Theses (Faculty of Dentistry)
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Theses (Faculty of Dentistry) Tárgyszó szerinti böngészés "adhesive dental system"
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Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Cementation of dental ceramicsNadali Nezhad, Faraz; Radics, Tünde; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi Kar::Bioanyagtani és Fogpótlástani Nem Önálló Tanszék; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Biacsko, Csilla; Szalóki, Melinda; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi Kar::Bioanyagtani és Fogpótlástani Nem Önálló TanszékDifferent indirect restorations require different preparation guidelines, different cementation protocols and should be use in various clinical situations. The longevity and quality of the adhesion between the restoration and the tooth is critical to the success of ceramic restoration treatments which includes adhesion between the restoration and the cement and between the cement and the tooth. This thesis aims to provide an outline to understand what material we are using, when to use it and how to implement it.