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Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető ÉRTÉKET NEM TEREMTŐ FOLYAMATOK FELTÁRÁSA VSM MÓDSZER ALKALMAZÁSÁVAL EGY KIS VÁLLALKOZÁS GYÁRTÓRENDSZERÉNEK ESETTANULMÁNYÁN KERESZTÜL.(2020-06-30) Thalmeiner, Gergő; Harmat, Vanda; Gáspár, SándorOne of the major problems in Hungary is the low level of productivity. This low level is particularly noticeable among small and medium-sized enterprises. In most regional and Western European countries, the average productivity level of enterprises of this size is higher than in Hungary. The current and expected shortage of labor in the near future poses a challenge to businesses. Creating wage growth that contributes to retaining the workforce can only be achieved in the long run by increasing productivity. If an organization is unable to achieve productivity gains, it will fall short of both domestic and international-global competition. The application of modern management and management systems, such as lean management, can be a key element in increasing the productivity and competitiveness of Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises. Lean management is one of the most common and effective process organization methods and paradigms used in the secondary and tertiary sectors, so much so that the use of lean-based management methods has in many cases become a competitive criterion and fundamental. In our research, we prepare the value process mapping of a CNC metal cutting SME, including the value process of CNC milling and turning processes. This value process mapping method offers an opportunity to make losses in the industry become known and preventable. Through the preparation of the map, it is possible to illustrate the processes that produce mud and thus reduce the lead time and increase productivity. In the course of our study, we present the practical implementation of the method through the example of a company manufacturing metal parts machined with CNC technology.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Nemzetközi interakciók a nyelvrokonság tükrében(2020-06-30) Várnagy, Edina; Márkus, ÁdámAlthough international trade economists often highlight the improtance of common currency, FDI flows or other factors in bilateral trade relations, quite few papers focus on the role of languages or linguistic similarities in this respect. The uniqeness and difficulty of this topic lie in its complexity. Analyses generally lean solely on official languages losing useful peaces of information hidden in the fact that a great number of people use other languages in their everyday life. In the absence of common mother tongue bilateral economic interactions can be intensified by foreign languages acquired by a great share of people in both countries. We emphasize that english seems to be the only universal mediator among trading countries in the world. A further aim of this paper using the results of Eurobarometer surveys is to point to the role of linguistic affinity in international economic interactions based on the case of Estonia, Finland and Hungary. Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes : F10; Z10Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető DINAMIKUS ÁRAZÁS ÉS STRATÉGIAI FOGYASZTÓK: KIHÍVÁSOK ÉS EGYÜTTMŰKÖDÉS A HOTELSZEKTORBAN(2020-06-30) Fazekas, Lajos RóbertA few decades ago dynamic pricing was a magic word in hotel industry. It was considered a mythic activity, and therefore, operators and owners expected that its introduction would result in a drastic increase in profitability. Then it turned out that it required systematic data collection, the best possible IT background in terms of the resources, and the presence of specialists. It can be accepted as a fact, that those who stayed out were left behind. However, which direction did those who joined take? What did they achieve? It became an independent activity with several trends and connection points. It can rightly be called the cornerstone of hotel industry yield management. In my review, I intend to show the present state of the hotel industry in the area of dynamic pricing. However, the representatives of each trend have a common goal: maximising their revenues in the long term.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető TICKETING RENDSZERBEN REJLŐ LEHETŐSÉGEK - HIBAKEZELŐ SZOFTVER LÉTJOGOSULTSÁGA A DIGITALIZÁCIÓ KORÁBAN(2020-06-30) Kis, Vencel; Böcskei, ElviraNowadays there are plenty of tools what the firms have in order to achieve problem-solving and their chosen method can refer to the current lifecycle and digital maturity of the organization. The most common application in the case of bigger enterprises is the ticketing system. Apart from the rapid changing technologies some new opportunities can be brought to life like innovative functionalities or even application integrations. Very important aspect the scalability is as people put focus on at the first phase of implementing thus other divisions of the corporation can benefit from its transplantation.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető AZ AGRÁR- ÉS VIDÉKFEJLESZTÉSI TÁMOGATÁSBAN RÉSZESÜLŐ CSALÁDOK SZOCIODEMOGRÁFIAI ÉS GAZDÁLKODÁSI SAJÁTOSSÁGAI EGY DÉL-ALFÖLDI PÉLDÁN KERESZTÜL(2020-06-30) Horváth, PéterThe change of The change of regime resulted in significant changes in the life of the Hungarian rural areas; while the rural income of Hungary used to be world-class, after the change of regime it became incredibly low. Accession to the European Union and the European rural policy opened new aspects for rural areas and the people living there. The study presents the sociodemographic and farming characteristics of families receiving EU subsidies in the Southern Great Plain Region 15 years after the EU accession.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A TURIZMUS, MINT A VIDÉKI TÉRSÉGEK KITÖRÉSI LEHETŐSÉGE(2020-06-30) Kovács, Edit VeronikaThe aim of the article is to present the tourism as a potential developing phenomenon of the rural areas. The positive impacts of the tourism on the economy and appear in connection with the labour market and the investments. Tourism can have a postive effect on the health condtions of the citizens, mostly because of the increase of the sporting activity level. The employees formerly employed by the agricultural sector can easier move to the service sector because of the development of the rural areas.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető pilóta nélküli légijárművek alkalmazásának légiközlekedés-biztonsági kérdései - A kiemelt kutatási terület eredményeinek bemutatása(2020-08-06) Palik, Mátyás; Vas, TímeaNowadays numbers of internai onal aviai onal- and flight safety organizaton and national authority conducts research concerning regulai ons of UAV operai ons, whose role is rising irreversibly, and concerning more safety operai ons of intelligent devices. The group of Hungarian aviai on professionals has been conduci ng research on this area, fi nanced by the funds European Union. In the ari cle the authors present the risks of aerial robots, and present the New Széchenyi Plan “Crii cal Infrastructure Proteci on Research TÁMOP-4.2.1.B-11/2/KMR-2011-0001”, and as a part of research the project for the regulai onal background of UAV applicai ons. Detailing the goals of research, theirs accoplishments and expected results for the future.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Eltérő korcsoportú kocsánytalan tölgyes állományok diverzitásának összehasonlító vizsgálata a Börzsönyben(2020-08-06) Trenyik, Petra; Borcsa-Bodolay, János; Barczi, Attila; Czóbel, SzilárdCoenological based diversity examinai ons were carried out in the Börzsöny off set on the sessile oak dominated stands. To reveal the sylviculture’s eff ects on the biodiversity, in 6 forest stands, characterised by same standard parameters were carried. The Shannon- and Simpson- diversity indices were used for comparison of biodiversity values of diff erent age-groups. Altogether 88 vascular plant species (15 trees, 11 shrubs, 62 herbaceous taxa) were ideni fi ed in the stands of sessile oak woodlands. The diversity of the canopy level was the highest at the 19 year-old stand, and the lowest at the oldest, 92 year-old stand. The diversity of the shrub layer was the highest at the 61 year-old and lowest at the 2 year-old stand. In case of the ground level increasing diversity values were noi ced between the 2 and 61 years old groups, then the diversity values decreased at the stands which are older than 61.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Igei események detektálása magyar szövegekben(2020-08-06) Subecz, Zoltán; Nagyné Csák, ÉvaThe task of event deteci on is to ideni fy meni ons of events in texts. For the purposes of this task, an event meni on is any expression denoi ng an event or state that can be assigned to a pari cular point, or interval, in i me. In texts most event meni ons correspond to verbs, and most verbs introduce events. However this is not always the case. Events can be introduced by noun phrases, and some verbs fail to introduce events. Events somei mes are expressed with muli word expressions. Muli word expressions (MWEs) are lexical units that consist of more than one orthographical word, i.e. a lexical unit that contains spaces. The task is the deteci on of events in texts. In this ari cle we paid at eni on with verbs and infi nii ves. We wrote Java program for this task. We introduce in this ari cle the principles and results of this applicai on.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Pilóta nélküli légijárművek energia forrásai(2020-08-06) Juhász, Márta; Békési, BertoldAviai on is the quickest and most praci cal way of locomoi on, to which people have been paying at eni on for thousands of years. Today – on account of air traffi c, energy crisis and environmentalism – the power source of the aircrat became a key issue. In addii on to fl ight safety, there is a growing emphasis on environmentally friendly operai on. The ineffi cient burning of fossil fuels comes hand in hand with the signifi cant pollutant emission and noise pollui on which bother even those living far from the airports. Nowadays the most important objeci ve of researchers and developers is to create an effi cient, clean and quiet airplane, thus as a new idea they at empt to ui lize electricity in this form on board the aircrat . The ari cle presents some various energy resources through some example of unmanned aerial vehicle.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető tehetséges fiatalok segítése a felsőoktatásban a pszichológiai tanácsadás módszertanával(2020-08-06) Molnár, EdinaPersonality development and learning support are the fi elds of the psychological counselling, which can help to every student in the higher educai on, and are pari cularly important for the talented young people. The unfolding of the genius means the complex development of the personality, the explorai on and the conscious and direci onal development of the strengths and weaknesses. This is not a trouble free process and it is also not a simply task to take on the external viewer posii on. The counsellor can help to the students and can produce the chance for the development to the genius young people with the method of the personality development and the learning support.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Vocational Training, Labor Market and Immigration Policy in Russia(2020-08-06) Molchanov, IgorIn point of view of labour market the immigration has become the major factor in recent times. The main tasks of immigration policy: compensation of labour shortages in relation with demographic and aging population problems; to satisfy the long-term demand for labour in some business sectors; to ensure the labor supply of innovation-qualified investment processes; organizing of preparation of experts from requested profession; to limit the short-term unskilled labor immigration; creating the necessary conditions and broaden the opportunities for immigration for business use.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető szociális munkás küldetése Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megyében(2020-08-06) Boda, Tímea; Hima, Gabriella; Huff, EndreThe aim of our ari cle is to prepare the introduci on of training social workers at the College of Szolnok. Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county is a region in Hungary in which the composii on of the populai on and their social status calls for an increase of the number of social workers. For this reason in the programme of the research group of the Department for Social Sciences and Communicai on helping underprivileged people is a priority.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Current State of the Educational Service Market in Ukraine(2020-08-06) Mykhailivna, Chepurda LarysaThe level of educai onal service development is the precursor of economic status and social well-being of society. The issue of improving the system of teri ary educai on in Ukraine and the quality of vocai onal training poses an important socioeconomic problem, the solui on of which is possible on condii on of complying with the socioeconomic requirements of market economy.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Hétköznapok igazsága(2020-08-06) Sándor, BálintThis study is about the truth, the inequity, the justice, the injustice. It is looking for an answer to the important question: what is the social justice and what is the social unjust. It presents definition, meaning, scope and diversity of justicee and injustice, treir relationship and context of other social ideals, principles, values.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető számviteli szolgáltatók felelőssége(2020-08-06) Hegedűs, MihályIt is a natural demand in each sector of economy to recognise the errors which threaten effective and produci ve operai on, to disclose cause and eff ect relai onships, to draw the lessons and define responsibility. In stagnai ng economy and crisis period the tendencies searching responsible are fastening, the complex examinai on of the scope of the problems are mostly failed to come about, at er marking and proclaiming the scapegoat only partial solutions born, and because of different interest a signifi cant number of problems remain unsolved. Arising positive effects on the level of macroeconomy in some cases exert negative influence to microsphere, so during searching for solutions – besides analysing processes - it is inevitable to examine also their generated, sometimes cumulating effects. Spreading criticism in the last periods blamed bureaucracy, accounting service system and its forecasi ng ability to explain low level of economic growth. Finding way-out methods are aimed at the question if it is possible that – besides reduci on of bureaucracy - accountancy has an implement system which - above micro level line – can indicate approaching crisis also on the field of macroeconomy with more speed and effectiveness, giving enough i me and space for interveni on opportunii es. Approaches may start from numerous aspects, my study examine a possible part and some of its components.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető helyi termékek interpretációs lehetőségei és szerepük a desztináció fejlesztésben(2020-08-06) Kóródi, Márta; Bakos, Róbertné; Kalmárné Rimóczi, Csilla; Savella, Orsolya; Mondok, Anita; Németh, MiklósRural tourism is a progressively growing factor of local economy in Europe. For this, those products of rural tourism are needed that are based on direct rural at raci ons like natural facilii es, technical at ractions, demonstrai on of special aci vii es. The examinai on which is presented above is about the products of rural tourism. It examines the system of interaci ons between the eff ects of the development on products of rural tourism. In addii on, it examines the eff ects of arrangements made in rural development on the development of tourism. In the future one way of the rural development can be the development of rural tourism giving a chance for alternai ve aci vii es and ways of earning money. Among the several specialized tourism it is gastronomic tourism that is mostly based on tradii on. It is very close to rural people, they can easily keep these tradii ons alive and they can think they are closed related with them. The astronomical tourisi c off ers of rural small regions and the natural curiosity of tourists can induce a development that can be a base of conscious development of products.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető pénzügyi - és vezetői számviteli módszerek alkalmazhatósága a vállalatértékelés gyakorlatában(2020-08-06) Túróczi, ImreCorporate assessment features as an independent professional fi eld which in its operai on employs and integrates accouni ng, fi nance and marketing knowledge. THe globalisai on of the economy justifies the adopi on of applied methods, too. Having studied the methodology presented in international trade literature we can conclude that the work extends to several areas and its depends on several external factors. Whether its is possible to defi ne the value of a corporation accurately remains an eternal quesi on. Naturally, the answer is no; we can only give an estimate and aim to get as close to accuracy as possible. On the role of accountancy we can declare that Hungarian accouni ng methods are adequate to obtain the necessary fi gures; the data available in the system need only a minimum level of additional calculation.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Napkollektoros rendszer működésének gazdasági hatásai különös tekintet el az energia-megtakarításra(2020-08-06) Hollósy, Zsolt; Hegedűsné Baranyai, Nóra; Gór, ArnoldThe energy saving properi es of an exisi ng solar collector investment has been assessed based on factual data and stai si cal methods. The seasonality of electricity, water and gas consumpi on has been determined. The number of guest nights, the electricity and gas consumpi on showed a strong and a moderate correlai on. The costs saved did not live up to the expectai ons, which makes the return indicators signifi cantly worse. The discrepancy may be due to the system being designed to be bigger than reasonable or the great energy loss as well. The lat er may be because of the distance between the collectors and the hot water containers. The system may have calibrai on problems as well. The whole area brings about saving an amount of energy that equals to HUF 851000, which translates into 8788 m3 of natural gas. The decrease of CO2 emission should come to 16.26 t. on an annual average.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető mezőgazdasági biztosítási piac újszerű megoldásainak vizsgálata a marketing és környezetvédelem tükrében(2020-08-06) Szakács, Attila; Szakács, ZsoltThe agricultural mitigation fund operating deficit expanded in 2012 to a price support for agricultural insurance business helped construct. (Figure 1). The legislai on aims to provide a wide range of farmers’ risk community to organize and strengthen the aff ected self-care responsibility. The new extended two-level agricultural risk management system in 2012 and 2013 were not used in the full amount. Further disseminai on of this 2014 novel possibility of a major issue in the insurance market. We have to examine how market pari cipants are informed and how to better disseminate of marketing solutions?