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Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető KÜLÖNLEGES BÁNÁSMÓD, 2015. 1. (1.)(2015-03-30) Különleges, BánásmódThis is the full text of 2015/1 of the Journal of Különleges Bánásmód /Special Treatment/.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető NÁRAY-SZABÓ SÁNDOR REFORMTEVÉKENYSÉGE ÉS HATÁSA A SZEGEDI ÉS A DEBRECENI GYÓGYPEDAGÓGIAI INTÉZETEKRE(2015-03-30) Varga, Imre; Hatos, GyulaThis study summarizes the work and significance of Dr. Sándor Náray-Szabó, who was the founder of the Hungarian special education in the 20th. century. At the end of the 19th century, Náray-Szabó (1861-1914) recognized social opportunities, and he worked in order to reform schools and the teacher training of disabled people. He was one of the founders of the modern Hungarian education system for those with special educational needs.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető ISKOLAI AGRESSZIVITÁS MEGNYILVÁNULÁSI FORMÁI, MINT AZ ISKOLAI CSOPORTBAN ELFOGLALT STÁTUSZ MEGHATÁROZÓ TÉNYEZŐI(2015-03-30) Demeter, Kármen; Szabó, KingaIn our study, we have focused on the relationship between certain types of aggression and the sociometric status of primary school children, considering the effect of these factors on the hostile character of cognitions that aggressive children generate towards their peers. Sample: Our sample consisted of 321 primary school children from Transylvania (M=10.25 years, SD= 0.71), out of which 61.4% were of Romanian and 36.8% of Hungarian ethnicity. Method: our instruments measured the type of aggression, the sociometric status of children within the classroom, and the type of hostile cognitions towards peers. Results: gender differences and sociometric status has an effect on types of aggressive behavior. The results are useable in the field for prevention and intervention.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető PSZICHOMETRIAI KREATIVITÁS ALAKULÁSA GIMNAZISTÁK KÖRÉBEN VÉGZETT NÉGY ÉV IDŐTARTAMÚ LONGITUDINÁLIS VIZSGÁLATBAN(2015-03-30) Mező, KatalinIn this study, we analyze the test-retest reliability of psychometric creativity tests and their connection with intelligence. Sample: n =107 (males: 66; females: 41) secondary grammar school students. Method: in the year 2011 we applied the verbal Unusual Uses and the figural Circles creativity tests, and (as an additional test) the APM intelligence test, and we repeated these examinations in 2014. Results: there are moderate correlations between pre-and posttests (after four years) in the cases of creativity tests (rs = 0,30-0,51) and intelligence test (r = 0,53), too. The students with higher pre-test scores will probably have higher score differences between pre- and post-test than the students with lower pre-test scores (rs = 0,28-0,57).Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető FEJLESZTŐPROGRAMOK HATÁSVIZSGÁLATÁNAK MATEMATIKAI STATISZTIKAI ALAPFOGALMAI(2015-03-30) Máth, János; Mező, Ferenc; Abari, Kálmán; Mező, KatalinPedagogues, kindergarten pedagogues, special needs teachers (also known as remedial teachers), and psychologists – just a few of those people who can create and use development programs. These programs are expected to be proven in their effects by using mathematical analysis. However, it doesn’t happen in every case – partly due to a shortage of definitions of mathematical statistics, methodology problems, and expensive software. This paper is a theoretical summary of the mathematical-statistical analysis of effectiveness studies of remedial courses designed for those who live with special needs.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető KÜLÖNLEGES BÁNÁSMÓD LÓ-ASSZISZTÁLT FOGLALKOZÁSOKON(2015-03-30) Schéder, VeronikaAccording to decision No. 1061/2012 (III.12), the Hungarian Government is dedicated to National Equestrian Programme. Riding has been an optional subject in the frame of everyday physical education for all schoolchildren in 3-4-5 classes in Hungary since September 2013. The present study gives an overview of different types of horse activities focusing on approaches that are extremely suitable for teachers, trainers, therapists, and other specialists in the course of educational, pedagogical, and developmental improvement of children. The presentation of methodology is complemented by case studies.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető GYÓGYPEDAGÓGUSOK: HONNAN INDULUNK, HOVÁ TARTUNK?(2015-03-30) Hegedűs, RolandIn this article, we focus on special educational needs teacher training, geographical differences, and labor market features. Sources are the admission database of 2014, n = 965), and the Hungarian Graduate Tracking System (HGTS) of 2012 and 2013; n = 567). Result: the situation of special education teachers is very good in the labor market, they are very successful because their unemployment rate is lower than average, and their job is in connection with their university studies.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető „KÜLÖNLEGES BÁNÁSMÓD” DIAGNOSZTIKAI ÉS FEJLESZTÉSI CENTRUM KUTATÓMŰHELY BEMUTATÁSA(2015-03-30) Mező, Ferenc; Mező, KatalinThe ‘Special Treatment’ Diagnostical and Developmental Centre is a new research workshop of the Faculty of Child and Adult Education of the University of Debrecen. It was founded in 2015. This article shows the circumstances of founding, the main goals, the members and activities of this Centre.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető HATOS GYULA KÖNYVE AZ ÉRTELMI AKADÁLYOZOTTSÁGGAL ÉLŐK ÉLETKILÁTÁSÁRÓL ÉS ÉLETKÍSÉRÉSÉRŐL (RECENZIÓ)(2015-03-30) Varga, ImreThe reviewed book is: Hatos Gyula (2012): Életkilátás-életkísérés értelmi akadályozottsággal élők körében. ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógiai Kar, Budapest. 325 oldal, ISBN: 978-963-7155-56-7Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető KONFERENCIA BESZÁMOLÓ AZ I. KÜLÖNLEGES BÁNÁSMÓD NEMZETKÖZI KONFERENCIÁRÓL(2015-03-30) Mező, KatalinPlace: Debreceni Egyetem Date: 2015. december 3.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető KONCZ ISTVÁN NAGY KÉZIKÖNYVE TRÉNEREKNEK (Recenzió)(2015-06-30) Mező, FerencThe reviewed book is: Koncz István (2015): Sikeres trénerek nagy kézikönyve. FITT IMAGE Kft., Budapest. 412 oldal, ISBN: 978-963-12-3898-3Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető MEGHÍVÓ A KORAGYERMEKKORI NEVELÉS CÍMŰ NEMZETKÖZI TUDOMÁNYOS KONFERENCIÁRA(2015-06-30) ., .Date: 2016. May 25-26. Place: Debreceni Egyetem Gyermeknevelési és Felnőttképzési Kar (Hajdúböszörmény, Désány István u. 1-9.)Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető HIPERAKTÍV GYERMEK AZ OSZTÁLYBAN(2015-06-30) Nagy Lehocky, Zsuzsa; Patai, IlonaIn the last decade, the issue of school education of children struggling with learning and behavioral disorder has come to the front in domestic as well as foreign pedagogies. The recognition and judgment of hyperactivity are characterized by uncertainty and extremes since increasingly all lively kids with excessive movement are labeled hyperactive. In turn, early detection of the disorders would enable children to get appropriate help. The following study consists of two main parts: a theoretical and a practical one. The practical part introduces concrete case studies assisting the early detection. The behavioral forms of three hyperactive children and their characteristic symptoms are explicated more broadly taking into consideration the family and school circumstances. It also aligns the forms of assistance and help in schools and gives concrete ideas and advice to teachers.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető NARRATÍV SZEMLÉLET A SEGÍTŐ KAPCSOLATBAN(2015-06-30) Bojti, István; Schéder, VeronikaThe authors present a very flexible cogitative framework by using the narrative approach, which can be applied not only in a wide range of helping relationships but also in private life. They discuss the postmodern and the constructivist model which forms the basis for narrative psychology. Three cases are presented to demonstrate the potential of the method. In the first case, the narrative behind the behavior is easily detectable and can be altered in a simple manner, thus the problem can be solved. The second case encompasses a complex problem, and the instruments of narrative psychotherapy are presented here. The authors here emphasized the thoughtful use of linguistic instruments. The third case illustrates the possibility of multiple narratives for the underlying problems, and that choosing the right narrative determines the possibility for solutions. A person creates his/her own destiny when choosing the narratives, for which he/she bears the responsibility.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető TEHETSÉGBŐL – KIVÁLÓ. KUTATÁS KÖZBEN: A KÜLFÖLDÖN MUNKÁT VÁLLALÓ, FIATAL DIPLOMÁS NŐK ÉLETKEZDÉSI ESÉLYEI(2015-06-30) Schranz, EditThis study seeks to determine whether it is an exceptional talent and hard work, or courage mixed with young energy and luck, maybe all these together, that makes it possible for young adults with a fresh diploma in the 2010s to find their future in Europe’s labor market. Sample: n = 28 (22-35 years old) women. Method: semi-structured interview. Results: even though all the interviewees are unique, all the participants can be said to have a few things in common; persistent study and exceptional diligence paired with talent. There is, however, one more thing shared across 98% of interviewees in our research sample; when asked if they will come back to Hungary, they answered without hesitation that they didn’t think they ever would.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető FEJLESZTŐPROGRAMOK HATÁSVIZSGÁLATÁT SZOLGÁLÓ ADATBÁZISOK SZERKEZETE EGY INGYENES STATISZTIKAI SZOFTVERBEN: AZ R-BEN(2015-06-30) Abari, Kálmán; Mező, Ferenc; Mező, Katalin; Máth, JánosIn order to carry out effectiveness study of the development programs (e.g. education, children with special needs) based on mathematical-statistical methods, the following factors are important: 1) you need some basic mathematical definitions (Math et all., 2015), 2) a statistical software (e.g.: the ’R’) at a reasonable price, 3) some experience in working with this software. The ’R’ is free downloadable software (that can be applied in mathematical-statistical calculations too) which can be a very useful instrument of research of children who need special treatment. This paper provides a practical solution in connection with the last two factors and introduces language ’R’ and its possibilities.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető SZOCIÁLIS KOMPETENCIA FEJLŐDÉSE A HÁTRÁNYOS HELYZETŰ GYEREKEKNÉL(2015-06-30) Bagány, Ágnes; Major, Lenke; Lepeš, JosipIn September 2010, by the introduction of the educational reform in Serbia, namely the introduction of inclusion, the number of children from disadvantaged backgrounds and multiple disadvantaged backgrounds has significantly increased. From September 2013, the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Education in Hungarian Language, Subotica and University of Szeged, Gyula Juhász Faculty of Education, Institute of Adult Education worked out a program, in which the students of these two Universities participated as mentors in the compensatory education of disadvantaged children. The purpose of the present study is to introduce the structure of the Student Mentoring Program that serves as an excellent example for other schools. According to in-service teachers, one of the long-term positive outcomes of the mentoring program is the development of the social competencies of disadvantaged children.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető HALLÁSSÉRÜLT TANULÓK LOGIKAI-MATEMATIKAI KÉPESSÉGEINEK FEJLESZTÉSE TÁBLAJÁTÉKOKKAL(2015-06-30) Bolgár, Brigitta; Ráduly-Zörgő, ÉvaStudents with hearing impairment can be successful at and enjoy studying mathematics. Our research focuses on studying the effectiveness of using board games in developing basic mathematical skills and logical thinking in students with hearing impairment. Sample: n = 10 (2 females, 10 males) hearing impaired pupils (average age = 11,6 years). Method: an examination of logical-mathematical abilities before and after development. Result: strategic and logic-based games significantly impacted the development of mathematical skills and knowledge acquisition in mathematics.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető TANULÁSBAN AKADÁLYOZOTT GYERMEKEK KOGNITÍV FEJLESZTÉSÉNEK LEHETŐSÉGEI(2015-06-30) Orbán, RékaThis study presents the Sindelar-Zsoldos program through a case study of an elementary school boy with learning difficulties. The theoretical part is focused on the cognitive structure of the learning of disabled students. The methodological part emphasizes that if the cognitive architecture is harmonized, then even a child with learning difficulties can be successful in school and full inclusion is possible.