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Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A PÉNZÜGYI KULTÚRA ÉS TUDATOSSÁG MEGHATÁROZÁSA ÉS MAGYARORSZÁGI HELYZETE(Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar) Szóka, SzókaTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető absztrakt szépségű matematikai tételek megoldásának szenvedélyes keresésétől a számítógép tudomány megalapozásáig vezető utak(2020-08-06) Madaras, LászlónéThe theoretical computer science went through enormous development in the past decades. His results due to the widespread use of computers infl uence our daily work without the use of it we cannot imagine our life already today. But perhaps few people think that talented Hungarian mathemati cal generation worked in 20 and 30 years of 20. Century without whose acti vity these applications could not have come into exist. In our paper we present the results of Pál Erdős and along with a new generati on of mathemati cal chapter openers, which developed common theory through research and which become since the basis of computer science and informati on theory.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető afroamerikai angol dialektus irodalmi ábrázolásának és fordításának nyelvészeti elemzése angol – magyar párhuzamos korpuszok vizsgálatának módszerével(2020-08-06) Csatlós, KrisztinaThe paper aims to present the representati on of a literary dialect at the phonological, morphological, lexical, and syntacti c levels on the basis of The Color Purple and The Bluest Eye, two novels writt en by two Afro-American female writers, Alice Walker and Toni Morrison respecti vely. The paper strives to set up a theoreti cal framework for dialect translati on. Finally it evaluates the Hungarian translati ons of the two novels.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető AZ AGRÁR- ÉS VIDÉKFEJLESZTÉSI TÁMOGATÁSBAN RÉSZESÜLŐ CSALÁDOK SZOCIODEMOGRÁFIAI ÉS GAZDÁLKODÁSI SAJÁTOSSÁGAI EGY DÉL-ALFÖLDI PÉLDÁN KERESZTÜL(2020-06-30) Horváth, PéterThe change of The change of regime resulted in significant changes in the life of the Hungarian rural areas; while the rural income of Hungary used to be world-class, after the change of regime it became incredibly low. Accession to the European Union and the European rural policy opened new aspects for rural areas and the people living there. The study presents the sociodemographic and farming characteristics of families receiving EU subsidies in the Southern Great Plain Region 15 years after the EU accession.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető AZ AGRÁR- ÉS VIDÉKFEJLESZTÉSI TÁMOGATÁSOK MEGÍTÉLÉSE ÉS HATÁSA A DÉL-ALFÖLDI RÉGIÓBAN(2020-11-15) Horváth, PéterThe change of The change of regime resulted in significant changes in the life of the Hungarian rural areas; while the rural income of Hungary used to be world-class, after the change of regime it became incredibly low. Accession to the European Union and the European rural policy opened new aspects for rural areas and the people living there. The study presents the sociodemographic and farming characteristics of families receiving EU subsidies in the Southern Great Plain Region 15 years after the EU accession.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Agrárkereskedelmi portál fejlesztése és a közösségi média marketingje(2020-08-06) Kovács, TamásIn conclusion, it can be said that with the rise of the Internet/Mobile Internet and the advent of smart devices, it is only possible to keep pace by being visible online. In my opinion, with the use of Social Media a sustainable sales growth can be achieved at minimum cost both short and long term. With the help of Google Analytics, we are always up to date with the success of the company's marketing campaign. Finally, I want to develop a mobile version, Facebook application or renew the web store.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Agroökonómiai beruházás almaültetvény vonatkozásában a Vajdaságban(2020-08-21) Balog, ÁrpádThere is a big tradition of apple producing in Bácskertes (Vojvodina, Serbia), but this cannot be declared for the intensive production. I have chosen the economic investments of the intensive apple plantation as the topic of my thesis, because of the later profitability of our family business that deals with apple producing as well. The establishment of the intensive apple plantation is the most extensive investment among the fruit types the return of which depends on several factors. In my thesis I deal with the economies of a plantation planted with the help of investment support. I carried out the research with the help of the producers’ data and special literature. In addition to it I did some research about the customers’ needs in the nearest market. As regards profitability I examined the plantation in the following respects: the NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), DPB (Dynamic Payback Period), and PI (Profitable Index).Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető ALKOHOLMENTES ITALKATEGÓRIÁK VÁLASZTÁSÁT BEFOLYÁSOLÓ TÉNYEZŐK(2020-08-21) Földi, Kata; Kovács, ÁgotaWe performed a customer motivation research with a focus group interview method, applying the Censydiam modell, on the excessively competitive and saturated alcohol free beverage market. Our objective is, through disclosing factors (advantages and disadvantages), influencing alcohol free beverage drink choice, to share our new product development recommendation with a market expansion and thus an increased customer satisfaction will be possible.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Analysis and comparison of the asset situtation of the hungarian poultry and pork sector between 2005 and 2015(2020-08-21) Gergely, Andrea; Harangi-Rákos, Mónika; Fenyves, VeronikaMeat has been playing an important role in the nutrition of humanity from the beginning of time; therefore meat is a fundamental foodstuff. Global population is steadily increasing and people consume more and more foodstuff with high added value including meat and dairy products. In context of meat production and consumption, poultry and pork sector are the major predominant sub-sectors not only nationally, but also internationally. Pork sector had a definite leading role until the end of 1990s. However, this trend has undergone changes and poultry sector is predicted to have this leading role, according to current trends. The aim of our research is to reveal and analize what impacts this structural change have on businesses in these sectors including their asset situations.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Analysis of the ways of efficiency enhancement of transportation services in tourism(2020-08-06) Mykhailivna, Chepurda LarysaTourism is one of the most dynamically developing fi elds of the world economy. Owing to the relai vely low-cost capital investment necessary to set up and develop tourism business, high levels of payback rates, constantly rising magnitude of demand for tourist services, tourism business has recently been drawing the at eni on of not only its poteni al customers, but also of entrepreneurs.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető angolul tanuló magyar hallgatók pragmatikai hibái – egy empirikus kutatásról(2020-08-06) Csatlós, KrisztinaIn my paper I try to give a precise definition of the term ’pragmatic competence’ and I describe how this term has evolved. I define the term ’pragmatic failure’ and I elaborate on its judgement, its causes, and its types. I describe the Hungarian – English contrastive researches. I list the most frequent pragmatic mistakes made by Hungarian students while speaking English. I present the findings of my research that I carried out among the students of the College of Szolnok in October 2014. Finally I discuss whether pragmatic competence can be taught, and if yes, for what purpose.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető anyai szerepkör a gyermekek egészségtudatos fogyasztói szocializációjában(2020-08-06) Szűcs, Róbert Sándor; Széll , EnikőIn our research we were looking for a relati onship between childhood obesity and the mother’s body type, lifestyle. We have examined the relati onship between body type according to BMI and own opinion of respondent mothers with the use of Cramer’s V coeffi cient. The opinion of respondents does not refl ect the reality in Hungary. The Cramer’s V coeffi cient, which measures the relati onship between body type according to BMI and own opinion of mothers was medium: 0.519, which means that the respondents cannot assess their own BMI and body type. The body type of children perceived by their mothers was also inaccurate. According to our research we can state that body type of mothers exercises infl uence on the body type of children. The extent of infl uence depends on the age of children (3.6 – 8.5%).Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Application of decision-tree on wellness tourism visitors~ health behaviour changes(2020-08-21) Savella, Orsolya; Dudás, PéterIn the case of social science research, the link between observation and theory can cause difficulties for researchers. Direct observation and measurement are rarely possible. Because the processes are constantly changing, it is possible to observe the phenomena once. Some of the models of mathematical, statistical methods are made in uncertain circumstances, which take into account the more important factors, but also the probable variables can be expressed. The technique used to make such a model is the decision tree method, which is a graphical model used in decision making, in which several choices are available and their outputs are uncertain. The study illustrates the use of this model, focusing on the health behavior of individuals involved in health tourism travel.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Árucímkék a fogyasztó szemszögéből(2020-08-06) Szűcs, Róbert Sándor; Krikuska, AnettOn the basis of our secondary research fi ndings it can be stated that the majority of young Hungarians are intensive consumers of foods with a high level of fat, salt and sugar. We can state that they do not understand the noti ons of food labels, and are not aware of the signs’ meaning on product packages. Only half of the young read the list of ingredients on the back of products. The situati on is even more aggravated as only 40% of respondents are aware of the eff ects of components (by their own avowal). There are no food labels supporti ng consumer decisions in Hungary. It is necessary to take other countries’ practi ce into considerati on, for example the practi ce, the food labels of the USA and the idea of the Hungarian Nati onal Heart Foundati on.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Assessment of the New Regional Plan in Mongolia with regards to Rural Development and Urbanization Issues based on Arkhangai and Uvurkhangai Provinces(2024-05-22) Otgonbayar , Munkhbayasgalan; Zsigmond, MajorThis study discusses the relationship between the rural development process in Mongolia regards to its rapid urbanization issues. This paper took Arkhangai and Uvurkhangai, two similar provinces, and compared their rural development from 2013 to 2021 to understand the complex relationship between rural development and urbanization issues. A chain-based method, fixed-based method as well as per capita methods were used to get more accurate results from the comparison. The results confirmed that ongoing rural-to-urban migration due to more access of education, workplace, etc. (due to its more attractive factors) slows down the development of such factors in that rural area, putting the whole process in a cycle. As for the two provinces, the infrastructure, education, health level is all similar, but their potential economic growth is specialized in two different sectors. Arkhangai has more agricultural products due to its land and soil resources and Uvurkhangai has more potential for the tourism sector. It can be concluded that the government’s new plan of dividing the country into six regions with specialized enterprises would be a good idea for future rural development projects (previously there were only four regions existing).Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Availability of services as a basis of the formation of the modern quality of population`s life(2020-08-06) Voskolovich, Nina AleksandraThe article discusses the possibility of improving the quality of the population`s life on the basis of increasing the availability of social services. The author shows the possibility of using an interdisciplinary approach in the analysis of consumption of services in the spheres of education, health, culture, sport and other. The results of the research can be used to introduce clarity into the state social policy.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Azonosságtudat az olvasztótégelyben - Horvát kisebbségek identi tásának szociológiai kérdései Magyarországon(2020-08-06) Szarvák, Tibor; Tóth, JánosIn our research we have applied sociological methods in the investi gati on of the Croati an minority communiti es, of their values or scope of acti ons and their identi ty preservati on methods in the 21st century. As an interesti ng fact of the research, in Vas County communiti es we have found identi fi cati on and diff erenti ati on in and between classical and cultural nati on percepti on. We have investi gated the approach of identi fi cati on and as a result we can state that nati onal symbols are important elements of identi fi cati on. There are associati onal symbols originated from the nati onal past in the communiti es’ collecti ve mind (like fl ag, coat of arms, crown, and anthem). In the aspect of belonging to Hungarians, these dimensions appeared again in the research, but in this evaluati on the abstract concepts are too strong (for example: identi ty, cultural awareness). There was no signifi cant diff erence regarding the judgment criteria as regards who belongs to Croati an or Hungarian communiti es. Belonging to Croati an communiti es is realised by less perceivable abstracti ons. Beyond the cultural nati on concept, belonging to Hungarians’ natural elements are the form and traditi on (border, ‘I was born in Hungary’, nati onality). These parameters fi t bett er into the state nati on percepti on. These traditi ons are stronger presented among senior citi zens and under-educated populati on.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Egy Bács-Kiskun megyei baromfifeldolgozó üzem termékeivel és csomagolástechnológiájával kapcsolatos vevői elégedettség- és polcfelmérés(2020-08-21) Zsótér, Brigitta; Molnár, MárkWe conducted a shelf survey and a customer satisfaction survey with a questionnaire for a poultry processing plant in Bács-Kiskun County. It can be concluded from the shelf survey that the packaging processes of the rival companies and the packaging processes applied by the company examined are similar with the exception of the modified atmosphere packaging. The quality of the packing materials and their design seemed to be completely different. The rivals generally use packing materials of a better quality which include some graphic elements, too. After consulting with the full range of customers we have the following conclusions. Most of the respondents are “satisfied” and “fully satisfied” with the company’s products regarding colour (94.4%), taste (94.1%) and durability (94.4%). There is a high number of customers who need modified atmosphere packaging, that is 72.2% of the respondents. As a result, we suggested that the new tray sealing machine should work with this technology.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető beszédkészség fejlesztése a pilot-kurzusokban a munkaerőpiaci igényfelmérés eredményei tükrében(2020-08-06) Busi, Beáta; Kiscsatári, EditThe research conducted by the College of Szolnok in 2013 on the language requirements of the labour market revealed that what employers mostly find lacking in careerstarters is the confident and proficient use of foreign languages. On the basis of the research findings the subjects taught at the College have been developed in a practiceoriented direction. In our lecture we elaborate on the possibilities of improving the communicative competence at our pilot courses. We give a survey of the phases of the improvement of speaking skills, the most important condition of the communication process. We present the task types characterising the various phases of the development process, the strategies of teaching vocabulary using some German examples taken from some textbook series (Alltag, Beruf & Co.) used at the pilot courses.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Bethlen István Szakkollégium kutatócsoportjainak munkája a 2011/2012-es tanévben(2020-08-06) Horváth, Pál.