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Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető 1814–1914. A nagy háborúk kritikája a háborús eufória árnyékában(2015-07-01) Kovács, KálmánJohann Wolfgang von Goethe’s festival piece Des Epimenides Erwachen [The awakening of Epimenides], 1815, and Gerhart Hauptmann’s work entitled Festspiel in deutschen Reimen [Commemoration Masque], can be connected to the First World War only indirectly. While the former was created for the ceremony celebrating the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the latter was made for its centenary. Yet, both are in connection with the First World War, since in Europe before 1914, it was the Napoleonic Wars which meant the experience of a great war. Hauptmann’s play consciously relates to Goethe’s text and it was constitutive of the social discourse prior to the outbreak of the First World War.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Az abúzus nyelve(2016-01-01) Szabó, MarcellAccording to the reviews of Szilárd Borbély’s long poem Hosszú nap el (1993), the monotonous and repetitive characteristics of the work are based on the imitation of lingual sense-making and its unconscious processes. Most of the interpretations influenced by the ravaged and flawed side of the text have been dissolved in the varios trophes (stuttering, incantations etc) of orality and social language use that refer to the performative function of language. The analysis of the poem’s allegorical structure highlights that the identity of the speaking self is unsettled by the repetition encoded in the trophe and by a temporality which ties the birth of the subject to the witholding of speech. In my paper I attempt to reveal the patterns of a manipulated and ”overcoded” language behind the syntactical and rhetorical infractions of Borbély’s poem.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Ádám és a Gólem(2016-01-01) Száz, PálThe present study attempts to analyze kabbalistic motifs in the poetic cycle Hasidic Sequences by Szilárd Borbély, which is included in the amplified third book of the second, extended edition of his poetry volume Halotti pompa [The Splendours of Death – 2006]. By using the theory of transtextuality developed by Gérard Genette, focusing on the elaborated motif-structure gathered around the topic of creation of the world, it is clear that hypertexts, used by the author, are derived from the imaginarium of the creation of late lurianic kabbalah. These pretexts or hypotexts, however, originated from the Talmudic or Biblical sources. In this manner of palimpsestuous reading, the texts reveal their unique bricolage structure, which offers a detailed view of Szilárd Borbély’s writing method.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Az alárendelt nyelve Borbély Szilárd műveiben(2016-01-01) Németh, ZoltánThe study deals with the possibilities of the subordinate language in the texts of Szilárd Borbély. The theoretical background is provided by the article of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Can the subaltern speak?, Marxist philosophy, deconstruction, postcolonial literary theory, cultural studies, feminist literary studies, trauma theory, ecocriticism, multiculturalism and network theory. The paper refers to the change that occured in Hungarian literature and in the works of Szilárd Borbély from around 2000, resulting in the replacement of the ironic-parodic language of literature with the traumatic. The subordinated language of the works of Szilárd Borbély can be approached as a poetics of silence, communication disorders, speech impediments, aphasia, a voice disorder, stuttering, the anarthria, dysarthria, apraxia, mutism etc., as well as a dialect and the poetics of error. The grammatical and stylistic errors of the texts result in a tragic and traumatic effect.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Alekszej Csheidze, egy Magyarországon harcolt szovjet katona feljegyzései(2020-08-26) Nagy, LászlóThere are very few published memoirs of Soviet soldiers who fought in the Second World War, despite the fact that the narratives of the ones who survived this loaded historical period may significantly shape our understanding of it. The deeds of Soviet soldiers fighting in Hungary varies greatly, from genocide to rescue, which topic is touched upon by the paper. The article provides the translation technical analysis of the notes of the Georgian Soviet soldier, Alexei Alexandrovich Chkheidze, who fought in Hungary and met a tragic fate. It gives prominence to the fact that the literary translator often has to do the work of a technical translator: they must thoroughly research the contemporary military jargon and clothing, as well as the altered naming of various locations.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető „Állat-béli által-változás”(2013-07-01) Hegedüs, BélaIn meiner Abhandlung beschäftige ich mich mit dem philosophischen Hintergrund der sog. Hostie-Debatte im 18. Jahrhundert. Ungarn hat in der frühen Neuzeit kulturelle Entwicklungen erlebt, die sich aus historischen Gründen von den Entwicklungen der anderen europäischen Länder unterschieden haben. Da bestimmte Institutionen wie Universitäten und wissenschaftliche Gesellschaften damals nicht vorhanden waren, haben sich in Ungarn einige Disziplinen verhältnismäßig spät etabliert. Das bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass die Epistemologie, die damals in ganz Europa am einflussreichsten war und als Impuls für den wissenschaftlichen Paradigmenwechsel des Zeitalters zu deuten ist, in Ungarn ansatzweise nicht präsent gewesen wäre. Die ungarischen Intellektuellen der Zeit (Priester, Pfarrer, Lehrer usw.), die oft an europäischen Universitäten studierten, waren selbstverständlich auch philosophisch gebildet. Ungeachtet ihrer rational-protestantischen oder empirisch-katholischen Einstellung haben sie meistens nach der Rückkehr nach Ungarn ihre während des Studiums erworbenen Kenntnisse in den ungarischsprachigen, vorwiegend theologisch ausgerichteten Debatten eingebracht. Die vorliegende Abhandlung versucht demzufolge die Hostie-Debatte zwischen Katholiken und Protestanten vor diesem epistemologischen Hintergrund zu interpretieren.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető „Aluvó oláhok ébresztése”(2013-07-01) Nagy, LeventeDans la pemière partie de l’étude il s’agit de l’opinion de Melius concernant la situation sociale et religieuse des Roumains de rite byzantine. Melius a exprimé ces idées dans son livre Magyar prédikációk (Debrecen, 1563). C’était la lettre de saint Paul Apôtre aux Romains (Rom, 13-16) dans laquelle il a trouvé la bonne recette pour décrire son attitude envers des Romains. Dans cette lettre Paul écrit: «Je me dois aux Grecs et aux Barbares, aux savants et aux ignorants. Ainsi, autant qu’il est en moi, je suis prêt à vous annoncer aussi l’Evangile, à vous qui êtes à Rome. Car je n’ai point honte de l’Evangile; c’est une force divine pour le salut de tout homme qui croit, premièrement du Juif, puis du Grec.» De cette passage Melius tire la conclusion suivante: le bon predicateur a le devoir de prêcher la parole de Dieu non seulement parmis les savants et les puissants, mais parmis les barbares et les ignorants (comme sont les Romains) aussi. Dans la deuxième partie de l’étude je présente l’influence de l’oeuvre de Melius sur les écrits des prédicatuers romains calvinistes ou calvinisants. Dans la littérature roumaine et hongroise une opinion s’est répandue selon laquelle le livre imprimé par le diacre Coresi à Brassó en 1567-1568 (Tâlcul evangheliilor – Expilcation des evangiles, nommé aussi la première Cazania de Coresi) aurait été une traduction du hongrois d’après le livre Válogatott prédikációk (Debrecen, 1563) l’oeuvre de Melius. C’était Pandele Olteanu qui a démontré que les deux livres étaient totalement différents aussi bien par leur contenu, que par leur esprit, leur style et leur structure. L’original de la Cazania de Coresi était, selon Olteanu, l’Apostille de Neagovo (Postilla de Neagovo) écrit vers le milieu du XVIe siècle en ruthène, mais connu aujourd’hui seulement d’une copie de 1758. Il est vrai que les deux textes, le roumain et le ruthène, sont presque identiques, mais, contrairement à Olteanu, j’ai essayé de démontrer avec des preuves philologiques que la Cazania de Coresi est version originale d’après laquelle on a fait la traduction ruthène. Entre autres, malgré l’affirmation d’Olteanu concernant la différence entre la Cazania de Coresi et le livre de Melius (Válogatott prédikációk) j’ai réussi à identifier un sermon de Melius provenant de Válogatott predikációk, qui se trouve non seulement dans la version roumaine, mais dans la ruthène aussi. On peut donc affirmer que le livre de Melius a eu une influence considérable sur la propagation de la Réforme parmis les Roumains et les Ruthènes.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető And what’s your story?(2022-12-15) Visy, BeatrixThe paper examines the presence and forms of autofiction in contemporary Hungarian literature. It does not contain a broad theoretical discussion of the genre, as I only aim to highlight some theoretical connections that can be specifically applied to Hungarian works. After a general description of the autofictive works published in the recent decades, three contemporary pieces shall be interpreted. The double narrative structure of Zsolt Láng’s novel Bolyai can be associated with several literary genres. In addition to autofiction, the codes of crime fiction play a prominent role in the work, and the combining and mixing of genres, narrative forms, and discursive modes also contribute to the complexity of the novel. The works of Imre Bartók and Andrea Tompa provoke the expectations concerning the genre of autofiction in a subversive manner. Bartók has already experimented with the possibilities of autobiography and autofiction in his previous novel ( Jerikó épül ), and his „failure-novel”, Lovak a folyóban also ironically and parodistically uses various narrative forms, popular and high-brow genres. Its autofictive element also falls victim to the satirical reflection on literature as a whole. Andrea Tompa subverts autobiographical facts for a completely distinct purpose and in a different way in her novel Haza . At the centre of the novel we can find questions about the concept of homeland, emigration, homelessness, language, mother tongue and translatability. Vital tools of representation such as omission, concealment, and erasure also render any autofictional approach impossible.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Az angol nyelvű walesi irodalom fogalmáról és történetéről(2016-07-01) Reichmann, AngelikaThe present article was written as a chapter of a literary historical project which aims to present an overview of English Literature to Hungarian readers. Hence its introductory nature: apart from the works of Dylan Thomas, Welsh writing in English has been hardly translated into Hungarian and is little known. After clarifying the somewhat convoluted term, the article provides a survey of the literary historical periods in Welsh writing in English since its emergence in front of the backdrop of industrialisation and aggressively imperial English language politics at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Then it proceeds to highlight five characteristics of that literature from a postcolonial perspective. Through selective micro-analyses of largely contemporary prose works, the article focuses on such aspects of Welsh writing in English as its concern with language itself (code-switching) and with rewriting Welsh history. In relation to the latter, it discusses the early presence of experimental tendencies and women writers, and the literature’s emphatic and recently “institutionalised” reassessment of the Welsh mythical heritage.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Anna-szignumok Tolsztoj és Kosztolányi prózájában(2018-01-01) Kovács, ÁrpádThe study approaches the interpretation of the two novels with the tools of prose poetics. It unfolds the manifestations of the isomorphy of the name and the text at the level of narration, metaphorical meaning and semantic innovations. It explores the coreferential operation that can be perceived between the text interior and the texts, and also the source texts of these entities in the subject of judgment and mercy. From a generic perspective, the interference of the epic novel, the thesis novel, and the sacral discourse gains more attention, along with their polemic character as opposed to the norms of political utterance. With regards to the symbolic systems of both novels, the study thoroughly examines the central role of the interrelations of love, corporeality and spirituality, and also their coreferential connections to the poetics of Charis and Charisma. The poetic relevancies of the two writers’ statements are also explored, so that the fundamentals of their unique literary anthropology can be enlightened.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Egy antik regényíró(2015-01-01) Szepessy, TiborAfter introducing the novel The Adventures of Leucippe and Clitophon by Achilles Tatius, the ancient novelist who is not well known in Hungary, the author analyses the most important critical remarks that have come up in the international essays referring to the novel. Eventually this essay offers a new solution to the very special problem of why the narrative frame is missing at the end, after Tatius started his novel using a framed structure.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Az anya és a nyelv(2023-11-09) Balajthy, ÁgnesTh e third chapter of Kosztolányi’s volume of short stories is o ften considered to be a coming of age story, in which the eighteen-year-old protagonist’s train journey symbolizes his transformation from a child into an autonomous and independent subject. My interpretation attempts to undermine this reading through exploring the various roles family relations play in the narrative. Although Esti leaves his biological mother behind in the beginning of his adventure, I argue that his story remains centred around the of image of the mother(s); he is surrounded by mother figures and figurations of maternity. Via presenting the mouth simultaneously as an organ of eating, feeding, speaking, and kissing, Kosztolányi’s writing explores the intimate, corporeal, somatic aspect of language shared by the mother and the child. However, the frequent references to school, classical authors and foreign tongues (Latin, Greek, Italian, French) also display language as an external medium of reading, writing and memorizing. ese two aspects – in parallel with the biological and metaphorical understandings of motherhood – turn out to be inseparable in Kosztolányi’s work.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Apollónios Rhodios – Argonautika 3. 616–824(2017-01-01) Tordai, ÉvaApollónios Rhodios – Argonautika 3. 616–824 (Tordai Éva műfordítása)Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Apollónios Rhodios: Argonautika 3. 616–824(2017-01-01) Peszlen, DóraThe Argonautica by Apollonius Rhodius is the only remaining epic poem from the Hellenistic period and the longest elaboration of the Argonautic myth. After a long time of rejection, in the last few decades the poem has been rediscovered by scientific research, and it has a renaissance in Hungary, as well. Its first Hungarian translation by István Szabó was published in 1877. Ever since we have just a few verses from the Argonautica in our mother tongue. In this article we are presenting a detail from the new, yet unpublished Hungarian translation made by Éva Tordai. The third book of the poem tells the love story of Medea, the Colchian princess and Jason, the leader of the Argonauts – the heroes who wish to acquire the Golden Fleece from the king of Colchis, Aeëtes, Medea’s father. After getting shot by Eros and falling in love with the foreign hero, the heroine suffers from the decision she has to make: if she helps Jason to accomplish the challenges he faces, she betrays her family. The detail below (3, 616–824) describes her thoughts, feelings, inner monologues and the conversation with her sister, Chalkiope.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Apológia és mártírium a kora újkori református gondolkodásban(2012-07-01) Győri L., JánosThis paper analyses the first Hungarian book on martyrdom and its catalogue of martyrs, which was written by a Calvinist preacher, Mihály Szöllősi in 1666, and published two years later. The book, Sion leánya... (Daughter of Zion) can be interpreted as an answer to a Catholic text by Mátyás Sámbár, that is, in the context of an extensive contemporary religious dispute. This study argues that Szöllősi’s book does not only use controversial language, but it also shifts the debate from its apologetic and polemic rhetoric towards the discourse of martyrdom. Szöllősi counts both the martyrs of the Bible and the history of medieval Christianity and Reformation. Thus, the present paper analyses Szöllősi’s Martyrium historicum in the Western European context of early modern literature on Protestant martyrs.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Az apostol lappangása a 19. században(2024-01-23) Margócsy, IstvánThe Apostle is the most elusive work of Petőfi and its reception is just as telling as the work itself. The homogenous consensus on Petőfi’s poetry was challenged by The Apostle as it is significantly different from the rest of the oeuvre both in terms of content and poetics. That is why this work was underrated or simply was not mentioned in the early reception; later it was merely interpreted as an ideological and poetical statement without taking into consideration the poetic inventions of the text. Moreover, the whole text was published 25 years a fter it had been written, therefore it could not be integrated into the image of Petőfi. This paper focuses on the presence of the text in the hidden canon of the 19th century, emphasizing that the influential folk-national style could not have come into existence without recognising The Apostle: the text (could have) had the potential of an alternative canonical development because of its irregularities and the obvious ignorance of the categories ’folk’ and ’national’.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Archaikum és modernitás(2014-07-01) Szilágyi, MártonDer Aufsatz beschäftigt sich mit dem ersten, 1847 veröffentlichten Roman von Zsigmond Kemény. Das Werk wird im Kontext der damaligen zeitgenössischen ungarischen Literatur untersucht und sowohl die wichtigsten Handlungselemente, als auch die historischen Zusammenhänge der Entstehung werden im Beitrag fokussiert. Als historischer Roman gehört das Werk zu einer epischen Tradition, die sich mit Hilfe der Stoffgeschichte beschreiben lässt. Der Aufsatz stellt die Hypothese auf, dass der Roman frühere Erzählformen aufgreift, d. h. auf die Erzählweisen des Brief- und des Dialogromans Bezug nimmt, wobei diese beiden in der ungarischen Literatur jenes Zeitalters viel weniger bekannt waren, als in der deutschen Schreibtradition. Demzufolge entfalten sich die Wirkung und die Bedeutung des Romans teilweise eben aus der Spannung, die zwischen der früheren, einigermaßen altmodischen epischen Tradition und der modernen, romantischen Betrachtung des Werkes besteht. Kemény konnte diese epischen Modelle in eine neue Fassung des Romans organisch integrieren.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Archetípusos pszichológiai reprezentáció az Özvegy és leányában(2014-07-01) Bényei, PéterThe essay focuses on the psychological processes staged in Zsigmond Kemény’s The Widow and the Daughter: on the one hand, the personality changing aspects of the archetypal framework, on the other hand, the psychological representation of the mother-daughter relationship. The events that take place in the novel can be integrated into a more or less seamless psychological narrative. The archetype materialized in one of the protagonists of the novel, Madame Tarnóczi, overlaps with the psychological phenomenon that Shinoda Bolen called the Hera-archetype. The loss of balance in her marriage leads to serious mental problems: Madame Tarnóczi’s emotional-mental state of being offended and resentful becomes permanent, and that results in the suspension of her maternal instincts. Her thirst for revenge – due to her archetypical compulsion – is transferred to her daughter, who commits suicide to escape the unbearable psychological pressure. The representation of the deformed mother-daughter relationship seems exemplary in the novel, and in this respect the novel appears more responsive than it used to be in its own age.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Architektúra és trauma(2011-07-01) Berta, ErzsébetSowohl Daniel Libeskind bei seinem Jüdischen Museum Berlin, als auch W. G. Sebald in seinem Austerlitz-Roman verbinden den Holocaustdiskurs mit dem aus der Sicht der Kulturwissenschaften neuverstandenen Traumadiskurs. Zwischen dem Bau, der als Holocaust Mahnmal im Museum funktioniert und dem Roman, der die Lebensgeschichte eines traumatisierten Holocaust-Überlebenden erzählt, trifft man aber auf einen näheren und stärkeren Bezug, wenn man sie auf ihr Raumkonzept hin untersucht. Von zentraler Bedeutung für ihr Zusammentreffen ist das Konzept, dass einem das Trauma erst der Architekturraum bewusst machen kann. Architektur funktioniert ja sowohl in ihrer gebauten als auch erzählten Form als eine „Erinnerungsmaschine”, die die verlorenen oder verdeckten Fährten der Vergangenheit, ihre Leidensspuren als Abgründe der Gegenwart und der Normalität aufdecken kann. Die räumliche Dimension des Traumas blieb bislang in den kulturwissenschaftlichen Trauma- und Holocaustforschungen unterbelichtet. Die vorliegende Studie ist ein Versuch an dieser Fragenstellung zu arbeiten.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Az archívum színes árnyai – avagy a rezgés mediális archeológiája(2013-01-01) Sándorfi, Edina„Die Symbolik verwandelt die Erscheinung in Idee, die Idee in ein Bild“. Die auf diese Weise ins Leben gerufenen Bilder bieten einen Ort für die Idee an, wo sie eher wie durch eine Passage, im Übergang. lebendig, „unendlich wirksam“, schwunghaft aber schon immer „unerreichbar“ weiterwirkt, durchscheint, ohne je transformiert zu werden, Das Bild in diesem Sinne ist das Symbol für Goethe. Die symbolischen Bilder sind also „eminente Fälle“, die in allen Sprachen unaussprechlich bleiben. Die Begriffsbilder von Kant und Newton, der beiden Antipoden Goethes, sind vielmehr Übersetzungen, Transformationen eines „intellectus ectypus“, sodass „der Begriff im Bilde immer noch begrenzt und vollständig zu halten und zu haben und an demselben auszusprechen sei“. Das Bild selbst bleibt also diskursiv, ein willkürliches Zeichen, eine Allegorie. In meinem Beitrag versuche ich den medialen Symbolbegriff Goethes zwischen dem Diskursiv–Archivarischen eines intellectus ectypus und der entoptischen Erinnerung „in einer gewissermaßen verödeten Lokalität“ eines intellectus archetypus anhand von Textauszügen Goethes zu skizzieren.