Theses (Institute of English and American Studies)

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Theses collection of the Institute of English and American Studies


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  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Short Form Content and English Vocabulary Learning
    Szoboszlai, Kristóf Géza; Szabó, Fruzsina; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    This thesis delves into the correlation between social media use (short form content, specifically) and language learning. Employing theory about how language is acquired, how social media affects the everyday lives of its users and the pedagogical implications of both. It contains research conducted with the help of high school students, focusing on their attitudes and experiences with both social media and language learning. The results reinforce the consensus of researchers and provides implications about how teachers can utilize and adapt to the changing times.
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    Exploring the Role of Photography in Life is Strange (2015)
    Kertész, Anasztázia; Horváth, Imre Olivér; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    In the video game Life is Strange (2015), photography acts as a narrative device, a means of characterization, and a game mechanic, which allows the player to manipulate time and explore the human psyche. In my thesis, I explore photography’s diverse symbolic meanings, how it shapes the narrative, contributes to character development and as part of the gameplay. Photography acts as a narrative device as Max, the protagonist uses it to alter the past, altering the outcome of events. It is also used in a symbolic way, extending on the meaning of the phrase “capturing the moment,” and reflecting the subconscious minds of the characters, most importantly, Max’s and Jefferson’s. As a narrative device, photography foreshadows events that occur in the game through Max’s visiting of past events. However, the camera is also a means of abuse in the game. The corrupt place of the dark room represents the perverted psyche of the photography teacher Jefferson, who manipulates and exploits his victims.
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    The Planned Invasion of Japan
    Balogh, Levente Sándor; Balogh, Máté Gergely; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    In my thesis, I will look into Operation Downfall the cancelled invasion of the Japanese Empire by the United States and its allies. I will show the plans they made in a detailed manner, the different phases of the invasion that was considered, and what they expected the enemy’s defensive plans to look like. I will argue that it was the right choice that the United States found a different solution to end the Second World War, because just how devastating it would have been if Downfall had actually happened not just to the defenders, but to the Americans as well.
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    The Interpretation Technique in Communication Between English and Thai
    Sattayawong , Satima; Csontos, Pál; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    In the age of globalization and rapid technological progress, language has become a powerful connecting factor between cultures. This research analyses the complex world of language interpretation, specifically the concept of digital communication modification in English and Thai. The purpose of the research is to determine the structure of these languages by examining how their features affect translation processes. The research aims to discuss the challenges and benefits associated with digital technologies. This seeks to advance the current methods of interpretation for making translation contexts more efficient and reliable.
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    The Parallels of Social and Cultural Changes in the Underworld Movies
    Nagy , Ádám Bence; Bényei, Tamás; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    The Underworld movie franchise depicts an ongoing conflict between werewolves and vampires, with the former experiencing significant physiological and psychological changes through five movies. These changes can be interpreted in several different ways. This thesis explores the changes as an allegory of Western history. The parallels in history and culture are discovered from the starting point of the story of the werewolves in the Underworld universe. Following that the social structures of the werewolves are described. The latter part of the thesis describes the main characters and motifs through a gender studies perspective and gender equality also appears.
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    Mental Health Awareness and Masculinity in Tim Burton's "Edward Scissorhands"
    Ombodi, Dorina Boglárka; Kalmár, György; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    The aim of my thesis is to give readers a broader view into Tim Burton’s “Edward Scissorhands”, especially into the world of the protagonist, Edward Scissorhands. I discuss the course of his life, the difficulties he has to face and how these affect his mental health. I analyse what mental disorders may be discovered through his behaviour and how these appear in different situations. It also deals with the question of masculinity: broken stereotypes and the redefinition of manliness.
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    The Intersection of Historical Accuracy, Western Tropes and Environmental Story-Telling in Red Dead Redemption 2
    Nagy, Gergely Máté; Bülgözdi, Imola; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    The thesis paper was written to examine Rockstar Games' Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018) from various video game studies standpoints. Among these are the historical accuracy of the era, as it is portrayed within the ludic environment, and how immersive it is due to the efforts of the developers. Another one is how the diegesis is told not just through the narrative but also the environment itself, with the use of Western tropes that are expanded upon more than in previously mediated versions of the genre. Arthur is the avatar of the player, an extension to interact with said environment, and how the connection between him and the player is formed. It is also examined how Arthur's power curve, which is a common element in video games, first moves in a positive, stronger direction and then reverses as the story progresses forward.
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    Increase and Multiply: Authorship in Flann O’Brien’s At Swim-Two-Birds
    Birgány, Dávid; Oroszné Gula, Marianna; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    Literary texts that come to be recognised as great challenge literary conventions of their times and necessitate or anticipate the transformation of critical paradigms. Such texts are often misunderstood and miscategorized by their contemporary critics. The texts of the Irish writer, Brian O’Nolan (1911-66), fall into this category, as they occupy a unique position between the modernist and postmodern literary paradigms. In my thesis I will explore how O’Nolan’s writings – both his fiction and non-fiction – re-imagine the role of the author challenging, pointing beyond its modernist conceptualisation. The first chapter will examine how this multifaceted artist destabilised what Michel Foucault called “the author function” by writing under proliferating pseudonyms. The second chapter will focus on O’Nolan’s first novel, At Swim-Two-Birds, published under the pseudonym, Flann O’Brien, especially on the author characters multiplying in a mise-en-abyme narrative structure and their relation to modernist and postmodernist conceptions of authorship. The third chapter will further highlight the postmodern challenge to the authority of the author in the novel by exploring the relationship between the author figures and their characters.
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    Adoption Anxiety in Orphan
    Székely, Fanni; Horváth, Imre; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    Orphan is a horror film with very negative attitudes in its portrayal of adoption, which is shown in the depiction of Esther as an orphan, as her character makes viewers uneasy. The Monstrous Child, as portrayed by Esther, embodies the horrors of adoption and foster children through the protagonist's frightening personality features and connection with her adoptive family. Her actions include seducing, murdering, manipulating, and torturing people around her, reflecting her lack of moral awareness. The narrative also uses artistic representations to reflect an adopted child’s chaotic mind. The film depicts the adopted child as an intruder who destroys and tries to take the roles of the family members away, like a monster, furthermore, the movie comes up with a solution to this problem of having the members of the family come together and destroy the intruder. The film painfully portrays the anxieties surrounding adoption and, at the same time, comes to a problematic conclusion on the topic.
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    Using ChatGPT as a Tool to Acquire the Passive Voice in English
    Benkő, Tamás Gábor; Tóth, Ágoston; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    The main focus of the thesis is whether ChatGPT is capable of helping people learn English passive voice. Lexical Functional Grammar was mentioned and compared to transformational grammar. A survey was conducted, and the results indicated that ChatGPT is helpful for people, and they would rely on its answers. Every prompt in the thesis was generated with the free version of ChatGPT. ChatGPT generated lists, pieces of advice, and corrected mistakes. These are analyzed throughout the thesis.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    The Importance of the Ardennes Offensive in the History of World War Two and the Post-War World
    Szentjóbi , Áron; Balogh, Máté Gergely; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    This thesis aims to explore and unravel the importance of the Ardennes Offensive - often referred to as the Battle of the Bulge - in the history of World War Two and the Post-War world. The study will focus on how and why the engagement between the Allies and the Wehrmacht was so crucial and what makes it be placed among other tide-turning battles such as Stalingrad, Kursk, Midway, or Guadalcanal. For the aforementioned goals, the thesis provides a thorough examination from the Allied D-Day landings, all the way to the breaking of the Siegfried Line, including war aims, plans and an analysis of the Bulge Battle itself, even touching upon the war's end.
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    The Ironic Representation of Masculine Heroism and Courage in Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage
    Roskó, Tünde; Csató, Péter; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    The thesis explores the ironic representation of masculine heroism and courage in Stephen Crane's novel, The Red Badge of Courage.
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    Comparative Analysis of US and Russian Foreign Policies in Kyrgyzstan Since the End of the Cold War
    Abdrakmanova, Altynai; Glant, Tibor; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    This thesis is dedicated to conducting a comparative analysis of the US and Russian foreign policies in Kyrgyzstan since the end of the Cold War. This analysis aims to indicate the distinct strategies employed by these two global powers and their consequent impact on the political landscape of Kyrgyzstan. By comparing their approaches, this research seeks to uncover the similarities and differences in their foreign policy tactics and the extent of their influence on this geopolitically strategic, yet economically modest nation. The scope of this thesis encompasses a detailed examination of diplomatic initiatives, economic diplomacy, military engagements, and the application of soft power by both the United States and Russia within Kyrgyzstan. It evaluates the effectiveness and ramifications of their political influence, considering how these international interactions shape Kyrgyzstan’s domestic and foreign policy decisions.
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    Language Attitudes Among English-Learning Hungarian Students
    Kovács, Vanda; Balogh, Erzsébet; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    This thesis explores the characteristics of English and its position as a lingua franca, as well as the language attitudes of Hungarian English-speaking students, based on an online questionnaire. Additionally, the properties and types of bilingualism are discussed in the beginning of the thesis. Respective to this research, the following three questions were initially: 1) to what extent do Hungarian students find knowing English important, 2) what difficulties do they think could arise during learning for a Hungarian speaker and 3) how do they judge Hungarian as a language compared to English. Based on the results, the attitudes of the participants proved to be overwhelmingly positive towards English, and the reasons are explored through the course of this thesis.
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    The Power of Imagination in Lucy Maud Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables
    Vályi, Kamilla; Szirák, Anna Mária; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    This thesis focuses on Anne Shirley’s power of imagination as a recurring theme in the book series and miniseries Anne of Green Gables by analyzing the chapters and scenes in detail that are connected to the heroine’s imagination, focusing on its dimensions and meanings. I am first examining from and internal, then from an external level. My focus will be on such topics as appearance, childhood, books and literature, and finally nature.
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    The Obesity Crisis in an American and Global Context
    Kasza, Blanka; Takácsné Tóth, Emőke; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    The thesis explores the multifaceted issue of obesity, with a focus on the United States of America. It highlights the significance of examining the topic beyond medical discourse, as it has a great impact not only on individuals but on the nation as a whole as well. The text advocates for increased awareness directed towards sensitive population groups, as a lack of representation hinders their situation. Additionally, it examines several aspects of obesity, including the body mass index measurement system, preventive measures, and contributing factors like psychological and socioeconomic influences.
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    The Decline of American Prestige Between 2015 and 2020
    Gegolaj, Aida; Glant, Tibor; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    The rise of the U.S. as a world power kick started after World War II and escalated further after the Cold War had ended with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Since then, the U.S.’s scope continuously grew throughout the globe, spreading her attractive ideals and values. America has always prided in her diplomacy which helped create the unattainable image others could only try to achieve. Soft power, which denotes a country’s ability to use its allure and persuasion to achieve its goals, has been one of the key tools of conducting effective foreign policies. The country’s persistent leadership in the various categories (of soft power) such as government, enterprise, education, culture, and digital made it all the more difficult for any other nation to compete. Although her role and place in the world still stands firm, the U.S., compared to her previous years has seen a decline in her soft power. Various research studies and statistics overlooking countries’ soft power ranking confirm this trend.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Investigating the Deranged Mind in The Crowded Room, Black Bird, Split, Memento, Shutter Island, and Angel Heart
    Reisi, Saeid; Győri, Zsolt; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    This Thesis describes the portrayal of Dissociative Identity Disorder in a cinematic aspect. What is Dissociative Identity Disorder? This Thesis argues what makes the characters and the movies stand out from all other psychological films. According to the films, The Thesis describes the best approach towards people with such conditions. This Thesis examines what is morally right to do for people with such conditions, according to the movies. This Thesis illustrates the role of manipulation in cinematic versions of dissociative identity disorder patients.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    The Legacy of Cruelty
    Gere, Vivien; Bényei, Tamás; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    The discipline of Holocaust studies has evolved to encompass a multifaceted exploration of the historical, ethical, psychological, and sociological dimensions of the event. Particularly, attention has intensified on the experiences of Holocaust survivors and the profound impact of their traumas, memories, and coping mechanisms on subsequent generations. This thesis delves into the transgenerational transmission of trauma within Holocaust survivor families. Drawing upon a range of sources, including interviews, memoirs like Lily's Promise by Lily Ebert and Dov Forman, novels like Jane Yolen's Briar Rose, and the documentary Born is Auschwitz directed by Eszter Cseke and András S. Takács, this thesis presents a comprehensive examination of the enduring impact of the Holocaust across three generations. It argues that despite the passage of time, the traumas of the Holocaust persist, shaping the lives and identities of descendants and highlighting the complex interplay between history, memory, and family dynamics in the inheritance of trauma.
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    Representation of Genderqueer Identities in Fictional and Nonfiction Narratives
    Tóth, Karolina; Papp, Fruzsina; DE--Bölcsészettudományi Kar
    This paper examines the representation of genderqueer identities in The Honeys by Ryan La Sala and Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe. These works focus on genderqueer people’s struggles in everyday life. The novels focus on family related problems, self-acceptance, pronoun change and the use of gender inclusive language in fictional and autobiographical narratives. Since one’s sexual or gender identity is often not discussed at home or at school, the first- time young people encounter LGBTQ identities are in popular culture. These identities are represented in novels, comics, TV series or films. It is necessary that these young people see good representation of identities and have the opportunity to find the language that is inclusive to their gender identity.