Theses (Faculty of Dentistry)
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Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető 3D in EndodonticsAmer, Muhammad Zoraiz; Tóth, Enikő; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi Kar; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Antal, Zsuzsa; Bágyi, Kinga Ágnes; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi KarThis thesis is about the applications of 3D in Endodontics. There are various 3D technologies and techniques that can be used to improve the quality of treatment and make it easier and faster as well as improve the prognosis of the tooth.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Access cavity in the 21th centuryHadieh, Ghamari; Suta, Péter; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi Kar::Konzerváló Fogászati Tanszék; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Nagy, László; Bohács, JuditIn this study we understand what is the access cavity preparations and the error that might occur during this procedure. We also review the uptodate access cavity preparation methods. Inadequate access preparation can lead to a host of subsequent treatment issues and cause failure in the worst-case situation. Therefore, the implementation of minimally invasive dentistry is significant. Because it assists in the maximum preservation of the healthy dental issues of the patients and can prevent the common dental issues with the traditional dental access cavity preparations.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Accuracy of additive technologies in dentistryZehni, Danial; Suta, Márton; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Bakó, József; Csermák, Sára; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi Kar::Bioanyagtani és Fogpótlástani Nem Önálló TanszékAdditive manufacturing (AM), also identified as 3-dimensional printing or rapid prototyping, is growing in popularity as the demand for greater-performance materials with progressive enhancement and increased geometrical complexities grows. Currently, most of the AM technologies have acceptable accuracy for dental applications and the reproducibility is high but the main disadvantages come with the compatible materials (most of the printers in this field are only good in case ofa limited number of materials), the time it takes to print, price of printer and services, and the extent of post-processing, Nonetheless, this approach has a great potential for development, and the future is bright not only in dentistry but in other aspects of life.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Accuracy of Intraoral ScannersAldbai, Jissika; Suta, Márton; Department of biomaterials and prosthetic dentistry; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Petercsak, Anita; Bakó, József; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi Kar; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi Karan Overview of how intraoral scanners work, their advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional impression techniques. compartive evaluation of the accuracy of different mainstream intraoral scanners regarding partial and complete arch scanning.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Accuracy of subtractive technologies in dentistryHsieh, Cho-Hen; Suta, Márton József; Fogorvostudományi Kar::Bioanyagtani és Fogpótlástani Nem Önálló Tanszék; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Csermák, Sára Kata; Szalóki, Melinda; Fogorvostudományi Kar::Bioanyagtani és Fogpótlástani Nem Önálló TanszékThis literature review emphasized the accuracy of the prosthetic dentistry specimen fabricated by subtractive technology. The aim is to analyze existing publications and determine the factors affecting manufacturing accuracy. It tackles the accuracy of dental prosthetics in various ways, including definitions and measures to determine denture accuracy, impression-making methods, milling protocol, and sequences, and comparative studies between different existing dental prosthetic manufacturing techniques.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Acute Anterior TMJ luxationStavrou, Georgios; Hegedüs , Nándor; Fogorvostudományi Kar; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Hegedüs , Nándor; Fogorvostudományi KarThe main goal of this thesis was to analyze in depth the phenomenon of acute anterior TMJ luxation. Everything related to this topic needed to be investigated in depth to have a well-rounded idea of the luxation of the TMJ. The acute anterior TMJ luxation is a debilitating situation and should be taken very seriously, recognition of it, as well as properly treating it is extremely important. Neglecting the luxation in the acute phase can lead to progression in the chronic stage, where the treatment can’t be achieved by simple reduction techniques, but a surgical treatment might be needed instead. All medical personnel especially dentists need to have the proper knowledge of this topic so further secondary health problems can be easily avoided. Anatomy, embryological development, and functions of the TMJ are also been discussed. Symptomology, diagnosis, and also proper management of an acute anterior TMJ luxation are been elaborated.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Advanced diagnostic methods in periodontologySingh, Kavan; Tar, Ildikó; Periodontology; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Varga, István; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi KarAdvanced diagnostic methods in periodontology focuses on the techniques used to measure the extent of periodontal diseases. The methods include a physical examination, microbiology and x-rays. Physical examinations compare the bleeding on probing with bleeding on marginal probing, and the WHO-621 probe is also explained. For microbiology real time PCR, metalloproteinases and volatile sulphur compounds were studied. X-rays included panoramic, periapical, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluations.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Adverse Effects of Local AnaestheticsVésteinsdóttir, Dagbjört; Szentmiklósi, József András; Pharmacology; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Lukács, Levente; Benkő, IlonaLocal anaesthetics are widely used in minor surgeries, for diagnostic purposes and in routine dental practice. Every clinician should be well acquainted with their general pharmacology, maximal doses and possible adverse effects. This review aims to summarize the most relevant knowledge on this subject; brief history, pharmacology, chemistry, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics; the different potential adverse effects including local effects such as neuro- and myotoxicity and systemic ones, as well as possible prevention and treatment of toxicity, allergic reactions and methemoglobinemia.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Aesthetics considerations: basic rules to restore anterior teethPatel, Parth Mahesh; Martos, Renáta; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi Kar::Konzerváló Fogászati Tanszék; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Nagy, László; Marincsák, Rita; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi Kar::Konzerváló Fogászati TanszékAesthetic dentistry is becoming increasingly popular. Many patients seek aesthetics treatment now-a-days. When creating an aesthetic restoration in the anterior teeth, the dentist need to create an harmony between facial, lips and interdental features. They also need to understand tooth colour and the surface texture of the natural tooth to replicate on the restoration and thus a successful integration of he restoration. Understanding all this topics and applying the principles the planning and fabrication of the restoration is essential for the final aesthetic result.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Aetiology and treatment options of gingival enlargementMaktabi, Leila Sadat; Tar, Fábián; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi Kar::Parodontológiai nem önálló Tanszék; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Angyal, János; Tóth, Petra Rita; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi Kar::Parodontológiai nem önálló TanszékThis literature review delves into the topic of gingival enlargement, exploring various etiologies that contribute to the development of this condition. The paper provides a detailed analysis of these underlying causes, shedding light on the pathophysiological mechanisms that lead to gingival enlargement. In addition, the review explores the treatment options available for this condition, taking into account the various etiologies that may be involved. Ultimately, the paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject matter, with a focus on both the underlying causes and the most effective treatment strategies available.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Allergies in Prosthetic DentistryZaninovic, Ivo; Radics, Tünde; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi Kar; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Kelentey, Barna; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi KarVariety of materials used in dentistry has the potential to cause irritation or sensitization of tissues within oral cavity or skin to the patient as well as to dental staff. Different metals, synthetic and natural polymers, latex, local anesthetics together with other dental materials can affect oral tissues during dental treatment. Allergic reactions in dental clinic can manifest as early or hypersensitivity type I and delayed or type IV hypersensitivity reactions. Early reactions present with symptoms of warmth, itching, erythema or edema of face and neck, bronchoconstriction and laryngeal edema described as anaphylaxis. Delayed type hypersensitivity is more commonly observed in dental clinic. It can be related to long term exposure of oral tissues to sensitizing substances manifested as edema, burning and erosive alterations. Assessment of the allergic reaction type can be supported by the distribution and localization of clinical symptoms however definitive determination of allergy is done by an allergy test. Common tests for potential allergens are patch and prick skin test in vivo as well as RAST test in vitro. Prevention of dental allergy occurrences is more preferable, rather than treating them. This is done by detailed and accurate history taking prior to initiation of dental treatment. Treatment of dental allergy is based on removing the sensitizing materials from oral cavity and replace it with alternative dental material. With better understanding of allergic reactions in prosthetic dentistry, prevention, treatment and future avoidance of the conditions are significantly increased and possibility of successful prosthetic restoration is much higher.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Alzheimer's disease and pharmacological treatmentsDavoodi, Neda; Szentmiklósi, József András; Debreceni Egyetem::Általános Orvostudományi Kar::Farmakológiai és Farmakoterápiai Intézet; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Drimba, LászlóThe defect observed in adults with Alzheimer's disease is likely as a result of a complex interaction of biochemical interactions that ultimately cause neuronal damage.ultimately,our ability for the management of AD depends on having a correct view of the cellular and involved molecular processes as well as having optimal biomarkers to help early diagnosis and therapeutic interventions in patients.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Antibiotic prophylaxis in dentoalveolar surgeryAkbari, Tara; Karolyi Farkas, Georgina; Fogorvostudományi Kar; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Tasko, Mate; Kalas, Nandor; Fogorvostudományi KarThe thesis describes different type of antibiotic which are used in dentistry. Their indications and characteristics. Indications of antibiotic prophylaxis prescription and different regimens. Also, adverse reaction of antibiotics and resistance.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Antibiotics in dentistryJoseph, Dona; Pórszász, Róbert; Pharmacology; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Szentmiklósi, József András; Kelentey, Barna; Debreceni Egyetem::Gyógyszerésztudományi Kar; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi KarAfter conducting a thorough research on antibiotics in dentistry, it has been found that dentists play a very vital role in prescribing antibiotics and in its resistance. Diagnosis should be made to find the causative organism. If it is not clear, appropriate test should be carried out to prove it. Once that is done, the correct drug with accurate spectrum of antibiotics should be prescribed with the correct regimen. It is very important for all practitioners especially dentists to diagnose the patient accurately and prescribe antibiotics with an apt regimen only if necessary in order to prevent the antibiotic prevalence and the side-effects caused by the antibiotic abuse.This way, the anti-microbial prescribing can be minimised globally which will eventually lead to the decrease of antibiotic resistance and the sideeffects caused by its abuse.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Anticoagulants & Anti-platelets drugs: implication in dentistryRashid, Danyal Ahsen; Szentmiklósi, József András; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Póti László; Pórszász, RóbertAnti-thrombotic agents including UFH, LMWHs, DTIs, and warfarin have been reviewed and commissioned expansively for not only the treatment of thrombosis but also for preventive measures as well. Lately however, novel oral anticoagulants have surfaced from clinical development and are expected to replace the long-standing drugs in the upcoming years massively due to their easy management and more favourable pharmacodynamic attributes.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető antithrombotic drugs pharmacology and implications for dental practicejalalvand, hossein; karolyi farkas, georgina; Fogorvostudományi Kar::Dentoalveoláris Sebészeti nem önálló Tanszék; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; korosi, tamas; tasko, mate; Fogorvostudományi Kar::Dentoalveoláris Sebészeti nem önálló TanszékThe goal of this thesis is to offer an overview of drugs, in dental care covering their pharmacology,mechanisms,indications and challenges. It discusses three categories of these drugs; antiplatelet medications, anticoagulants and thrombolytics along with their impact o n hemostasis and bleeding risks. Moreover the thesis examines the existing guidelines for managing patients undergoing procedures while on therapy. Lastly it emphasizes the significance o f collaboration a n d communication, between professionalsand prescribingdoctors to ensure patient outcomesin dentalsettings.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Anxiety and Dental ChairBouzari, Negar; Szentmiklósi, József András; Debreceni Egyetem::Gyógyszerésztudományi Kar; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Szepesi, Márta; Drimba, László; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi Kar; Debreceni Egyetem::Általános Orvostudományi KarDental anxiety and phobia affect patients' quality of life and oral health significantly and since a considerable percentage of the patients suffer from these conditions, their diagnosis, proper treatment, and management should be an essential part of clinical practice. On the basis of the dentist's expertise, experience, the extent of anxiety, patient understanding, age, collaboration, and clinical situation, treatment should be adapted for each patient.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Application possibilities of 3D printing in dentistryNguyen, Vinh Nguyen; Bakó, Jószef; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi Kar; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi KarThis thesis discusses the methods, materials, and possible application of 3D printing in various aspects of dentistry.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Articaine: Pharmacological and clinical featuresAbkhezr, Elmira; Szilvássy, Zoltán; Debreceni Egyetem::Általános Orvostudományi Kar::Farmakológiai és Farmakoterápiai Intézet; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Megyeri, Attila; Debreceni Egyetem::Gyógyszerésztudományi KarArticaine, is an anaesthetic used in dental practice, which offers an alternative to lidocain. The aim is to reversibly inhibit gated sodium channels, in order to block the pain pathway. In this thesis I have focused on six main chapters including an introduction, history, the role of epinephrine, the efficacy, clinical use, and complicationsTétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Association between genetic polymorhisms and external apical root resorptionTaurbek, Yenglik; Sipos, Kitti; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi Kar; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Martos , Renáta; Suta, Péter; Debreceni Egyetem::Fogorvostudományi KarThe primary goal of the work presented was to identify an association between genetic predisposition to EARR and the clinically developed condition of EARR. The following link was established based on an analysis of 19 independent studies for various single nucleotide polymorphisms, where some showed a significant impact on the emergence of EARR while others confirmed the lack of any influence. Several single nucleotide polymorphisms must be examined and investigated further to determine their impact on the occurrence and progression of EARR. Mutations in cytokines involved in the root resorption molecular pathway were found to have a significant effect on EARR. The polymorphisms of IL-1B, IRAK-1, IL-6, P2RX7, and VDR had the greatest effect of the polymorphisms presented.