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  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Szervezeti kommunikáció elméleti áttekintése különös tekintettel a nyelvi hatásokra és kommunikációs zajokra
    (2023-05-23) Székely, Beatrix
    Based on literature, the aim of this review is to provide a clear vision of the general aspects of communication, the linguistic effects in communication, and noises in organizational communication and their solutions. Regarding the review of different disciplines, the basic concept of communication appears differently; communication noises must be considered in all the cases during communication. Noise includes physical phenomena, psychological factors, but it can also be interpreted as linguistic or intellectual barriers, such as those arising from the interpretation of loanwords and different wording. In Hungary, research on the effectiveness of organizational communication has examined the effect of different wording of job advertisements in a general framework, research results on the use of loanwords and different wording are found in linguistic research.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    rövid ellátási láncok szerepe és lehetőségei – különös tekintettel a Hajdú-Bihar megyei szerveződésekre
    (2023-05-23) Kovács, Evelin
    An important basis for the development of new rural development practices is the re-creation of supply chains. SFSCs (Short Food Supply Chain) are also capable of breaking the system of long, complex industrial chains. In the case of SFSCs, producer-consumer relations are “shortened” and redefined. After exploring the literature, I came to the conclusion that short supply chains are receiving more and more attention nowadays, and more and more forms of operation are appearing in Hungary as well. The promotion of local products has been helped by a number of programs in recent years. I have found that the international literature presents the operation of RELs in the form of a case study. The primary aim of the study was to search for international examples that can form a basis of comparison for the organizations operating in Hungary, especially in Hajdú-Bihar County. After that, I presented specific networks operating in Hajdú-Bihar county, four networks were identified. Finally, I discussed the results of a questionnaire survey between REL members. In summary, 80% of the respondents believe in the viability and economical operation of RELs. Most identified the development of information technology as an area of operation to be developed. Farmers would be willing to strengthen direct sales in order to make product production economical. 88% of producers sell in local, producer markets. They are basically satisfied with the functioning of the producer market and also consider it economically satisfactory to sell on the producer market.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    csoportos órákat tartó fitneszedzők képzettségének vizsgálata debreceni fitneszklubokban
    (2023-05-23) Bartha, Éva Judit; Pfau, Christa Sára; Szőke, Réka; Müller, Anetta; Bácsné Bába, Éva
    Fitness workouts are easily accessible for everyone, and there are numerous types of fitness centers which can play an important role in everyday physical activity. There are many factors that can influence the choice of fitness consumers for the gym, also fitness professionals play a key role in this regard. It is essential for fitness clubs in order to remain competitive on the market, to employ fitness instructors with the optimal personality and expertise, but in many cases, there is a lack of verification of qualifications. In our study, we conducted interviews with 20 fitness instructors who work in a fitness center that offers group lessons to consumers. The interview included questions about trainers highest qualifications, qualifications related to trainer work and the extent to which this is monitored by their employers. Most of the interviewed trainers have OKJ qualifications, but the results reflect that fitness providers have not checked their qualifications at all before applying them. Controlling the qualifications be in the interest of fitness clubs, not only avoiding accidents, but also increasing attendance at group classes by employing reliable, excellent personal trainers.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    megújuló energiaforrásokkal foglalkozó Európai Uniós pályázatok térbeli jellegzetességei az Észak-Alföldi régióban a 2014-2020 közötti költségvetési periódusban
    (2023-05-23) Badar, Zoltán; Kozma, Gábor
    In the recent period, the use of renewable energy sources has received increasing emphasis both in the European Union and in Hungary. Building on the successes of the recent decades, the European Union and Hungarian documents have set increasingly ambitious objectives. European Union subsidies play a very important role in the financing of investments, and in the spirit of this, the aim of the study is to present the spatial characteristics of projects supporting the use of renewable energy sources in one specific region of Hungary, in the Northern Great Plain region. As a result of the research, on the one hand, the influencing role of three factors can be detected. The effect of socioeconomic development was observed at both county and district levels, and in the case of settlements the number of population and the administrative role (existence of a district center) can be mentioned. On the other hand, the study also revealed that there are significant differences between the spatial characteristics of the two operational programs supporting the use of renewable energy sources (Regional and Settlement Development Operational Program, Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program).
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Hajdú-Bihar megyei sportvállalkozások likviditási helyzete
    (2023-05-23) Koroknay, Zsuzsa; Bácsné Bába, Éva
    Sport is one of the industries with the greatest growth potential in the world. As in any other sector, there is a growing need for measurability in sport as well as numerical support for decisions. One of the determinative decision criteria of owners and leaders is financial data, which influences the operation of the company or the assessment of investment opportunities. In present research, we examined the liquidity situation of sports enterprises in Hajdú-Bihar County. We used the OPTEN database, which contains annual reporting data for sports enterprises. In order to be more manageable, sports enterprises were grouped by revenue categories and scope of activity, along which we managed the obtained liquidity datas by aggregating and averaging. Based on the results, it can be concluded that most sports enterprises operating in the county sports sector are privately owned micro-enterprises, which have a lower turnover category and the main activity is 931 Sports services. Their liquidity position is on average favourable, they show high growth potential and they are characterized by risk-averse behaviour.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    generációváltás okozta nyomás az utódokon a karcagi családi gazdaságokban
    (2023-05-23) Kovács, Éva Katalin; Pető, Károly
    Family farms have an important role in agriculture. It is a form of farming where the family can keep the acquired competence and wealth of the farm for several generations.Therefore the issue of generational change is becoming more and more important nowadays. However, generational changing can face a number of obstacles. One of the major obstacles to farm transfer can be if the family farm does not have a successor, who could carry on the family traditions. In practice, the State and the European Union too try to encourage young farmers to continue agricultural activity, but this is not too popular. In our survey, we were looking for the answer to how much psychological pressure there is on successors to take over their family farm, and how much this pressure depends on the size of the farm and the generation of successors. We conducted the questionnaire survey with family farms in Karcag where the issue of succession is actual. The results of the study based on the responses of the farmers surveyed, show that the successors do not feel the pressure of taking over the farm, but are rather proud to be able to continue on their family traditions.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Egyetemisták sportolási szokásaira ható tényezők vizsgálata
    (2023-05-23) Pfau, Christa Sára; Mészáros, János
    Nowadays, a health-conscious lifestyle has come to the fore, with one of their important components being leisure sports. In our research, we examined the sporting habits of Debrecen university students (n=178) and factors that may influence these habits, with an online questionnaire. We found out that 61% of respondents exercise regularly in their spare time. With the help of a fourpoint Likert scale, we examined how much influence the availability and quality of various sports services have on the students. The highest rating was given to having a friendly atmosphere (3.5), which is followed by good equipment and facilities (3.45). We analyzed how much they spend on their health and how willing they are to spend more on their health if they had more money. For nonsporting students, they more likely to be unsatisfied with their physical condition all the while they spend less on their health. Non-sporting students cited lack of time (3.49) as the greatest turn-off when questioned. A significant percentage of both groups (78.18% of sporting, 86.76% of non-sporting) would be willing to spend more on their health if they earned additional cash.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    koronavírus hatásai az európai labdarúgó játékosok értékére
    (2023-05-23) Bács, Bence
    Before the recent coronavirus pandemic the football sector could be described with stable economic growth. The individual and cummulated revenue growth of football clubs are obviously in coherence with the nuncupation of player rights’, i.e. the player transfer activity of football clubs. The consecutive economical growth had it’s effect on player transfer values, since in the last decade constantly rising transfer prices could be experienced. In spite of the fact that this phenomenon carries a danger as well through the growth of player transfer values, by and large it contributes to the growth of the sector. European club football in total reported operating profits in 2018 for the second consecutive year. The continous development had been stopped by the COVID-19 pandemic. Matches were postponed and fans could only follow their teams via broadcasting. Restrictions had their effect not only on club revenue, but on players’ valuation as well, resulting 13-18% impairment on their market value by the analysis of the most costly transfers of the last transfer window.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    concept of Central Europe in the post-war Soviet academic discourse
    (2023-05-23) Voyloshnikova, Daria
    The article explores the scope of use and the level of terminological and conceptual maturity of “Central Europe” in the post-war Soviet academic discourse. While there is a current in the international debate examining the notion in substance, an investigation of its usage in distinct academic languages can help to render the discussion more practice-oriented. The present work is based on a review of authoritative sources of the period, such as encyclopediae and academic dictionaries as well as publications of prominent Soviet scholars in the disciplines where the notion found its application (geography, history, etc.). The influence of foreign publications and the tendency to employ “Central Europe” as a schematic mental placement for distinct phenomena are found pivotal for the term development. The article contributes to the attempts of delimiting the region, through evincing shared understandings of and around it, and looking into the continuity between the Soviet and the post-Soviet perspectives.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    közösségi média hatása a médiafogyasztásra és a reklámpiacra
    (2023-05-23) Kardos, Magdolna Valentina; Gál, Tímea
    Social media has become an integral part of our daily life and has completely transformed our society. While it had a social function at the beginning, it has had an increasing economic potential from the early 2010s. Our research objective was to explore the economic and social effects of social media on our society. Document analysis was applied in the research, thus relevant publications and studies were collected and processed. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that in recent years the time spent with online media consumption has increased dynamically for all generations, both globally and in Hungary. The advertising market rearranged fundamentally due to the change of media consumption, the revenue of the printed media decreased steeply while the online media increased exponentially since the economic crisis of 2008 in particular with social media. Concerns of data protection and significant tax debt came up in the last couple years despite of the social websites. Based on this fact, by establishing equal competition on the media market, the fulfilment of the tax payment and the observance of data protection rules have become reasonable for the state to take stricter actions against the global technology companies.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    önszervezés és a szervezeti eredményesség javításának kérdései vezetői körben
    (2023-05-23) Csapai, Erzsébet Gyopár
    It is very difficult to measure the leadership excellence. Partly because the indicators of the organizational excellence are measuring mainly the effectiveness and there are not focusing on the “managerial value”. Scientist made a lot of effort in the last decades to measure the “managerial value”, trying to approach from many sides the managerial success. In our research we wanted to review the international practice, and, in the other hand we tried to conduct a situation survey among Hungarian leaders with the aim of exploring the value-creation processes and the managerial thinking and practice which are behind them. This article focuses on self-management solutions and operational management processes to improve the effectiveness of organizational processes. One of the goals of the survey was to discover and present the Hungarian management mindset, the self-management working methods and time-management behavior in the SME sector, all in the context of effectiveness and to enrich with this new information the scientific and market knowledge in the field. 148 managers were included in the study, partly due to the difficult availability, the low willingness to answer, and partly due to the confidential nature of the questions and the large size of the questionnaire. According to the answers we can see, that among the interviewed leaders are common the use of timemanagement applications, task-lists (with task prioritization) and accordingly, the next day’s activities are planned in the evenings. Correlated with the supervision of corporate processes, quality management systems, decision making systems and connection with employees (eg: site visits and daily meetings) receive a special attention. In the basic research we developed 3 clusters: “uncertain empathic”, “experienced strategist” and “ambitious purposeful”. Among them the members of the last cluster performed excellently based on their daily work practices and daily leadership habits. 86.36% of the organizations they lead are profitable and growing at a balanced rate (5% growth rate per year). If we look for the human factors behind the outstanding organizational effectiveness, the components of excellence, presumably this cluster offers solutions.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Államilag elismert labdarúgó akadémiák szervezeti felépítésének és vezetési funkcióinak vizsgálata
    (2023-05-23) Szalánczi, Zoltán
    My research was aimed to investigate the organizational structure and the management functions of the state-accredited football academies in Hungary. The relenvance of this topic is given by the high amount of money flowing in to this sector, and the changes in the onganizational background. With the development of football, the clubs are working yet as companies, and this organistional frame requires a well planned structure. In my research I analized the operation of these organisations as companies, and I tried to answer the suggested questions about structure and leadership, with a comparative analysis of the academies highlighted by the national federation. I revealed what are the organizational problems faced by the academies, and which directions they have to follow to develop their companies, to ensure the safe, and long term operation. I choosed 3 from the 10 state-accredited academies to analyse their structure. The chosen clubs were the Várda Sport Egyesület, the Vasas Kubala Akadémia, and the Győri ETO FC youth base. It was important for me to represent an academy from each part of Hungary, to have the possibility to see some regional specialities. Through my study I investigated the responsibilities of the academy directors to see which were the key areas they had to enchance in their companies, and to define the differences in each organization. It was also my goal to reveal these differences have benefists or disadvantages for the operation. My main goal was to locate critical success factors needed for the modern, and proper operation. The research revealed that the three academies examined follow the traditional linear, functional organizational structure, but there are also differences in the definition of jobs and in the operation of the company. These differences are largely to be found in the local identity and the still ongoing development of the organizational background.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Foglalkoztatás Koronavírus-válság idején, tapasztalatok az Észak-Alföld Régióból
    (2023-05-23) Barizsné Hadházi, Edit; Ujhelyi, Mária; Filep, Roland
    The impact of the pandemic crisis was particularly significant on the labour market. In our study, we sought the answer to what percentage of workers were brought into precarious conditions by the epidemic. Another question was in which industries were the organizations able to use the Home Office option and their practical experience. Based on secondary data, different economic sectors have been affected to different degrees by the viral situation, with low, medium and high levels separated by the literature according to the impact on emissions. Compared to the global average (50%), Hungary has a higher proportion of employees (60%) in the “high” or “medium high” sectors. According to German regional results, education, finance and telecommunications within the service are the areas where teleworking is most applicable to maintain continuous operation and employment. As part of primary research, we interviewed the head of an organization operating in a low-, medium- and high-impact sector in the Northern Great Plain Region. There was no significant change in the “low” category, in the case of “medium” the acquisition activity was pushed into the background, in the case of “high” there was a downsizing. Based on this, it can be said that the Pandemic catalyzed the digitization processes, the Home Office, which was introduced or expanded by force, presumably had a developmental effect on organizations, which effect cannot be left without a trace after the virus situation. The organization’s experience can be utilized if it returns to the “normal” wheelbase by eliminating the disadvantages and strengthening the advantages.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    „Maradj otthon” – Áttérés Home Office-ra az Észak-Alföld Régióban
    (2023-05-23) Roland, Filep; Mária, Ujhelyi
    The changes resulting from the covid epidemic have led to an unprecedented spread of the Home Office. In our study, to examine the advantages and disadvantages of working away from work, we chose an organization’s Northern Great Plain Region where face-to-face negotiations are essential, so they were rarely used before the emergency, but were switched en masse due to changed circumstances. We sought to answer which of the literature factors significantly impacted employee satisfaction related to teleworking and the need to maintain it after an epidemic. Based on the regression analysis results, we found that employee satisfaction with a greater desire to switch to telecommuting, proficiency in solutions replacing personal communication channels, and perceived improvement in work-life balance has a positive, uncertainty and stress associated with implementation. Workers would be happy to work in this form in the future if they desire to switch to teleworking became more pronounced at the time of introduction. However, the fear of switching, higher age and lack of managerial feedback would lead them back to the workplace. As a suggestion, we stated that managerial support is vital throughout the process, which should be reflected in employees’ involvement in the decision-making process, the appropriate replacement of the personal communication channel, and more frequent feedback. In improving work-life balance, a leader can be on the side of time management to help his followers by prioritizing tasks. In the Home Office experience process, these measures can help employees experience the benefits of telecommuting more.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Sport, nonprofitok, civilek: Foglalkoztatás és önkéntesség vizsgálata Magyarországon és Romániában
    (2023-05-23) Dajnoki, Krisztina; Szabados, György Norbert; Bács, Zoltán; Bácsné Bába, Éva; Kőmíves, Péter Miklós
    The civil organisations started to appear more often around the local regime changes in Hungary and Romania. Most of these civil organisations aimed to perform different tasks in culture, sports or other public purposes. At the same period in the two named countries, Hungary and Romania, a significant change began in employment. Before the regime changes in the two countries, the most important actor on the employer's side was the state itself. However, after 1989, private companies started to employ more employees and play a greater role in the labour market. At the same time, several civil organisations appeared on the local labour markets that could employ people. However, some of these organisations employed a few volunteer employees who covered most of the activities related to the organisational aims of these organisations. Volunteerism became more popular in Hungary and Romania as well. Volunteering is widespread in sport-focused civil organisations in connection with organising smaller or major sporting events. The study aims to explore the employment characteristics of the sectors concerned in the context of volunteering, particularly the study of non-profit and nongovernmental organisations active in the field of sport and measurable volunteering in the field of sport. Based on the hypothesis test results, it can be concluded that due to the different political past, there was indeed some delay in developing the civil sphere in Romania. In the case of both Hungary and Romania, the role of voluntary work is significant. In sports, the role of volunteers has become unavoidable in connection with the operation of various sports associations and sports clubs and the organisation of large sports events.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Labor retention in the domestic SME sector in Somogy county
    (2023-05-23) Berke, Szilárd; Kőműves, Zsolt
    Companies face many new challenges as a result of ever-changing HR trends. One of the most significant problems in recent years has been the ever-changing workforce. Employee loyalty is no longer a matter of course, it must be actively pursued. The root of the problems often goes back to recruitment, as many employers try to attract the workforce by “beautifying” the job advertisement, focus on creating a better image of the organization. Many times we encounter that recruitment was not adequately prepared, not enough attention was paid to select the right workforce. However, it is also important to emphasize that it is not enough to get the workforce, you need to be able to keep it as well. In our questionnaire research, we have examined how the recruitment process takes place, what steps have been taken to ensure employees to remain being committed and to stay loyal to their employer. Based on the results, we can conclude that employers know and apply labor retention methods. The most commonly used procedures were longer learning times, involvement in decisions, organization of trainings, or just job rotation.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    magyar labdarúgó-bajnokság fejlődésének elemzése a játékospiacon keresztül
    (2023-05-23) Balogh, Renátó; Bácsné Bába, Éva
    Hungarian football has developed significantly since 2010, based on the state of the infrastructure or the number of footballers. As a result of the success of sports in recent years, we have been asked whether this positive change has also happened in the case of the football league. Document analysis was applied in the research, thus statistics from transfermarkt site were collected and processed. Based on this, we compared the OTP Bank League with the Czech Fortuna League. Based on the research results the Hungarian football league has gone a significant change in recent years, but it is still not among the top 30 European leagues. We can see negative trends, whether we look at the rate of foreign players or the transfer balance in recent seasons. In conclusion, we cannot talk about its general development in the case of the Hungarian football league, the club's success is mainly due to the higher quality and market value of foreign players.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Wellbeing at workplace – health promotion and types of stress in Southern Transdanubia
    (2023-05-23) Berke, Szilárd; Schmidt, Marcell; Kőműves, Zsolt
    The effectiveness of organizations is decisively influenced by the satisfaction and wellbeing of employees. We examined in this study how workplace motivational tools affect the wellbeing and effectiveness of employees, what causes stress and what kind of solutions can be used to improve the atmosphere at workplace, and which type of elements are presented in workplace health promotion. 157 evaluable responses were received using the online questionnaire. The questions related to the survey were published online, using the Google Forms system. Based on the replies of the questionnaire it can be stated that the majority of the respondents are not familiar with the concept of health promotion. A sense of wellbeing is enhanced by increased wages, esteem and extra cash rewards. If the atmosphere at workplace is more pleasant, calmer, more balanced, it will clearly lead to better satisfaction, they said. Most ofstress is caused by the high workload, ensuring customer satisfaction, and the wrong relationship with the managers. 55% of respondents said they do not like working in their current workplace. Keywords: wellbeing, stress, human resource management.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Talajkémiai változások szennyvíziszap komposzt kezelés hatására
    (2023-08-24) Tomócsik, Attila; Aranyos, Tibor József; Orosz, Viktória; Füleky, György; Mészáros, József; Makádi, Marianna
    The small-plot experiment with sewage sludge compost (SSC) was started in the spring of 2003. Soil type is acidic Arenosol at the Research Institute of Nyíregyháza, University of Debrecen, in the NE part of Hungary. The applied SSC contained 40% of sewage sludge, 25% of straw, 30% of rhyolite and 5% of bentonite. Four treatments in five blocks have been conducted, where the SSC was applied at a rate of 0, 9, 18 and 27 t ha-1 and then was ploughed into the soil. Treatments were repeated in 2006, 2009, 2012 and 2015. Test plants were maize (Zea mays L.), triticale (x Triticosecale x Wittmack) and green pea (Pisum sativum L.) followed each other in a crop rotation every year. Composite soil samples were mixed from 5 subsamples in each plot from 0-30 and 30-60 cm soil layers after harvesting of test plants. Experimental results showed that composted sewage sludge Régiókutatás Szemle 2018 2. sz. DOI: 10.30716/RSZ/2018/2/5 application had positive effects on the chemical properties of the soil, especially the increase of pH and humus content.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    határok kérdése Közép-Európa és Kelet-Európa régióiban
    (2023-08-24) Kiss, Éva
    The new borders play a key role in the geopolitical situation not only from the point of view to define what a border is and demarcation, particularly in the analytical process of the changes taking place in the Central European and Eastern European regions. The establishment and functioning of the new European Eastern border is related directly to the specific geopolitical situation, which also determines its specificity and parameters. It is indisputable that the new structure of the Central European and Eastern European geopolitical regions will fundamentally change its relationship to the area, region and its borders. Essentially, the new geopolitical configuration of the European continent leads to the fragmentation of the old Central and Eastern European region. The border, first of all, is a physical concept and it is the boundary of national territories. It is understandable that in this situation we are analyzing a new border, which a being formed, which is not the same as Europe’s cultural borders, a new border that to our opinion is not a simple linear space or spatial boundary, which in our case separates the regions of Central Europe and Eastern Europe quite sharply. It is the co-called transparency of the borders, examination of “permeability”, that allows us to study the new borders not only as a linear space between neighboring countries, but as a system that takes into consideration cultural, ideological features, using civilization and religious criteria’s.