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Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető A Comparative Analysis of Hire Purchase and Credit Sale AgreementsPugyova , Maria; Fézer, Tamás; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarThe thesis shows and compares the differences between Hire Purchase and Credit Sale Agreements. The aim of the work is to compare the two types of credit transactions in two different countries and to show what the differences are. Attention is also paid to the legal point of view and the laws that protect consumers from unclean practices. Attention is also paid to the economic and cultural differences in the two countries to show how this affects credit products.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető A humánszolgáltatás igazgatásaTulipánné Frindik, Enikő; Árva, Zsuzsanna; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarA téma azért érdekel, mert átszövi a mindennapjainkat, emberi kapcsolatainkat. Önmagában a kifejezés is a francia „humain” és a latin „humanus”, vagyis emberi szavakból ered. Jelentése: emberre jellemző magatartás, hozzáállás, gondolkodásmód, az emberrel kapcsolatos, hozzá tartozó dolog. Jellemzője az előre gondolkodás. Értékei közt nagy jelentősége van a szabadságnak. A humán közösségek összetartó ereje a segítség és a szolgálat.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető A jog és a jogi szimbólumok megjelenése George R. R. Martin: A tűz és jég dala könyvsorozatábanMolnár, Levente; Szűcs Lászlóné Siska , Katalin; Talabos Dávidné Lukács , Nikolett; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarA jog és a jogi szimbólumok megjelenése George R. R. Martin: A tűz és jég dala könyvsorozatában Tisztelt olvasó. A Tűz és Jég dala könyvsorozat nem hagyományos fantasy elemek miatt vált népszerűvé, ugyanis a könyvekben a mágián, a sárkányokon túl élőholtak (vagyis a „mások”) is megjelennek. A lebilincselő fantasy, egy klasszikus lovagkirályságot tár az olvasó elé. Dolgozatomban számos oldalról körbe jártam a könyvben megjelenő jog és a jogi szimbólumok megjelenését. Pályamunkám első részében áttekintést és keretet adok arról a világról, amelyben a történeti cselekmények zajlanak. Pályamunkám második részében ütköztettem a megjelenő jogi elemeket és jogi szimbólumokat az általam tanult jog-, alkotmánytörténeti és hadtörténeti ismereteimmel, ami legfőképpen a középkori magyar korra volt jellemző. A pályamunkám a fő mondanivalóját igyekeztem bemutatni számos példával, hasonlatokkal és párhuzamokkal, valamint képekkel. Pályamunkámban fontosnak tartottam részletesebben is ismertetni a középkori alkotmányos berendezkedést, a hatalomgyakorlást és a jogtörténeti párhuzamokat. Megvizsgáltam a könyvben, valamint a HBO által készített film sorozatban megjelenő ítélkezést, bíráskodást és megállapítottam, hogy nagyban eltér a sorozat a magyar történelemhez képest. Jobban tanulmányoztam a hadtudomány megjelenését a regényekben és azon belül is a középkori lovagi kultúrát és harcmodort mutattam be. Továbbá részletesen taglatam a koronázási hagyományokat és a könyvsorozatban megjelenő címereket. The emergence of law and legal symbols in George R. R. Martin's Song of Fire and Ice series Dear reader. The Song of Fire and Ice series of books has become popular because of its non-traditional fantasy elements, as undead (the "others") appear in the books alongside magic and dragons. It is a captivating fantasy that takes the reader into a classic knightly kingdom. In my thesis, I have explored the appearance of law and legal symbols in the book from several angles. In the first part of my thesis, I provide an overview and framework of the world in which the story takes place. In the second part of my thesis, I have contrasted the legal elements and legal symbols that appear with my knowledge of the history of law, constitutional history and military history, which was mainly characteristic of the medieval Hungarian period. I have tried to illustrate the main message of my essay with a number of examples, analogies and parallels, and images. I also considered it important to describe in detail the medieval constitutional system, the exercise of power and the legal-historical parallels. I examined the judgments and rulings in the book and in the film series produced by HBO and found that the series differed greatly from Hungarian history. I studied more closely the appearance of military science in the novels and within that, I presented medieval chivalric culture and fighting styles. I also gave a detailed analysis of the coronation traditions and the coats of arms that appear in the book series.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető A jövedelemadók rendszereKovács, Judit; Valentényi-Szilágyi, Bernadett; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarAz általam választott szakdolgozati téma a jövedelemadók rendszere. Ezen belül is a személyi jövedelemadó kérdésköreit szeretném boncolgatni, valamint ezt összefüggésbe hozni az ingatlanokkal, az ingatlanok bérbeadásával, a rövidtávú szálláshelyszolgáltatással, valamint az ingatlan magánszemélyként történő eladásával, valamint ezek alapján az eljárási kérdésekbe szeretnék betekintést mutatni. Úgy gondolom, hogy az általam választott szakdolgozati téma nagyon aktuális, ugyanis az utóbbi években jelentősen megnőtt az ingatlanok jelentősége, és ehhez elengedhetetlenül kapcsolódnak az adózási kérdések, amely nem hagyhatóak figyelmen kívül. A dolgozatom írása során törekszem arra, hogy egy átfogó képet tudjak kialakítani a témáról, mélyrehatóan, de mégis lényegre törően, a legfontosabb kérdésköröket kiemelve, boncolgatva. A mai világban - az ingatlanok, az ingatlan piac - nagy változáson ment keresztül, amely során az emberek az ingatlant már nem csak egy "fogalomként" definiálják, hanem meglátják abban a lehetőséget, üzleti oldalról nézve. És, hogy ez miként, és hogyan folytatható, erre a választ a szakdolgozatomban keresem.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető A közvetítő szolgáltatók fogyasztóvédelemmel összefüggő kötelezettségei a hazai hatályos jogszabályok tükrébenSonnevend-Valle, Anna; Hajnal, Zsolt; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarA digitális tér biztonságosabbá és a benne elérhető szolgáltatások szabályozottabbá tételére született meg az EU-ban a digitális szolgáltatásokról szóló rendelet (DSA). A DSA, bár nem érinti a fogyasztóvédelemre vonatkozó uniós jogot, célkitűzései között szerepel a fogyasztóvédelem magas szintjének biztosítása, és számos rendelkezése a fogyasztóvédelmi szempontok érvényesülését segíti elő. A DSA a digitális szolgáltatók jelentős részét érinti, a dolgozatban a kizárólag csak technikai szolgáltatást nyújtó szereplőkkel foglalkozunk. Bemutatjuk azokat a DSA alapján közvetítő szolgáltatókat terhelő kötelezettségeket, új jogintézményeket, a közvetítő szolgáltatók DSA szerinti felelősség alóli mentesülését és a rájuk vonatozó hatósági irányítási struktúrát, amelyek a fogyasztók védelmének érvényesülését segítik elő. Ismertetjük továbbá a magyar kapcsolódó végrehajtási törvény (Iszt.) rendelkezéseit is. Az érintett vállalkozások új szabályoknak történő jogi megfeleléshez általános teendőlistát is adunk a dolgozatban.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető A terrorizmus és az emberkereskedelem kapcsolataFóri, Zsolt; Siska, Katalin; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarDolgozatom első részének fókuszában a terrorizmus áll. Röviden említést teszek a terrorizmus kialakulásáról és fejlődéséről, megpróbálom definiálni magát a jelenséget, majd a rész zárásaként a nemzetközi szervezetek és hazánk fellépését mutatom be a terrorizmussal szemben. Dolgozatom második részében az emberkereskedelem témakörével foglalkozom. Hasonlóan az első fejezet struktúrájához itt is a történelmi előzményekkel kezdem, a rabszolgaságból kiindulva és onnan eljutva a mai értelemben vett emberkereskedelemhez. Ezt követően az emberkereskedelem fogalmát próbálom meghatározni, pontosabban az egyes szervezetek által használt definíciókat ismertetni. Említést teszek az emberkereskedelem által leginkább veszélyeztetett csoportokról. A prostitúció és a gyermekkereskedelem virágkorát éri, de egyre nagyobb a kereslet a fiatal fiúk, férfiak iránt is. Végezetül a nemzetközi szervezetek és hazánk szabályozási rendszerét mutatom be az emberkereskedelem vonatkozásában.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Analysis of the legal nature of the documentary letter of creditAmirov, Kirill; Pribula, László; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarThe letter of credit is one of the most important payment instruments facilitating international trade. In comparison with other available payment instruments, secure interests of both exporter and importer. The balancing of their interests occurs due to characteristics which are imminent to the letter of credit. The letter of credit is an abstract undertaking of the bank which doesn't rely on the validity of the underlying sales contract. It means that upon the complying presentation of the documents the bank must honor the letter of credit. As to the applicant he enjoys two rights. On the one hand he obtains much more confidence over the due performance of the delivery of goods by the seller due to the bank verifying compliance of documents. On the second hand the letter of credit provides to him the credit which must be reimbursed only after the maturity of the letter of credit. Purpose of this paper to investigate commercial advantages and disadvantages of legal construction.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Analysis of the Limitations Regarding Party Autonomy in the Choice of Applicable Law in International Commercial Contracts in the European Union and United States Legal FrameworkOvares Soto, Hernán José; Hajnal, Zsolt; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarThis thesis purports to analyze and criticize the superseding of mandatory rules (provisions) and public order (public policy) over the choice of applicable law in international commercial contracts, regarding the legal framework and case-law in the United States of America (US) and in Europe (European Union). In addition, it aims to determine to what extent mandatory rules and public order, both in the European (European Union) and United States legal framework limit the implementation of the choice of the applicable law in international commercial contracts. It aims to describe the reasons which underpin the prevalence and preference of contractual parties as to stipulating the applicable law in international commercial contracts, instead of applying the default conflict method. It attempts to substantiate the reasons which underpin the prevalence and preference of contractual parties as to stipulating the applicable law in international commercial contracts, instead of applying the default conflict method. It intends to construct a general theoretical conceptualization of the party autonomy principle on choice of law in international commercial contracts, under the lens of Private International Law, as well as illustrating how the aforementioned principle has been regulated in Uniform Law, in the European (European Union) an in the US legal framework. It purports to draw a general theoretical conceptualization of mandatory rules and public policy (public order) on choice of law in international commercial contracts, under the lens of Private International Law. US legal framework refers to the Uniform Commercial Code and the Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws and the European legal framework refers to the Rome I Regulation. Finally, it summarizes these limitations in the European and US legal framework as well as providing further explanation of them by presenting and criticizing judicial decisions which have interpreted the practical applicability of mandatory rules and public policy.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Arbitration Clauses in International Business ContractsDawud, Sara; Bartha, Ildikó; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarThe use of arbitration clauses in international business contracts has become a popular alternative to traditional litigation due to its numerous benefits, including flexibility, confidentiality, and a higher degree of control over the dispute resolution process. This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the use of arbitration clauses in international business contracts, including their advantages and disadvantages, the legal frameworks and regulations impacting their use, and the key factors that businesses should consider when selecting the appropriate legal system to govern these clauses. The study is significant because it addresses a critical need in the international business community for effective dispute resolution mechanisms.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Arbitration law in the European union and mechanisms for settlement of invest disputesNorbotaev, Khusan; Fézer, Tamás; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarThe purpose of this Study is to provide an in-depth, objective description and analysis of the law and practice of arbitration, public policy argument in commercial arbitration across the European Union. One of the primary goals of the Authors was to portray accurately the actual diversity of arbitration law and practice across the European Union, rather than merely to report on arbitration practice as it is undertaken by the leading specialists in the field, and on arbitration law in the primary arbitral jurisdictions. Consequently, it was decided to include discussion of the law and practice of arbitration of all the States of the European Union, in order to identify both similarities and variants, and in order to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the law and practice observed, in the specific national contexts in which it is found . Public policy is one of the most popular grounds commonly used by parties to international arbitration to resist enforcement of arbitral awards. Till today, it remains a highly debated, controversial and complex subject. This is because of the diverse approach taken by national courts in relation to the concept of public policy in international arbitration. Although over time, arbitration laws and practice have tried to align the concept of public policy so that parties may benefit from a universally accepted concept of public policy, the difference in attitude of national courts has made this task virtually impossible. In recent times, the difference in attitude has been most prominent in India, where a series of court decisions have hampered the development of an internationally accepted concept of public policy.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Are Some Characters More Equal Than Others?Rona, Nafiye Elif; Fézer, Tamás; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarThis thesis examines “to what extent fictional characters are protected considering they are visually depicted or solely literary characters”, whether the current approach is for the benefit of fictional character protection in means to public domain or interests of the author or do literary characters deserve a better protection under copyright law. By doing so, I will compare several approaches on the matter in the light of US, EU and Turkish law, pointing out the similarities and also differences. Since the objective of this paper is to reach a humble conclusion on “how to protect fictional characters that are based in different mediums?”, the standpoints in those three legal systems shall pave the way to reach a final opinion.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Banking transactions and comparison between the EU law and Egyptian lawTarek Sayed Mohamed Aboalsoud, Nada; Tamás, Fézer; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarThe thesis "Banking Transactions and Comparison between the EU Law and Egyptian Law" examines and compares the legal framework governing banking transactions in the European Union and Egypt. It delves into the regulatory framework, including the EU Directives and Egyptian Banking Law, and analyzes the key principles and concepts applicable to various banking activities, such as deposit accounts, lending, and payments.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Behind the Veil of Incorporation: A Comparative Study on the Liability of Shareholders in European Union and NigeriaAppi, Kieriboyegha Stephen; Fézer, Tamás; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarThis dissertation focuses on the principle of piercing the veil of incorporation to see those behind the veil to impose liabilities on them in certain circumstances. It is trite that once a company is incorporated, it becomes a distinct or separate person from the founder(s), and shareholders of the company. It is called a legal person, it can sue and be sued, the shareholders are only liable to the amount they contribute or agreed to contribute in the formation of the company. The shareholders assets and properties are protected against the creditors of the company. The personal assets of the shareholders cannot be used to pay any loan or debenture even at the point of winding up of the company. However, this principle is not a straight jacket rule, there are instances in which both the legislature of a county or even court impose liabilities on shareholders or founders of the company in certain circumstances such as fraud, noncompliance with company laws or regulations, undercapitalisation, etc which we refer to as “Lifting, Piercing or Going behind the veil of incorporation”. This dissertation will give an insight on exceptions applicable in the European Union and Nigeria using statutes and court decisions and will provide some recommendations relying largely on both primary and secondary sources of law of European Union and Nigeria relating to this principle of law.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Britain and Europe: Changing Perspectives on IntegrationForrester, Benjamin; Bartha, Ildikó; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarBritain's identity as an entity, separate from the European Continent, started not as a political concept but as a geographical one. Around 8,000 years ago, the last land-links between Ancient Britain and Europe became flooded, creating the British Isles. The juxtaposition of these islands lying just miles from the European Continent, yet distinctly sticking out into the Atlantic has come to dominate British history, law and politics to the present day. As Europe has sought closer integration for the better part of the last century, Britain has always found itself in an awkward position regarding its place therein. This essay, entitled ‘Britain and Europe: Changing Perspectives on Integration’, aims to explore how attitudes of the political elites and of the public towards European integration have changed over time. The topic will be split into three broad chapters. Chapter I will focus on traditional ideas on European integration, looking first at the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty and Britain’s historical power ambitions and identity, before analysing the beginnings of European integration with the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, and then turning to Britain’s initial post-war ‘three-doctrines’ policy, whereby it aimed to be associated with, but stay out of the emerging European Community. Chapter II will look at Britain’s accession to the European Community, looking at the changing times which led to the shift in Britain’s European policy and the unsuccessful attempts at membership in the 1960s, before Prime Minster Ted Heath finally managed to strike a deal with the European Community, leading to Britain’s membership in 1973. We will then turn to the constitutional implications of membership. Chapter III will be centred around Brexit. We will first look at the historical background to modern Euroscepticism, then analyse the reasons behind Euroscepticism, before detailing the circumstances which led to the 2016 referendum and Brexit. We will conclude the chapter by looking at the UK’s current relationship with the European Union and the possibilities surrounding future European integration for Britain. From the British standpoint, perspectives on integration with Europe are essentially a question of where sovereignty should lie. Thus, one of the main recurring themes throughout the essay shall be sovereignty, including an analysis of Diceyan parliamentary sovereignty prior to joining the European Community, the constitutional effects of becoming a party to the Treaty of Rome, as well as the state of parliamentary sovereignty post-Brexit.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Business and content on online platforms: actual problems of legal regulation in the context of the law of the European Union, the United States and Russia.Gromova, Polina; Fézer, Tamás; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarOnline e-business and public communication are becoming more and more functional and updated every year, making them significantly different from the offline world. Content online is ranked and optimized based on the user's interests, priorities, territorial location, from social interests. Commercial platforms have a significant influence on global economic processes and every year this influence is increasing, and social platforms influence not only the communication of users, but also their worldview, political views, form consumer orientation, and set general trends in the development of society. In connection with such a positive growth in the importance of the online world, I chose the topic of my master's thesis: Business and content on online platforms: actual problems of legal regulation in the context of the law of the European Union, the United States and Russia.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Business TortsGillani, Syed Faizan Meeran Shah; Fézer, Tamás; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi Karthis thesis examines the legal and practical foundations of business torts, the identification of probelems and weaknesses in business torts, there types, remedies available as well as requirements to prove it. the principal torts are injurious falsehood, trade libel cospiracy, inducement of breach of contract and tortious interference. we will know when we have a valid claim as well as when to avoid committing such acts.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Catastrophic Condition of Environment and its Cure by LegislationEjaz, Ahmed; Bartha, Ildikó; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarEnvironment is most important and key issue in this age. During the age of development/industrialization every country neglected this domain. Due to this negligence many complications emerged. Which are disturbing our planet. Due to increasing problems of environment everybody moved to find out common ground, which can cure this damage. In this paper we are highlighting those problems. We have seen different models worldwide which are working for the protection of environment so it is the need of time for our country. Pakistan do adopt an effective and strong model, which could bring benefits for Human beings and society. For this purpose there are many models suggested which could bring good results. But we will propose here more practical model which will be the construction of environmental agency which based upon the model of environmental protection. The Legislature should make effective and realistic laws which could be possible for implementation. Effective legislation doesn’t mean that what percentage numbers of laws you've got, but it implies that laws which you have are effective and shut to reality. In domain of the environment, Pakistan has many laws but they're packed with ambiguities. There’s no coordination between provinces. Violation in one province isn't the same as the violations in alternative provinces.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Challenges and Potential Reforms in Relation to the ICSID Arbitration ProceedingsMohajeri, Soroush; Fézer, Tamás; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarThe significant importance of international investment has grown rapidly during the last century and consequently, so have the investor-state disputes. International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes was therefore established to provide more efficient alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. Understanding the historical background and main objectives of ICSID is essentially important. This is while during the recent decades of its existence, ICSID has been through various challenges. Many aspects of this center have been criticized brutally and many other have supported its role in today’s investment world. In this research we have attempted to point out the current flaws of this institution and the learned lessons. The probable future and upcoming bumps on the road have also been analyzed while possible solutions have been introduced as well.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Child Labor: Reality in PakistanHaq, Muhammad Zahoor Ul; Zaccaria, Márton Leó; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarThe beginning chapter of this thesis deals with the Introduction and Historical background of Child labor. The second Chapter explains the Concept/Theories about Child Labor. The third Chapter is about Realities and Elements of child labor in Pakistan. What is the basic concept, theories, Realities and causes of child labor in Pakistan with the reference of some case laws? The fourth Chapter is about child labor in Pakistan and the role of government to eliminate child labor from Pakistan. It explains all laws, legislation, and organizations about child labor. The fifth Chapter deals with the literature review. It explains the previous researcher's work in detail. The sixth Chapter is about the conclusion and discussion about the research work in particular.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető China's trade market with the EU and the challenges of the post-pandemic eraLiu, Baichun; Hajnal, Zsolt; DE--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarReviewing the historical development of cooperation between China and the EU, commercial trade between the two sides has shown an upward trend year by year. In 2020, following the epidemic outbreak, trade in goods between the EU and China grew in both directions, and China replaced the US as the EU's largest trading partner for the first time. China was the only trading partner to achieve two-way growth in trade, as well as an increase in China's share of the EU's import and export market. The quantitative and structural changes in the EU-China trade relationship have been leading to greater interdependence. The further opening up and liberalization of the economy at the global level and in the EU-China context has given rise to many problems, and the export orientation has made both sides more "vulnerable". At the same time, concerns have arisen on both sides about the development dynamics of further cooperation.