselik pl. a rozshoz képestTétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Mycotoxins in the food chainKovács, Melinda; Szabó, András; Szabó-Fodor, Judit; egyetemi oktató, kutatóTétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető A szántóföldi kártevők jelentőségének átrendeződése napjainkban (1.)Keszthelyi, Sándor; egyetemi oktató, kutatóTétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető A csillagfürt, mint nyúltakarmányMatics, Zsolt; Szendrő, Zsolt; Gerencsér, Zsolt; Szendrő, Katalin; egyetemi oktató, kutatóTétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Reaction of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. populations to herbicides – resistance or technological fault?Kazinczi, Gabriella; Varga, Ákos; Kerepesi, Ildikó; Hoffmann, Richárd; Nagy, Margit; Benécsné Bárdi, Gabriella; egyetemi oktató, kutatóTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Effect of ambient temperature and restricted feeding on the production of rabbit does and their kitsSzendrő, Zsolt; Papp, Zoltán; Kustos, Károly; egyetemi oktató, kutatóThirty-six lactating New Zealand White rabbit does were divided into 6 groups according to ambient temperature and feed intake. The does were kept at 20 °C during pregnancy and at kindling, then they were put into climatic chambers at temperatures of 5, 15, 23 or 30 °C. One part of the does were fed ad libitum (5A, 15A, 23A and 30A), two other groups were housed at 15 °C, but they received the same amount of pellet as the does' intake at 23 °C or 30 °C (15/23R and 15/30R). The litter sizes were equalized to seven. The weight of does, milk production, feed intake and water intake were recorded daily. Heat stress reduced milk yield (148, 152, 150 and 106 g/day), feed intake (287, 279, 260 and 179 g/day) and water intake (497, 512, 526 and 428 g/day), but increased the water/feed ratio (1.73, 1.84, 2.02 and 2.39) in the groups of 5A, 15A, 23A and 30A, respectively. Body weight of does decreased at 23 °C and 30 °C by 5.6% and 8.5%, respectively, compared to 15 °C. Comparing the groups of rabbits kept at 23 °C and 30 °C fed ad libitum (23A and 30A) and the data obtained for groups of 15/23R and 15/30R it was observed that the milk yield decreased by 8.0% and 2.5%, water intake increased by 8.6 and 13.3%, and the feed/water ratio was higher by 0.18 and 0.18, respectively. The effect of heat stress was less significant on kits than on does. It can be concluded that the high ambient temperature mainly affected the milk production through the reduction of feed intake.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Light-trap catch of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera in connection with the moon phases and geomagnetic H-indexKeszthelyi, Sándor; Puskás, János; Nowinszky, László; egyetemi oktató, kutatóTétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető AZ IVÓVÍZ-TEMPERÁLÁS HATÁSÁNAK VIZSGÁLATA MELEGBEN TARTOTT NÖVENDÉKNYULAK TERMELÉSÉRETerhes, Katalin; Gerencsér, Zsolt; Szendrő, Zsolt; Nagy, István; Radnai, István; Kasza, Rozália; Matics, Zsolt; PhD hallgató; egyetemi oktató, kutatóTétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető A kukoricabarkó, Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyllenhal, 1834Keszthelyi, Sándor; egyetemi oktató, kutatóTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Assessment of short-term mortality of granary weevil, Sitophilus granarius (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) triggered by different microwave irradiation powersKeszthelyi, Sándor; Nyári, András; Pál-Fám, Ferenc; egyetemi oktató, kutatóTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Efficacy of H-Traps is Affected báy Exposure to SunshineOtártics, Máté Zsolt; Altbäcker, Vilmos; Solymosi, Kristóf; Mátics, Róbert; Romvári, Róbert; Farkas, Sándor; egyetemi oktató, kutatóated the impact of the factors affecting the efficacy of H-traps. Catching data of 15 H-traps were analyzed. The traps were deployed at an outdoor equestrian paddock (Sántos, Somogy county) from May to July 2018. In twelve weeks, the traps collected 10,556 horsefly specimens, dominated by Tabanus autumnalis and Haematopota italica. In the first experiment we found that the distribution of caught individuals was inhomogeneous among the samples. According to the amount of caught individuals, trap efficacy showed spatial and temporal inhomogeneity. In the second experiment, after the rearrangement of traps, we found that traps placed in open, sunny places in the centerline area caught significantly more horseflies than those in shady border regions. It can be concluded that the positioning of H-traps in sunny areas significantly enhances their tabanid-catching efficacy.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Individual and Combined Effects of Fumonisin B1, Deoxynivalenol and Zearalenone on the Hepatic and Renal Membrane Lipid Integrity of RatsSzabó, András; Szabó-Fodor, Judit; Fébel, Hedvig; Mézes, Miklós; Balogh, Krisztián; Bázár, György; Kocsó, Dániel; Omeralfaroug, Ali; egyetemi oktató, kutató(1) Background and (2) Methods: A 14-day in vivo, multitoxic (pure mycotoxins) rat experiment was conducted with zearalenone (ZEA; 15 µg/animal/day), deoxynivalenol (DON; 30 µg/animal/day) and fumonisin B1 (FB1; 150 µg/animal/day), as individual mycotoxins, binary (FD, FZ and DZ) and ternary combinations (FDZ), via gavage in 1 mL water boluses. (3) Results: Body weight was unaffected, while liver (ZEA↑ vs. DON) and kidney weight (ZEA↑ vs. FDZ) increased. Hepatocellular membrane lipid fatty acids (FAs) referred to ceramide synthesis disturbance (C20:0, C22:0), and decreased unsaturation (C22:5 n3 and unsat. index), mainly induced by DON and to a lesser extent by ZEA. The DON-FB1 interaction was additive on C20:0 in liver lipids. In renal phospholipids, ZEA had the strongest effect on the FA profile, affecting the saturated (C18:0) and many n6 FAs; ZEA was in an antagonistic relationship with FB1 (C18:0) or DON (C18:2 n6, C20:1 n9). Hepatic oxidative stress was the most expressed in FD (reduced glutathione and glutathione peroxidase), while the nephrotoxic effect was further supported by lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde) in the DON treatment. (4) Conclusions: In vivo study results refer to multiple mycotoxin interactions on membrane FAs, antioxidants and lipid peroxidation compounds, needing further testing.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Szántóföldi talajok parlagfű mag tartalmának vizsgálataKazinczi, Gabriella; Beck, Tamás; Csuka, András; Pál-Fám, Ferenc; egyetemi oktató, kutatóTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Comparison of pens without and with multilevel platforms for growing rabbitsMatics, Zsolt; Farkas, Tamás Péter; Dal Bosco, Alessandro; Szendrő, Zsolt; Filiou, Eirini; Nagy, István; Odermatt, Meinrad; Paci, Gisella; Gerencsér, Zsolt; PhD hallgató; egyetemi oktató, kutatóThis experiment compared the productive performance and location of growing rabbits in pens without and with two-level platforms (wire-mesh or plastic-mesh). A total of 174 rabbits of both sexes weaned at 5 weeks of age were randomly divided into three groups (n ¼ 58 rabbits/group, 2 pens/treatment, 29 rabbits/pen). The floor area of pens was 1.0 1.83 m, and the floor was made of wire-mesh. Two pens were equipped with wire-mesh (WP) and two pens with plastic- mesh elevated platforms (PP) on two levels, and two pens were without platforms (NoP). Treatment had no effect on the productive performance of growing rabbits. Based on video recordings, animal density (rabbits/m2 in each location) was higher (p < .001) on the floor than on the platforms (in WP: 12.0 vs. 5.2, in PP: 10.2 vs. 7.4 rabbits/m2, respectively). Animal density on the floor was higher (p < .001) in front of the platforms than under the platforms (in WP 15.7 vs. 9.8 rabbits/m2 and in PP 13.3 vs. 8.3 rabbits/m2, respectively). The animal density on plat- forms was 1.4 times higher in group of PP than in WP (p < .001). The animal density was 1.6 and 2.9 times higher on the second floor than on the first one (p < .001), in group of PP and WP, respectively. The concentration of cortisol metabolites in faeces and the ratio of injured rabbits were similar in the three groups. The rabbits showed higher preference staying on the floor compared to the platform. Pens with platforms were not influencing productive performance.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető The influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on the potential distribution areas of Bursaphelencus xylophilus in Europe based on climatological reanalysis dataSomfalvi-Tóth, Katalin; Keszthelyi, Sándor; egyetemi oktató, kutatóPine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) (Aphelenchida: Parasitaphelencidae) is one of the most harmful agents in coniferous forests. The most important vectors of pine wood nematode are considered to be some Monochamus species (Col.: Cerambycidae), which had been forest insects with secondary importance before the appearance of B. xy- lophilus. However, the continuous spreading of the nematode has changed this status and necessitated detailed biological and climatological investigation of the main European vec- tor, Monochamus galloprovincialis. The potential distribution area of M. galloprovincialis involves those areas where the risk of the appearance of pine wood nematode B. xylophilus is significant. The main objective of our analysis was to obtain information about the influencing effects of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on the potential European range of B. xylophilus and its vector species M. galloprovincialis based on the connection between the mean temperature of July in Europe, the distribution of day-degrees of the vector and the NAO index. Our assessment was based on fundamental biological constants of the nematode and the cerambycid pest as well as the ECMWF ERA5 Global Atmospheric Reanalysis dataset. Our hypothesis was built on the fact that the monthly mean temperature had to exceed 20°C in the interest of an efficient expansion of the nematode. In addition, the threshold temperature of the vector involved in the calculations was 12.17°C, while the accumulated day-degree (DD) had to exceed the annual and biennial 370.57°DD for univoltine and semivoltine development, respectively. Our finding that a connection could be found between a mean temperature in July above 20°C and NAO as well as between the accumulated day-degrees and NAO can be the basis for further investigations for a reliable method to forecast the expansion of pine wood nematode and its vector species in a given year.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető EGYEDI ELHELYEZÉSSEL KOMBINÁLT CSOPORTOS TARTÁS HATÁSA AZ ANYANYULAK TERMELÉSÉRE, HELYVÁLASZTÁSÁRA ÉS VISELKEDÉSÉREGerencsér, Zsolt; Farkas, T P; Szendrő, Zsolt; Nagy, István; Odermatt, Meinrad; Radnai, István; Kacsala, László; Kasza, R; Savanyó, Zs; Matics, Zsolt; egyetemi oktató, kutatóThe aim of the experiment was to test a special pen system of combination of group and individual housing, examination of production and preference of rabbit does. The experiment was conducted at Kaposvár University with pregnant and lactating Pannon White rabbit does (n=48). The 1.83 x 2.00 m open top pen consisted of four individual cages (0.5 x 0.91 m) which were connected to the 1.83 x 1.00 m common area throughout a 0.25 m long and 0.20 m wide lockable corridor. The rabbit does were randomly divided into three groups. The groups differed only in that the material of walls of the individual cages. Pen with solid wall cages (Solid, n=16); pen with wire-mesh wall cages (Wire, n=16) and pen with partly solid and partly wire-mesh wall cages (Mix, MP, n=16). Four rabbit does were placed to the closed individual cages 3 days before the expected parturition for 21 days. 18 days after kindling the entrances of the individual cages were opened, and the 21-day group-housing started. All 4 does and their kits could use all individual cages and the common area freely. The kits were weaned at 35 days of age. The injuries on ears, and body were checked on days 2, 4, 8, 14 and 22 after grouping the does. 24-h video recordings were made on days 1, 2, 3, 7 and 13 after opening the doors, and location of rabbits was registered at every 15 min. On day 1 rabbit does preferred to stay alone than together (Solid: 62.3%; Wire: 64.3%; Mix: 82.8%). Later on, less rabbit does located alone (on day 13: Solid: 30.8%; Wire: 51.0%; Mix: 39.2%). On day 1 in all pens the majority of the does located in the individual cages (Solid: 77.3%; Wire: 76.8%; Mix: 83.9%), however later the percentage of does in the individual cages decreased until day 13. At almost every day less rabbit does preferred the individual cages in the Solid than in Wire or Mix group. Rabbit does preferred their own cages, more rabbit does stayed in the own cages than the expected probability (25%) on all days (day 1: Solid: 64.6%; Wire: 68.4%; Mix: 74.6%; day 13: Solid: 28.0%; Wire: 38.0%; Mix: 34.5%). In Mix group rabbit does which were housed in solid wall cages before grouping preferred to stay in the solid wall cages in all days (day 13: 59.1%) and that of housed in wire-mesh cages before grouping preferred to stay in wire- mesh cages (day 13: 65.6%). No significant differences were found between the different types of pens in almost the all production traits. The productive performance fits to the results of Pannon Breeding Program. On the other hand in Wire and Mix groups the does mortality were 6.3% and 12.5% and the kindling rates were 62.5 and 68.8%. The ratio of injured rabbits was higher than 50% in each system. Based on the results it can be concluded that the main problems of group housing of does (aggressiveness, injuries) have not been solved with this system.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Néhány gondolat a gyorsvizsgálati NIR technika mezőgazdasági alkalmazásairólBázár, György; Kovács, Zoltán; Romvári, Róbert; Tóth, Tamás; egyetemi oktató, kutatóBemutatjuk a NIR technika napjainkban elérhető alkalmazási lehetőségeit, illetve felvillantjuk azokat az irányokat, amelyekkel jelen ismereteink alapján a közeli jövőben találkozhatunk majd a piacon.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A parlagfű biológiai sajátosságaira épülő integrált védekezési eljárásokKazinczi, Gabriella; egyetemi oktató, kutatóTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Non‑destructive imaging and spectroscopic techniques to investigate the hidden‑lifestyle arthropod pestsKeszthelyi, Sándor; Pónya, Zsolt; Csóka, Ádám; Bázár, György; Morschhauser, Tamás; Donkó, Tamás; egyetemi oktató, kutatóThere are several harmful and yield decreasing arthropod pests, which live within plant tissues, causing almost unnoticeable damage, e.g. Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn., Cydia pomonella L., Acanthoscelides obtectus Say. Their ecological and biological features are rather known. The process leading to the damage is difficult to trace by means of conventional imaging tech- niques. In this review, optical techniques—X-ray, computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, confocal laser scan- ning microscopy, infrared thermography, near-infrared spectroscopy and luminescence spectroscopy—are described. Main results can contribute to the understanding of the covert pest life processes from the plant protection perspective. The use of these imaging technologies has greatly improved and facilitated the detailed investigation of injured plants. The results provided additional data on biological and ecological information as to the hidden lifestyles of covertly developing insects. Therefore, it can greatly contribute to the realisation of integrated pest management criteria in practical plant protectionTétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Calculating the theoretical expansion of European corn borer ecotypes in Europe and North-America using biological constants and abiotic conditionsKeszthelyi, Sándor; Somfalvi-Tóth, Katalin; egyetemi oktató, kutatóThe expansion of Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) was mapped with the help of its biological constants and climatological data based on a 55.8×55.8 km grid of ECMWF ERA-Interim dataset in Europe and North America in order to determine the tendency of the expansion of the ecotypes between 2003-2018. In the quest of visual mapping of voltinism of O. nubilalis, the yearly generation number was calculated at different points using the threshold temperature for the development and the accumulated degree-days. The examination highlighted that the northern limit of expansion of O. nubilalis can be attributed to latitude 58ºN in Europe. Besides, equally uni-, bi- and multivoltine ecotypes of the species were stably represented in Europe in the period under investigation, from which univoltine is the most widely distributed. Recent global warming and incidence of climate change favoured the appearance of the four generations of the multivoltine ecotype in southernmost parts of the Mediterranean Coast since 2014. O. nubilalis has stably developed four different ecotypes in North America during the period of 2003-2018. The most northern limit of development of this pest lies along latitude 50ºN, approximately in the middle of Saskatchewan (Canada ). Middle parts of the USA, including the Corn Belt states, were occupied by the bivoltine ecotype of O. nubilalis. The ecotype changing triggered by climatic fluctuation is mostly specific for the southern and middle areas of the USA, which can be explained by north-south relief exposure in North America. In summary, the northward expansion of the more generations of ecotypes of this serious pest may clearly cause increasing damage in maize-growing areas globally